Quebec, P.S…Spying on the Spies

One of the advantages of the blogging is that there are several means of observing who is coming onto your blog. One in particular, Statcounter, is free and pulls up quite a bit of info on who’s coming on, where they are coming from, what they are looking for. Often times, we get people just looking for particular images, such as tiger or dolphin, the co-exist bumper sticker (that’s a popular one) or… girls in prom dresses holding chickens. Yes, we have gotten multiple search hits on the latter. And we deliver, too!

Meanwhile, we occasionally get hits from interesting sources, such as the White House or the Navy or the Department of Defense. Frequently, such hits come after a topical post.

However, what’s really unusual is what happened a few days ago. Someone working for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Ontario spent eight hours on our blog. An entire work shift, 8:30-4:30. They were very interested in the Quebec Encounter posts, downloading everything. We noticed that as soon as they went offline, someone else from Ontario, a city called Timmons, came on and continued pursuing the same posts.

We let Charles know about this investigation–theirs and ours!– and asked him what he thought. It was Charles’ UFO encounter from March 2011 and the aftermath that was the topic of those posts. He believes it was an authorized action, but that the RCMP typically do not investigate UFO reports. He believes an order came from higher up, possibly from a U.S. agency.

“If a Federal worker would be found on a blog without any reason all day long, he would lose his job. That person was given an order to find out everything available about the encounter,” Charles wrote.

“I believe they are looking for us. Not because we are criminals, but because they would like to search our backyard – even though a year has passed. They are aware of our physical problems, the headaches, so they know that we may be been irradiated. They want to find out more.”

Charles also said that he has no interest in discussing the event with the RCMP or any other government agency and face possible public scrutiny. He wants people to know what happened, but he doesn’t want his family exposed to ridicule.

Our sense was to observe the RCMP, but keep quiet. However, Charles asked us to post about it so they would know that we know they are watching in the hopes that they will not pursue the matter.  It’s like that funny E*Trade commercial with the baby using hand gestures and saying, “I’m watching you watching him.”






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22 Responses to Quebec, P.S…Spying on the Spies

  1. Shiite says:

    Because the admin of this web site is working, no uncertainty very quickly it will be famous, due to its quality contents.

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    For what it’s worth, yesterday as the intruders were visiting the blog, I was talking with a friend in an adjoining town on our landline phone here at the house….she was on HER lanndline phone, not cellphones on either end…. and a really disturbing, scary pulsing, throbbing, on and off sound began. Not in the phone, but INSIDE MY HEAD. This has not happened before. At first I thought there was a problem on my phone or on my friend’s; she said not on hers. I moved the phone from my ear, the sounds in my brain ceased. I switched the receiver to my other ear, the sounds started again and kept on. I finally had no choice but to hang up because in truth, it scared me. As soon as I hung up, the pulsing, throbbing sounds inside my head stopped. They haven’t returned. The sounds weren’t in my ears, or in the phones. They were definitely originating somewhere inside the interior of my brain, and that is undeniably scary. I’ve had all kinds of high weirdness in my life, but this was something cmpletely new and relative to electronics or electromagnetic energy of some sort. Don’t like it at all. 🙁

  3. I think we are all being watched, which is kind of scary. I had trouble with my mobile phone – couldn’t make calls or sent texts etc. Karin is on the same network and her phone was okay. Next day it was alright, everything working, but now keep getting a message when I have an incoming call that it is being diverted – but it isn’t! Does this mean someone is listening in? Not sure why they would want to though. It would be quite easy to get paranoid when strange things happen on blogs etc. Loved the image created by Darren in his comment about the mounties on horseback – funny.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I wonder what that does mean, Mike. Diverted to where??

      • Darren B says:

        Well,coincidence or not,I’m having to use my wife’s computer to surf the net for the last week because my computer refuses to boot up.I’m in the process of trying to recover the hard drive and transfer it to a new computer (which is also freezing on start up…and is now being looked at),so it’s all a bit strange to me.

  4. Darren B says:

    For me,I find it rather comical that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are investigating UFOs…I just see cops on horseback trying to chase UFOs 🙂
    Maybe they have an operation called “Operation Pegasus” where these cops have special flying horses just for this type of thing happening .-)

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    Whole lot of stuff happening under the radar…..connecting the dots.

  6. Momwithwings says:

    This just gives me the chills. The govt certainly is everywhere.
    This is another reminder that everything we put out their on the Internet is open to all!

    When I was in college I dated a guy who was originally from Iran, his father was a Dr. Under the Sha. This was during the Iranian Hostage Crisis. I kept telling him that for several days I kept feeling like I was being “watched”. I can still remember walking to class and stopping and looking around because I felt someone watching me. A week later the FBI called him in to “review” his political asylum status and also because all Iranians had to “check” in.
    At that time they sent many back to Iran. My boyfriend would have been shot on arrival. His entire family was in hiding.
    Anyway, after being grilled they got quiet and then asked him about his relationship with me . They knew my name, where I lived, my major etc. and had a picture of me. They told him to not give any thoughts to marrying me in order to stay in the US.
    When he told me about this I was really frightened. Someone had been following me!

    About 6 mos later I was at a party and some girl I barely knew came up to me and asked if I was Vicki J. I said yes and then she told me she recognized me from some pictures she had seen of me in some guys room in the dorm that was across from mine. She didn’t know my name at the time.
    She said he had pictures of me up on the wall and that they were obviously taken with a high powered lense because some were of me in my dorm room! She told others and from the description someone said that it sounded like a description of me. They tried to remember what room she had seen the pictures in but couldn’t remember.
    We kept our shades closed after that.
    She made the comment that the guy didn’t seem familiar to her.

    Anytime I hear about govt. type things it brings back this memory and how scary it felt knowing that someone was watching me.

    Trust me, they don’t care if you know they are watching you, they probably want you to know that.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      >>Trust me, they don’t care if you know they are watching you, they probably want you to know that.

      Yes, just like we want them to know that we are watching them – just like that baby in the ad!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Today, Vicki, we’ve had visits from the fbi, dod, and something called 754th Electronic Systems Group. Google it.

      • Momwithwings says:

        Wow, I googled and it was fascinating, blogs, websites, emails! Big Brother is everywhere, spooky!
        I want to learn more.
        Of course what was most interesting was that they are watching so many UFO blogs, I thought the military didn’t believe!!

        Thanks for the info.!

  7. Nancy says:

    I’ve been put off from my blog since the Department of the Navy was on my blog from four different places for over 20 minutes. I’m sure their computers were dowloading all of my posts from day one. That happened right after my blog post on James the Wingmaker. They have their eyes on him, that’s for sure. (The Deparment of the Navy is also the one most linked to UFO investigations.)

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