UFOs in Fresno?

There are three videos here and the second  has some of the clearest images, in daylight.  But all three of them really beg the question: what are these things?


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7 Responses to UFOs in Fresno?

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    BIG, BIG bird! Maybe birds grow bigger on other planets and stars? 😉
    I definitely agree, Nancy. Something is certainly “UP”….or “DOWN” as the case may be!

  2. Nancy says:

    There is a ton of sightings every day around the world. Something is up.

  3. gypsy says:

    yes, weird for sure – and early this morning i saw somewhere online – although the site escapes me – of some sort of ufo in denver that nearly collided with a plane – of course, there was an expert there to say that it could possibly have been a military drone or a bird –

    and interestingly last night – well, actually, 1:00 am exactly, so early morn today, i saw three [3] meteors within seconds of each other low in the northern sky – fantastic – two were white in color and one was red –

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    One of these was actually on the late news last night. There seem to be more and more sightings. Or maybe it’s that so many folks are carrying cell phones with cameras and can catch them on film. Some are likely the real deal, some are likely hoaxes. Hard to tell.

  5. As the man says, “… that’s some weird stuff right there.”

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