Brenda’s Missing Wallet Synchro

M.C. Escher

On February 1, we posted a synchro called Lost Wallet Blues, about how Rob’s lost wallet had “returned” to him. The next day, we received a lost wallet story from Brenda Bohannon. It’s another one of those interesting synchros that makes you wonder who or what is actually orchestrating events!
My friend, Joseph, lost his wallet around December 10, 2010.  Around that date, we went to play golf.  I switched cars, and started driving my backup car because my pickup needed work.  Now, fast forward to Jan 31, 2011. I was in my pickup, which had been repaired, and was looking for my mailbox key. I thought it had slipped between the seat and the console, so I was searching there.
My phone rang  right then and it was Joseph. He asked what I was doing and I told him I was looking for my key. And just then, I found the wallet he’d lost more than a month before.  It was under the passenger seat!  What are the odds that he would call just then, at the moment I find his missing wallet? And then you put up  a wallet synchro! Fascinating! 
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8 Responses to Brenda’s Missing Wallet Synchro

  1. Natalie says:

    Awesome stories both. 🙂


  2. gypsywoman says:

    oh, yes, you did post it, trish – every time something is lost around here now, i'm asked if i've had a dream of where it is –

    cj – that's an incredible story and you are so right – the universe speaks in mysterious ways at times and acts accordingly! 😉

  3. 3322mathaddict says:

    That's quite a synchro! I wonder if Brenda found her keys?? Recently I experienced a stunning synchro that I shared with Trish and Rob and hadn't intended to put on the blog, but it's so astonishing that I decided to share it here. In January I went for an appt with my husband's eye surgeon, who, after examining my eyes, told me I need surgery on both eyes. He also told me he would perform the surgeries using general anesthesia. My intuition screamed at me that general anesthesia was a definite no-no, and for that reason, among others, I decided to search for a different eye surgeon. Asking my OtherWorldly Helpers for assistance, I pulled up the list of such specialists in Jacksonville, and the second name on the list was very familiar to me. It was the name of a surgeon who had performed surgery on me twice in Atlanta when I was 19 years old, ages ago, but the Jax surgeon had "Jr" after his name. I immediately phoned his office and asked the receptionaist if by any chance her Dr.**** was the son of my former Dr.***** in Atlanta. Yes! He was! I was thrilled, and she checked her appt book to give me an appt. The first opening he had was on 2-14, Valentine's Day. I took that appt, and then later realized that it was the exact anniversary of the date that his Dad had performed the second operation on me at Emory many years ago! So not only was I led to my former physician's son for these two surgeries, just as his Dad had performed two surgeries on me, but also the date of my meeting Dr. Jr. was the very anniversary of the second surgery his dad had done on me. To seal the deal, Dr. Jr. does not use general anesthesia for the type of eye surgeries I'll be having. What are the odds of my finding not only HIM, but of my initial appt with him being on the anniversary of his Dad's second surgery on me, and that both father and son will have each performed two surgical procedures on me when we're done? This ain't no coincidence, guys! This is Universe very specifically doing its thing!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We posted your wallet and dream story, right? I loved that one.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    wild, isn't it! in terms of orchestrating, just think of how many little snippets of the universe had to fall into place at the precise exact moment that they did in order to have the "found" result – love these lost/found item stories!!!

    again, reminding me of my daughter's checkbook and my dream!

  6. KarenG says:

    I like the word "orchestrated."

  7. Mike Perry says:

    Nice synchro. I wonder what the reason for it was?

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