500 Ways to Re-invent Your Life

This story appeared as a comment by Daz under a post a few weeks ago. It’s a good one, a trickster synchro that will make you smile , if not laugh. It worth reading again…or for the first time, if you missed it.

Daren (Daz) told us how he had placed an order at a novelty shop for a set of cards called, “500 Things You Have to Do Once in a Lifetime.” The sub-title read “Reinvent Your Life.” Darren thought, Why not? Maybe the cards would give him some goals to set for himself when he was away from his monotonous job. When the deck arrived, he found fifty double-sided cards with five suggestions on each side. The middle suggestion on each side appeared in bold-face type, so you naturally focused on that suggestion when you looked at a card. 
So Darren shuffled the deck and flipped over a card and the first thing his eye saw was the bold-faced words: DRIVE A FORKLIFT TRUCK. Ironically, that was what he does in his job. He’d been driving forklift trucks for 23 years. He thought, “Yeah, I’ll take care of that one tomorrow.”
First of all, how odd that one of the 500 things you had to do once in a lifetime would be drive a forklift. But what are the odds that a forklift driver would select that choice on his first try?  It was as if the universe deadpanned: ‘Here’s one you can do.’ Like attract like.
Darren recognized it as a cosmic joke, a trickster synchronicity with a lesson. Maybe the underlying message arose from his unconscious mind, which symbolically was asking him, ‘Is this what you want to do for the next 23 years, too?’
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30 Responses to 500 Ways to Re-invent Your Life

  1. Brizdaz says:

    Re: "We the Arcturians" by Norma J. Milanovich.
    It's still available at Amazon (brand new) for $14.95.


    and there are plenty of cheap (from 33 cents) second-hand copies of "The Star People" by Brad and Francie Steiger
    available at Amazon.


    Cheers / Daz

  2. 3322mathaddict says:

    P.S. Natalie, in my file I have some letters from Brad and Francie Steiger, (Brad's first wife), regarding their book 'THE STAR PEOPLE". These were from the mid 1980s and the book was written in 1987, but there is a "test" one can take, which asks questions, and you can determine whether or not you feel you may be a Starseed. I have no idea if the book is still available. If it isn't, I'll email or snailmail you the questionaire. It's pretty interesting for ANY of the gang here on the blog who wants to get a clue whether or not a connection exists between you and Them. Steiger was a pioneer in paranormal research and continues, with his present wife, Sherry Hansen Steiger, to write texts on many paranormal subjects. His several books on ETs, though, are filled with info, and even though many of them are old, there are some new ones out now, as well. His research is impeccable.

  3. 3322mathaddict says:

    Nats, please email me. My computer has been acting up and I can't find your email address. I have a book, one of several, on the Arcturians. The one I most want to mention to you is "WE THE ARCTURIANS". It's quite old. Mine has a 1990 publication date in it. You may be able to locate a copy on Amazon. The author is Norma J. Milanovich, with the assistance of two others. Norma has authored several texts on the subject of Arcturians, but this is THE ONE. I have a lot to tell you but the most significant experience is too long to post on the blog, and it stretches incredulity. I don't want to open myself to the debunking that would surely follow. Anyway, please email me! And try to locate a copy of this book. It literally "fell" on my feet in a bookstore when it was initially published, and there was a reason for that. I'm looking forward to hearing from you! Anyone else who is interested in the Arcturian connection, this book holds a wealth of information. It's a treasure.

  4. Brizdaz says:

    Re: "I have recently joined the Starseed page to see if in fact I belong there"

    What's the web address for this page.I've never heard of it,but would like to check it out.

    Cheers / Daz

  5. Natalie says:

    I have recently joined the Starseed page to see if in fact I belong there. They have profiles there about Arturus and Pleiades to see if and where you may fit.
    I too, feel like I don't belong here, and that I am missing something. On Monday night, I had to be 're -anchored' to my mission here through a profoundly beautiful healing at a meditation group.
    I could go on for hours about Arturus synchros, maybe I will do a post one day.

  6. Vicki D. says:

    Daz, I understand that feeling you get like you have forgotten something.
    I so often just feel like this planet is not my home. I often feel like "when can I go home?".
    I do not know that I have any connection with Blue Arcturians but this is the first that I've heard of them so am going to do some research.
    I thank you for being open and discussing this.
    I do feel a connection with very tall beings that I at first thought were praying mantis's but then through regression saw that they were white, tall and very thin and very loving, at least to me. They were patient and kind and I also remember them from when I was a child, coming into my bedroom at night although my memory then was that they were skeletons.
    I also know that I've seen another type that is smaller but their eyes and faces are quite beautiful.
    I have also never heard of the Bootes constellation and want to learn more about that.
    I also understand how the sculpture felt about her statues going to the right person. You have a calm but sharp as a tack energy.
    Again thank you so much for sharing this information!

  7. Brizdaz says:

    Re: "Daz would love to hear more about your feelings of connection with Blue Arcturians."

    That's a really good question,Vicki because I really don't know what the connection is,but there is something definitely familiar about this image,if only subconsciously,which fills me with peace.Like when I look at a statue of the Buddha,but only more so.
    I came across Cynthia's Blue Arcturian sculpture after listening to Mike Clelland's audio interview with Cynthia here;


    and then visiting her website.
    Now,I'll state here,that to my conscious knowledge,I have never seen an alien,or a UFO.To my knowledge,nobody in my immediate family,or friends has seen an alien or a UFO…but buying that sculpture was like,when I went down to the pet shop to buy my 2 dogs,there was a connection of familiarity…like we were meant to be together in this life.It sounds nuts,I know,but that Blue Arcturian sculpture I knew,belonged on my desk,where it sits today.

    I've also got to be honest,and say that when I saw that Mike was going to interview this strange lady with all the alien dolls all around her,I thought,"come on Mike.This lady is clearly a sandwich short of a picnic,why waste your time?"
    And when she started talking about how people are drawn to certain statues because she is told by the aliens to make them for certain people who are awakening,and that she would only sell them to the person if she thought they were the right ones for the statue.I just rolled my eyes.But there was a sincerity in her voice that drew me in,to at least take a look at her site.
    When I started looking through the sculptures on her site,I found nothing that appealed to me personally…until the Blue Arcturian came up.Then it was love at first sight.We had a few e-mail correspondences,and then Cynthia told me she was making one for me and it would be on it's way to Oz the following week.Which it was.

    My feelings of connection with Blue Arcturians ?
    It's like the feeling you get when you've just left the house and you know that you have forgotten something,but you just can't remember what it was
    ,but you know there was something…but what was it?
    That's the feeling,plus a profound feeling of peace when I look at the sculpture.

    What's your connection,if any,with Blue Arcturians,Vicki?
    If you don't mind me asking ?

    In one of the above comments I said they were from Sirius,but they are from the blue planet orbiting the red giant star Arcturus in the Bootes constellation…sorry.

  8. Shadow says:

    oh gosh, i think think that's the last thing he wanted to do…

  9. Clarity says:

    I could devote my life to reading this blog 🙂 Love this story and the one with the lotto ticket too, haha! And so many interesting facts about numbers and as I have 17's everywhere and never have had it before, it was usueful with some new info. And I hope you had a great B-day Vicki 🙂

    Hugs to all 🙂

  10. Marguerite says:

    Too funny! And definitely a trickster synchro!

  11. 3322mathaddict says:

    Vicki, am sure you know…if your BD is February 20, you moved into a personal 17/8 year. Pretty synchronistic for today's post, I'd say. Darren, 11-11 and 911 have become so universally present that they're now rather a sort of archetype. We're working on the interpretations.

  12. Natalie says:

    Happy Birthday to Vicki!

    Bahahaaaahahaa! to Daz.

    Back later to read all through the comments.

    Arcturians? Someone told me I as one. Hmmm……Can I be a pink one though?

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    happy happy birthday vicki d!!! happy happy birthday to you!!!

  14. Vicki D. says:

    Daz would love to hear more about your feelings of connection with Blue Arcturians.

    Wv-dispints. Hmm in London they call having a beer, having a pint! There you go Daz!

  15. 3322mathaddict says:

    Happy Birthday, Vicki!! Yes, you must do your personal year! It's important! Cheers!

  16. Brizdaz says:

    "Darren,you speak of the number seventeen"

    Only in the above comment about line 17,because out of the 23 lines in that article,it was the comment on line 17,that stood out to me the most.
    But 17 plays no real role in my life than any other number.
    (apart from on St.Patrick's Day,that is.-)
    The only numbers that haunt my life are 23,
    11:11 (overwhelmingly so),
    and 911 (…and I wonder why.-)

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Intriguing, Daz. I especially like the company called freedom!! And that blue arcturian is very cool. No guillotine for you, though!

  18. Brizdaz says:

    Thanks for the link to the #23 post on your blog.I hadn't gone back that far into your blog,so I hadn't read that post before.
    A few syncs that I had while reading it were;

    "Naked Lunch" – I have a copy of the 50th anniversary edition,which I bought a few months back,lying next to my computer,on the left-hand side,which I am yet to read.
    (I've read his book "Junky", after reading Kerouac's "On the Road",and thought he was a pretty good author).

    "In conception, Mom and Dad each contribute 23 chromosomes to the fœtus" – I was born on the 23rd
    (as I've already said)

    "On the other hand, 23 has many links with termination: in telegraphers’ code, 23 means “bust” or “break the line”, and Hexagram 23 in I Ching means “breaking apart”."
    – which I more or less wrote about as comment 17,in the comment above.

    "Sidney Carton is the 23rd man guillotined in the old stage productions of A Tale of Two Cities."
    – which I also mentioned,but I didn't know the character was named Sidney
    (my middle name is Sydney) Gulp!!

    "“Dutch Schultz” (real name: Arthur Flegenheimer) had Vincent “Mad Dog” Coll assassinated on 23rd Street in New York when Coll was 23 years old. Schultz himself was assassinated on 23 October. Looking further into the Dutch Schultz case, I found that Charlie Workman, the man convicted of shooting Schultz, served 23 years of a life sentence and was then paroled."
    – my real surname should be Schultz,
    but my Nana remarried,and my father took his step-father's surname instead.
    Also I've done 23 years as a forklift driver for my current employer (a furniture company) and I often (half) joke about how it's turned into a life sentence.
    And the funny thing is,there is another furniture company,which I can see out the window,while I work,called "Freedom".
    How ironic ? .-)

    "23rd Psalm" – I'm currently "The Road to Success" by Graeme Rattigan,which is basically a meditation on "Psalm 23",which I really like,even though I'm not a Bible person.
    I find it extremely calming,for some reason.

    "I had the impression that I was being contacted by some sort of advanced intellect from the system of the double star Sirius. I have had odd psychic experiences of that sort for many years, and I always record them carefully, but refuse to take any of them literally, until or unless supporting evidence of an objective nature turns up."
    – I bought a sculpture off Cynthia Crawford,around Xmas time,of a "Blue Arcturian" which is from,she says,Sirius.


    …not because I believe I have had contact with Blue Arcturians,but because I felt drawn to it as a work of art.
    It sits on the right-hand side of my computer (see the icon at the top of this comment).I love it,and she is right when she says you feel drawn to it…I do feel there is something special to it…but I don't quite know what it is.
    It seems to connect on a subconscious level with me.

    So there was a few syncs while reading the #23 post.
    Just keeps getting creepier. Doesn't it?

    …and Happy Birthday,Vicki.

    Cheers / Darren

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vicki – happy birthday!!

    Daz – I laughed out loud at this!

  20. Vicki D. says:

    Very interesting post, I always find numbers fascinating.

    Cj. interesting about todays numbers, you have reminded me that I should do my numerical year. I feel this will be an important year for me.
    Also, today is my birthday! Bring on the carrot cake!

  21. Brizdaz says:

    "I hope he flipped another card afterward, and came up with something like "go deep sea diving in the Great Barrier Reef" "

    The funny thing is,I did,and came up with one that said,
    "buy a lotto ticket".
    Which is just as bad as "drive a forklift",because I've been buying at least one to two,every week for the last 23 years,so I could win the money to have the freedom to choose what I really want to do,instead of what I feel I have to do,in order to pay the bills.

    But the next 3 cards I flipped,
    " go hang-gliding ",
    " visit London "
    and "milk a cow ",
    I found interesting because I was thinking of going tandem hang-gliding this year,and the thought of visiting London appeals to me,if for nothing more,than to see my favourite football team (Tottenham Hotspur) play.
    And as for "milk a cow",I guess that would be something different.-)

  22. 3322mathaddict says:


    9-11-2001 = 23.
    9+11+2+0+0+1 = 23.

  23. 3322mathaddict says:

    Darren, you speak of the number seventeen. The word GOD resonates within the frequency that is measured by the number 17.
    G=7, O=6, D=4, = 17. Seventeen is a very powerful frequency. Today 2-20-2-0-0-11, is a 17 day:
    2+2+0+2+0+0+11= 17. (11 is a master frequency and is never reduced.)
    Compellingly, the word KARMA also resonates to 17:
    k=2, a=1, r=9, m=4, a=1 = 17.
    I've always found it provocative that god and karma resonate to exactly the same frequency. Just a tidbit of number trivia here, but relevant.

  24. d page says:

    This is a cool trickster story, Daz.
    The late author Robert Anton Wilson did allot of writing on the "23" phenomena, in his Cosmic Trigger series. Some highlights: It is the number found most in sychronicites (a statistical improbability). It also the Hexagram in the I Ching for "PO" : splitting apart. And it's also connected to the mysteries of the planet Sirius.

  25. Lauren says:

    Good one!

    I hope he flipped another card afterwards, and came up with something like "go deep sea diving in the Great Barrier Reef"….and perhaps is now buying diving gear?

    Isn't "23" supposed to be a trickster kind of number?

  26. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think we did a post in 2009 on the #23. I'll see if I can track if down, Daz.

  27. leilani says:

    or the cards were letting him know he was working at what he was supposed to be working at! He must be one heck of a FL driver!!

  28. Brizdaz says:

    After reading that post,and then shaking my head in disbelief that I've been doing that job for 23 years,I just realized how big a part the number 23 plays in my life (I was born on the 23rd).
    So I Googled it to see if there was a message in there somewhere,and I found this page;


    …and I must say with that photo you posted,I think number Seventeen speaks to me the loudest.

    17. The first morse code transmission – "What hath God wrought?" – was from the Bible passage Numbers 23:23. In telegraphers code 23 means "break the line".

    …and hopefully the twenty-second the least,

    22. "23 skidoo" is an American catchphrase from the early 20th century meaning to make a sharp exit. It was used as the title of a poem by the occultist Aleister Crowley, another 23 aficionado. But some believe its origins lie in Charles Dickens' Tale of Two Cities, where the old woman counting the daily victims of the guillotine calls "23" as the hero is beheaded in the last chapter.-)

    WV = colywer (which is an anagram of Crowley) Sometimes I just don't know whether to laugh,or wet myself with these word verifications.

    And it's good to see Google has a sense of humour,too.If you put the word "anagram" into the search bar,and hit search.It will come back with a
    "Did you mean: nag a ram ?" message 😛

    Cheers / Darren

  29. Mike Perry says:

    Funny! I guess it's up to Darren to come up with the meaning – but your final sentence could well be an answer worthy of consideration.

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