The Fate of ATLANTS

Here’s one from Dale Dassel, who is writing a novel based on the Indiana Jones game, Fate of Atlantis.

After buying my new VW last year, I wanted to get a vanity tag for it. What better word than ‘Atlantis’ to commemorate my novel and love of my all-time favorite Indy game? The state of Georgia has a 7-letter limit on custom plates. So, I went to the DMV last summer, after I got tht car, and tried ATLNTIS and ATLNTS. Both were taken, and they politely recommended that I hold off until January, when my tag actually needs to be renewed, otherwise I would have to pay the $90 custom tag fee all over again. So I returned on Jan. 19th with a sure-fire spelling which I was guaranteed to get: ATLANTS. Taken. Luckily, I’d prepared a list of Volkswagen-related ideas, and my first choice was available: V DUBBN (yes, I really love my car that much!).

Skip to this morning. It’s a rainy, dreary, overcast day, the kind of day where I want to just stay home and sleep all day. I get up, shower, and drive 8 miles to work. I get out of my car and go inside, where my supervisor says: “What are you doing here? Aren’t you off today?” Confused, I replied, “Um, I don’t think so, unless somebody changed the schedule and didn’t tell me.” See, I always work 8am-5pm, Monday thru Friday, and very seldom work on weekends. Thus, I hardly ever look at the printed schedule. I take a look, and sure enough: off Thursday, work Saturday 8-5. I say bye and gratefully head back to my car, eager to get home and crawl back into bed again. As I am driving down the street, there is a burgundy minivan about 20 feet in front of me. Approaching the traffic light ahead, I get closer to the van. I see that it has a vanity plate, and I am absolutely *astonished*. The tag reads: ATLNTIS

What are the odds that, in the ENTIRE state of Georgia, I see the exact vanity tag message that I tried in vain to secure last year? The odds that the person driving that vehicle lives in my exact city? Positively astronomical. Maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket if my luck is *this* good! πŸ™‚ However, I think that it’s a sign telling me to take advantage of my unexpected free day and finish up the U-boat dive scene in chapter 17 that I’ve been neglecting for the past week or so.
Dale’s story reminds me of my ZEN666 synchro.

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18 Responses to The Fate of ATLANTS

  1. Natalie says:

    Number plates are one of the main ways I receive synchronicity.I LOVE them. πŸ™‚

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Leah – we'll check it out! Glad you're enjoying the book. And how cool that you got it on 1-11-11!

    Vicki – we just put up something in the quake.

  3. Vicki D. says:

    Heard there was a big earthquake in New Zeland,
    Hope everyone is ok.

    Nancy 3s for me always mean Yes!.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think by definition a synchronicity – a meaningful coincidence – has meaning. Of course.

    So the question is do all coincidences have meaning, and the answer…only if we give it meaning. If we don't, it's just a coincidence. Yet, we might be missing something, an underlying message from the universal joker–like Darren drawing the forklift and lotto cards. It might be nudge to your awareness, a wake up call, the universe telling you to look alive.

  5. Leah says:

    Hi there!

    I just received "The Seven Secrets of Synchronicity" for my birthday which happened to be 1-11-11. It is amazing and I am devouring it. I didn't get a chance to start it until today and I am so stoked! I have had a seven year cycle of pain and misfortune but have been watching and believing the signs for sometime. I am reading away today and am bowled over when you talk about your daughter and her love of the Hicks' teaching of the Laws of Abraham. I received that book out of the blue from my spirit sister Andi in September and was astounded to see it referenced. I have always been a believer in signs and feelings and your book is going to be an amazing tool on my journey I plan to read it until it is engrained memory and then read it again! I want to tell you how grateful I am.

    Strangely last week I was extremely compelled to order an amazing journal made by hand in Indonesia from articles the artisans find around their yards. A hand stitched leaf cover with wood binding and home made paper pages they make in blenders in their kitchens. Fair trade, recycled and right up my alley. I just happened upon it in a very unlikely place (surprise!!) but what I didn't know is that I needed a synchronicity journal- it arrived on Friday!!

    I also referenced your book on my little blog and I hope that's ok. I only have three followers but I wanted them to know how amazing it really is. If you would like to read my Synchronicities the address is and it would be a true honor.

    Again, I am so grateful and so excited to find your blog I will not follow faithfully!

    In love and light,

    Leah Carrico

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Alekesandar – sorry about the delay in posting your comment. It ended up in spam and we didn't see it till this evening!

    Clarity – you may be right about all the quesitns we ask without realizing it!

    Nancy – 3 times? Definitely a must!

  7. Nancy says:

    3322 – I had never heard of the Book of Enoch – but it has come up three times in as many days. I ordered a version of some of the Keys from the writer. Whenever something repeats, I tend to pay attention. The whole book looks extensive. But supposedly the book's prophecy is beginning to come true. Is that right?

  8. Clarity says:

    Hehe – good one! The Universe sticking it's tongue out at you just to tease πŸ™‚ Like Lauren, I also question if all synchro's have a meaning. I guess it also depends on how one defines meaning. Maybe all synchro's are answers to questions we have asked at some point and then we only remember the important or recent questions so the synchro's that seem to have no meaning may be answers to forgotten questions. I once read that we humans ask a lot of questions all the time without even thinking about it. I think there could be some truth in that.

    And thanks for adding another 17 to my 'collection' πŸ™‚

  9. 3322mathaddict says:

    The Book of Enoch is one of a kind and is well worth the time. It's convoluted and complex, but quite informative. Reading it once won't work. It takes a few times to absorb it all. At least, that was my experience and the experience of all my friends who were reading it as well.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    haven't read book of enoch, nancy. Is it good?

    Dale – another good one!

  11. whipwarrior says:

    Yes, I have experienced many synchros while driving, including a few others related to my novel. My favorite was in July 2009, during a day of intensely focusing on the FOA chapter which occurs on the island of Crete. The chapter was still many months away, but I was working ahead in anticipation of writing it, since it's my favorite part of the game. I pull into a parking lot, only to be confronted by a parked 18-wheeler trailer with CRETE SHIPPING printed in bold red letter across the side. I laughed out loud at the universe's sense of humor.

    By the way, I'm *still* honing the U-boat scene in chapter 17, which is nearly finished. πŸ™‚

    If there are any other Indy fans out there, you can check out my story here:

  12. Nancy says:

    I have been coming across the same book for three days now as I watch interviews, visit my favorite sites, and even in a novel I'm reading written in 1996! The Book of Enoch. How weird is that? Is the Universe trying to tell me something?

  13. Aleksandar MalečiΔ‡ says:

    When I was a child, I was obsessed with "translations" of letters into numbers (A=1, B=2, C=3…). Something was "telling" me that I should improve in this calculation because there will be a traffic accident in the future that might interest me. A person has invited me to participate in this meditation The number plates in this video (about an accident and security) have the letters CCC (333 "translated"). It's interesting and, let's say, scary that the man from the video is interested in ecology and renewable energy (just like me).

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, so do i, mike – love car plates synchros!!! some of my all time favorite ones have happened with them! and what a neat story this one is – i might have had to hold out for something "atlantis" related, though, although that's just a "me" thing and how much i love the whole atlantis story! but a VW is a fun thing too and i have many fond memories and stories of my own of many moons ago –

    neat post, macgregors!

  15. Lauren says:


    Do all synchros have to have a "meaning"? Maybe sometimes they're just about the law of attraction……the more you focus on something, the more of it you get?

    I had the occasional synchro that was so funny I could only throw up my hands and figure that Diety has a great sense of humor, and I get to be the recipient of the gag today…..

  16. Vicki D. says:

    It is so funny when things like that happen, frustrating too!

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hope you do a post on that one, Mike!

  18. Mike Perry says:

    Nice one! I like these car reg plate synchros (or vanity tag).

    My wife's initials are KDP and over the years we have never seen a car number plate with this on – until, that is, we parked our car in west London on a recent visit. When we returned the car parked behind us was KDP (so I snapped a photo of it).

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