11:11 Synchro

Not too long ago, we did a post on 11s or 11:11, can’t recall which, and Daz from down under  provided a link to a store that sells 11:11 t-shirts.  I checked out the site and bought a t-shirt.

When I first put it on, Rob sort of laughed and said that people would think it was a Biblical reference.  One afternoon, I deliberately wore it next door, wondering if my neighbor, who knows her Bible, would comment. She didn’t. Over a weekend when Megan was home visiting and her friends were stopping in, I happened to be wearing the t-shirt and one of Megan’s friends said,  “Wow, cool t-shirt, Trish. Where’d you get it?”

“Internet. You know what 11:11 is?”

“Sure. It’s, like, some sort of mystical thing, right?  A hint about consciousness?”

“Supposedly, it’s a mystical portal, and people who see it repeatedly are experiencing a particular type of synchronicity that suggests a profound change in their consciousness is happening.”

Her eyes widened. “I need one of those t-shirts. My life right now is so totally chaotic.”  That’s probably because she just turned 23!

I’ve worn the t-shirt  a couple of times while running errands, to the grocery store, and no one has ever commented on it until today, at the dog park.  Cassie, who is often out in the park tossing balls for her Border Collie, was sidelined by the heat, like the rest of us, and was sitting on a bench in the shade. “What’s 11:11, Trish?”

Suddenly, all eyes were on my t-shirt and I felt…well, tongue-tied. I was scrambling for some way to explain 11:11 to someone who didn’t have any inkling about what it might mean. “You know who Uri Geller is?”

The blank look on Cassie’s face said no, she didn’t have any idea who Geller was.

“He’s that Israeli psychic who bent spoons back in the 70s.”

“Oh, right,” she said.

The woman next to her – don’t know her name, just her dogs’ names, Hershey and Tootsie – said, “Geller. Sure. I know who he is. I saw him on TV once, years ago, bending spoons. He came up with that?”

“Well, he helped define it.” I then launched into an abbreviated explanation about the meaning of 11:11 – or 11, 1:11, etc – and their eyes glazed over and I shut up.

I decided that the next time I’m asked about 11:11, I’ll have a better explanation, something really simple. Mystical doorway to the unconscious.  Or: If you’re seeing 11:11, 1:11 or 1s everywhere you look, then your life is about to change, big time. Or: You’re being summoned. Something.

What I took away from this is that we all live in our own little universes and I can’t just assume that because I have heard of Uri Geller and 11:11, everyone around me will have heard of them, too.  Yet, interestingly, I have a t-shirt that reads, Have a Namaste.  Countless people have asked me what that means. And I’ve got an answer that satisfies: “Namaste means, the divine light in me greets the divine light in you.”

Everyone seems to get that.

In fact, one day at our local grocery store, an Indian guy in the fruit section noticed my t-shirt and said, “Namaste. I know that!”

I smiled at him and he pressed his palms together,  brought them to his heart, and bowed his head ever so slightly, acknowledging the moment between us. It’s the gesture we make at the end of yoga class.

Maybe 11:11 needs something like that, a hand gesture or nod of the head that becomes a universal acknowledgement of the transformative power of 11:11.


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24 Responses to 11:11 Synchro

  1. I tell others that 11:11 means – enlightenment and illumination.
    If they ask about what – I say that it is a symbol of duality in balance.
    If they get a glazed look – I just state, “Numbers are the universal language.”

    Come up with quick phrases of your own, then wear the shirt again and see if there’s a difference when you’re more prepared. Have fun!

  2. Darren B says:

    Nice looking t-shirt.
    I didn’t end up getting one in the end.I have more than enough t-shirts hanging in my wardrobe anyway.
    I just realized why I may be attracted to 11:11
    To score a goal (worth 6 points) you have to kick the ball through the two tall center posts,just like where the dots are in the 11:11 .-)

  3. Lizzy says:

    Oooh I think I want one of those shirts too

  4. Nicole says:

    Sometimes the best answers are the shortest answers. Keep it simply when it comes to the profound. I love the shirt idea which says, Have a nice Namaste, I need one of those shirts along with the 11:11 one.

  5. lauren raine says:

    When I get a 11:11, I like to imagine what someone once told me, that it was one of the ways angels let us know they’re around. I so often think of synchronicity as being about a way guides contact me, that it works for me.

    11:11:11 was the day after surgery last year for me, when I found out a tumor they removed was not malignant. A whole new beginning…………

    Thanks for wearing the tee shirt!

  6. gypsy says:

    very neat post – and how i love 11:11 too – thanks cj for your input which is always interesting – sorry to be so distracted these days – need to focus on my something! 😉

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    Indeed it did!

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    One more comment, then I’ll go away. If we string those four 8s together vertically, it looks like a strand of DNA. Now ain’t that just a fine kettle of fish!

  9. mathaddict2233 says:

    Being admittedly an information vampire, I just googled the American Sign Language
    Alphabet for the hearing impaired, to see if that hand-finger configuration appears. It does. The middle and index finger held up and pressed together, with the thumb holding down the other two fingers, is Hh. H is numerically converted to frequency 8, so if we use both hands with that symbol, we can convert it numerically to 8 8 8 8, which is 32, Now comes the bigger question: what WORDS resonate to 32 that the four 8s could represent? Guess I’m off to listen to the discarnate math Wizard! OH! Look at the 8. If we turn it horizontally on its side, it becomes the (Egyptian) universal symbol of eternal life. I like that!

  10. mathaddict2233 says:

    Hand signal is easy, Mike. Hold your hand up with the traditional two-finger victory symbol (the fingers form a “V”, then simply put those two fingers together and leave the other two fingers and thumb folded down. Do it with both hands: victory symbol but with closed fingers. Just as Idea. Hit me from somewhere but I don’t know where. My mind sometimes is hinky.

  11. No matter what, such a t-shirt is a conversation opener and you never know where this will lead. It could bring 11:11 to the attention of others without them realising it, and soon they too will be noticing them in their lives and will wonder about the meaning.

    P.S Tried the math hand signal but just got my fingers in a twist!

  12. mathaddict2233 says:

    A suggestion about a hand signal for 11:11. Hold both hands up, and on both hands, fold all the fingers away except the index finger and the finger next to the thumb. Press those two fingers on each hand together. It’s like the “victory” or “peace” sign, only the fingers are pressed together. Try it. Tuck the thumb under, and the pinkie and finger next to pinkie under, leaving the other two up, pressed together. Even a t-shirt with this finger (sign language) symbol on it would be nice. As an aside, usually I only wake up once in the middle of the night. But three nights ago, I woke up at 11:11, 11:22, 11:33, 11:44, and 11:55 pm. This is absolutely true. I fell back quickly to sleep between each time, but awakened with my eyes looking directly at the bedside clock which is digital and glows red in the dark and is in my immediate line of sight when I open my eyes. I haven’t a clue what this meant or why it happened, but it did.

  13. I know what you mean about that glazed look – just try “I Ching” to have people leave the room.
    About 11:11 – I always loved that number for no “reason” and when people ask me why I say, “Because I like how it looks.” That is my true answer, all the other reasons attached to it are wonderful but I stick with my reason. It must be the artist’s response. I love it that two one’s, like two people standing together, make eleven. It’s an elegant image. I guess I sound even weirder than the other answers that make people glaze over but it does stop the question.

  14. Momwithwings says:

    Boy do I know that glazed eye look! Haha!

    I think words like namaste are more familiar to people because of yoga, yet I can remember when people would say things like ” you do yoga?”
    So hopefully soo n people will be more comfortable with synchros, 11:11 etc.

    There is still so much fear within people . I think they need to in a sense think of the joy of dogs leaping for balls, cats meditating etc.

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