Transformer blows again

On February 16 of 2009, less than two weeks after we started this blog, we posted a synchronicity about an electrical transformer that blew up behind our house. The explosion and bright orange flash knocked out electrical power in the area, but we didn’t think much about it because a personal matter had just erupted. Only later, we saw the synchronicity of explosions. Fortunately, the power was restored in an hour or two and the blow out in our home quickly passed by. 

Move ahead two years and four days. About 9 p.m., a flash of light caught our attention, followed immediately by a loud explosion. The transformer again. This time, though, there was no comparable in-house explosions. There didn’t seem to be any synchronicity related to it.

Yet, the word  ‘transformer’ is intriguing and we wondered if the explosion signaled some sort of transformation on the way. Interestingly, at the moment of the explosion Trish was looking at houses for sale in Asheville, N.C. For years, we’ve considered moving to Asheville and once even put a deposit on a house, only to see the deal fall through. So, if the transformer explosion was a hint of things to come, the verdict is still out.

We probably would’ve  forgotten about the matter, but the following morning an e-mail arrived from Jim Banzholzer, who has sent a few synchros to us. This one, we were surprised to see, was about an exploding electrical transformer that blew in Washington D.C. In this instance, a squirrel apparently had crossed a transformer causing it to blow up. The synchronicity, in this case, was that the transformer was located on Nutley Street. We wondered how the squirrel is doing. Probably not laughing at the trickster synchro it stepped into.

Then there’s the larger picture, an exploding transformer in Washington D.C. Hmm. That could portend a possible shut down of the federal government in less than two weeks, which will happen if there is no budget agreement. That certainly might lead to a transformation of some sort. Considering the stalemate in Congress over the past two years, we have to say that some  transforming of the government is definitely in order.

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13 Responses to Transformer blows again

  1. Deb Kirkeeide says:

    This is off the topic of this post but your mention of Asheville caught my eye.
    Last fall I was planning on heading to Wyoming for a painting vacation but something kept telling me to go elsewhere. In trying to make the decision where to go, suddenly Asheville showed up EVERYWHERE on my radar. in ads, in random conversations, blog posts… at one point while watching an unrelated video online,and casually wondering where to go, a banner ad pops up saying "Visit Asheville".

    I really couldn't deny the messages being sent my way. Even though I had a non refundable deposit down on the other trip, once I made the decision to go to NC and canceled the other trip – I got my deposit back.
    So I went. I had a good time and really enjoyed the area. But no ah ha moments stood out and as of yet I've not discovered why I was led there.
    And now here it is again in this post!

  2. Leah says:

    Thanks Trish- I am so very stoked. I do and I am grateful. I changed my asking from this and that to if and in Source's time instead of mine and that made a huge difference!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Congratulations, Leah! YOu got the job because you DESERVE it!

  4. Leah says:

    When I lived on West Virginia Road in NJ ( now I live in West Virginia-ha!) we had a fried squirrel show one day…so bad ~shiver~

    So, I was dying to tell you my HUGE synchronicity news. I blogged about the whole job thing which I won't get into and Trish, today I got the call that a huge position I was hoping for in the DC area I got. It happened again…almost same situation you wrote about. I got the job and am so stoked because after reading that yesterday I knew why it all happened and then, it did. Wow.

    Even more interesting is you already know my soul sister Andi- Andrea Mendoza Williams is an avid reader and fan and she and I are now swapping your books and has blogged with you. She has such deep respect and said you truly changed her life as you are mine…and the paths entwine again!

    What a gift you guys are to both of us. I am so grateful Trish, just so grateful!

    Love and light!


  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    just bring us a movie deal, nat, and we'll do it.

  6. Natalie says:

    Yes, transformation is my word of the week. OMG.

    We have a huge pole thing being erected near my home. We have no idea what it is, but it is enormous!!! Mark suggested a microwave thingy bobby, but who knows?

    Rob, can you guys please move to NC before the end of the year, as we are coming over in the next 12 months and that would be closer to where we have to go. Thanks. 😀

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    could have sworn i'd left a comment here earlier but i must have gotten sidetracked trying to find an image i wanted to show everyone of what i was commenting about – in any event, on of the most noticeable things going on in the shreveport area is that of the installation of new power poles/lines that are literally 4-5 times larger than existing ones – they are being installed everywhere – massive massive sized poles with arms like giant robots – every time we passed one, i would say aloud, "jesse, where are you!!! have no clue of what they are indicative, but it was an awesome sight to see their massive size and magnitude – all over the city –

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sure looks that way, Mike. Who's next? Libya, Yemen, saudi arabia??!

  9. Mike Perry says:

    I guess a lot of the world is also transforming at the present time.

  10. Nancy says:

    I agree with Rosaria.

  11. maggie's garden says:

    This reminds of the kids Transformers cartoon from years ago….where they would open the show with the tune:

    "Transformers…more than meets the eye!"

  12. rosaria says:

    Yeah, a major transformation is going on, and not just in Washington.

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