UFO in Bolivia?

Here’s what I find interesting about this video. First, it appears on the national news in Bolivia.( I speak Spanish, so what I’m writing here is my rough translation of the video highlights.) Translating what the news guy says, “We’re all skeptics. But I’ll leave it to your imagination whether or not you believe in these mysterious images.”

He goes on to explain that the video was taken by cell phone,  on February 12, at about 3 PM, outside a maternity hospital in La Paz, on the side of the hospital that houses the emergency room. “It floats in the air,” he says, “then vanishes to the east. “

The video takes us through several views of the UFO. At first, it looks like a balloon, the kind that you buy at a carnival and escapes when your kid lets go of the string. But the way it takes off…I’ve never seen a balloon do that. The newscaster goes on to say that points of reference are important in instances like this and explains about the hospital, on which side of the building the OVNI appeared.

He also interviews the young men involved in taking the video. This is where authenticity comes in. Rodrigo Morales and his friend, Juan Carlos are Andean men. Juan Carlos works at a condo. He’s the one who actually filmed the UFO. He hands the newscaster the cell he used to take the video. Rodrigo says he has an interest in UFOs – does that make him suspect of fraud? Doubtful.  It means he’s observant.

Juan Carlos said he saw something odd outside the hospital. At first, he thought it was a balloon or “something.” But Rodrigo said, “No, it’s an OVNI (UFO). So Juan raised his cell and started videotaping the object.  Juan handed his cell to the newscaster, who explains the cell is a Motorala, with a 2 pixel capacity. Then he clicks on the cell to show the original video.

The news guy asks if he showed the video to anyone after he took it. Yes, Juan says, to his wife. “But she doesn’t believe much in that ( in UFOs).” He and Rodrigo have been friends since they were kids.

Years ago when we led travel tours for writers through the Peruvian Amazon, one of the things we learned is that South Americans are much more open-minded about UFOs than Americans. I remember sitting on the deck of the S.S. Amazonas, an old rubber-hauling boat that plied the Amazon between Manaus, Brazil, and Iquitos, Peru, and talking to Hugo, our local guide, about UFOs. He was the son of an Amazonian fisherman, a shaman initiate, and bilingual, so there wasn’t any room for misunderstanding. I mentioned skeptics and UFOs and and he started laughing.

“You gringos,” he said. “Why is it so difficult for you to accept your own perceptions and experiences as real?”

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41 Responses to UFO in Bolivia?

  1. Linda Pendleton says:

    It seems much too often people will convince themselves what they saw could not be real. Why? Maybe they feel others will think they are carzy if they discuss what they saw. Yet, more than 2/3-3/4 of people "know" we are not alone.

  2. Natalie says:

    Interesting about the wind gusts…. or lack of them. 🙂

  3. Lydia says:

    Great post.
    I posted the other video of the UFO in the Netherlands over at my FB page, and did not get one comment! I spooked my friends and family….and intend to do it again. 🙂

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    According to weather underground, the wind that day was a mininimum of 6 mph, max of 12 mph, wind no wind gusts.


  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I listened to it again. The elderly man at the end – Jaime Maussan – is some sort of investigator (they're talking fast!) and he's going to analyze the photo and report back next week. He asked some pertinent questions, including about wind. At the very end of the video is a second object – a bird. The guy who filmed it said he and his friend were out taking photos that day for his kids; the last few days had been cloud and dreary and finally, the sun had come out. I'll see if I can check a weather site in Bolivia to find out about the wind velocity that day.

  6. Clarity says:

    It certainly looks like a synchro with the wv Ray got. Maybe it's the Universe giving us the answer… who knows…

    And I absolutely agree with 3322mathaddict on her last comment. You don't find this openness and objectivity in many places.

    And I was hoping for a wv like 'rope' or 'yarn' or something along that line but got 'decter' 😛


  7. 3322mathaddict says:

    I think the skeptics and debunkers would be completely amazed to see that those of us who frequent this blog have the ability to observe and discuss that an object in the sky may not necessarily be an alien UFO; that we do not automatically jump on these sightings and say, "YO! There's an alien spacecraft". That we have discernment and objectivity. Nice.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    In light of clarity's observation about a string being yanked, your WV of string may be a synchro, Ray – and it might be pertinent to what this thing is!

  9. Ray says:

    I wish the object could have been seen after it moved over the roof. When I saw it I thought of our local WalMart.
    The wind blows from the roof even when the air is calm in the parking lot.

    One rainy day at a local store I had to hold my umbrella in one direction getting out of my car until I got near the building. Then the rain was coming down in the opposite direction. The same when I finished shopping and returned to my car.

    The object could have been influenced by the intakes of the rooftop air handlers on the A/C.

    It could have been a UFO. I would be the last person to say it wasn't.

    Just my thoughts on observing the video.

    WV: string

  10. 3322mathaddict says:

    Speaking of sightings, I was personally delighted the other night when our Jacksonville chief weather person gave notice that the Space Station would be visible beginning at 7:24pmEST and would remain visible for about 3 minutes or so as it crossed above us. It was crystal clear, and we were able to see it clearly. People who didn't know that it was the Space Station thought it was a UFO, and the cops, etc., got lots of calls about it because of it's motion and location, above the visible starlines, had no flashing lights on it to indicate a plane, was a bright orange color, (due to dust in the atmosphere), and moved somewhat rapidly. It was a treat to watch it fly over. But like Gyps, we all know where I stand on sightings and encounters, etc. Experience is indeed the best teacher.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    trish, the waiter sat and talked for some time, very matter of factly telling stories of people he knew who had experienced encounters with them – it was a really busy lunch time and he was a bit distracted as he was still supposed to be "working" but i did ask if i might visit with him next time i'm up that way – i should carry a little recorder with me – will let you know when i'm up there again and visit with him –

    the reason i asked about wind in terms of the video is because i had a "flashback" of one day spring before last when i had bought a huge bunch of helium balloons for the little ones' soccer game – to give to each player when the game was over – anyway, it was a beautiful sunny day but very windy – and i haded to my car from the shop with my balloons – of the 15 balloons i got to my car with, only 12 made it inside the car – a gust of wind grabbed one in particular and just swooped it up and it was gone – i remember watching it soar away – the image on the video reminded me of that day with the balloon – however, my position on sightings is well established i think –

  12. Clarity says:

    Well, to me it looked as if this clip was filmed outside and someone was holding the object on a line above the camera view, that's all. And I think you can yank a line really fast if it's only for a short distance, like out of a camera's view. It just doesn't seem right to me, that's all.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Could it be a tethered helium balloon rocking in the wind? It breaks free and soars away in a gust. Only problem is that I can't see the line holding it in place, but from a distance it might be hard to see. – R

  14. Brizdaz says:

    Thanks for the link,it does look interesting.For one thing that's my favourite shade of blue they're using for all their headlines,which also happens to be my favourite colour as well.
    I'll put it into my favourites and take a good look around later.

    Cheers / Daz

  15. Shadow says:

    i don't understand why some things are too hard to just believe…

  16. Marcus T. Anthony says:

    Just my 5 cents. I suspect this one is faked. Besides my intuitive feeling, the other suspicious thing is that it takes off into the background right in perfect view of the camera, as if scripted. The background behind the buildings represents probably about 1-2% of the total circumference of the horizon in all directions, so the odds the UFO would choose that precise "window" to exit is unlikely (though possible, of course). However I do find all UFO images fascinating, for various reasons. Marcus

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm up against a few challenges with the intelligence of our species.

  18. Leah says:

    There are also a lot of accounts in ancient Sumatran lore and depicted in their statues. We're talking some 4000 BC. If they depicted it that far back there has to be validity. There are too many cultures touched by the phenomenon and frankly, do we really think we're the most intelligent things out there? I think if we would be more open there would be so much to share and learn. It's the jaded fear mongering we are fed by movies and those who own the info that close our minds I think. There is so much more to see if we can just stop looking with thinking goggles.

  19. Leah says:

    The Freudian viewpoint…if I cain't see it, it ain't which is rampant here. Maybe the UFO outside a maternity hospital is what happened with my Austin.

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    A line inside the window of a maternity hospital? Maybe, but it seems unlikely. I've never seen any line yanked so fast.

  21. 3322mathaddict says:

    Checked USGS. At 5:14pmEST today, 2-23, a 5.3 quake in Izu, Japan. Maybe that's why the Dot went red. It's now dropping back down towards orange, but my feelings haven't changed. Have something to do with the sky…..

  22. 3322mathaddict says:

    Just checked NASA. Dicovery set to launch 39th and final flight 2-24 at 4:10pm EST. Giffords husband will be commanding that flight. Unless something comes up on the shuttle itself to delay it, the weather is good to go.
    WV: "reanche" ranch?? reach?

  23. 3322mathaddict says:

    Oh oh! I've been away from the computer….went and sat in my session room quietly to see if the antsiness and edginess would go away. It's now 7:15pm EST on Wednesday, 2-23-201, and since I've been away from the machine, The Dot has turned completely RED.
    I just look at it to see if the color matches my senses, and it does, but I don't have a clue what is brewing. Maybe Libya. I've not had the TV on all day so haven't seen any news. But maybe another massive planetary event. It's big, whatever it is.
    Oddly, I'm having a very hard time staying awake….very very unusual for me, in spite of being so edgy. I feel as if I just want to crawl under the covers in the bed and go to sleep. I've not had any meds. I also am feeling absolutely SHOVED to walk outside and look at the sky, and I tell you, I haven't felt this way since I lived in Palm Springs and would wake up in the middle of the night and go out into the desert sand, climb up on the airplane hangar roof, and look at the stars! That ws a LONG time ago. Decades. OH!
    Oh…when is Discovery set to launch, guys? Anybody know? I'll go check NASA. Tell you something….I'm NOT going outside to look at the sky!! Will check out the USGS for activity. And I'm not going to go to sleep right now, either. Hubby isn't home yet. This is just so weird. I feel like I'm crazy. Any other PEs feeling a different kind of symptoms than the usual ones??

  24. Natalie says:


    This is the temporary link to the starseed page if anyone wants to check it out. Daz: It is SOOOO interesting there.

  25. Natalie says:

    Yep,yep,yep .

    Connie : click on my flower picture and it will take you to my profile page of my blog. My email address is there. If not, ask Trish. I am on my way out for about 6 hours, but I would love to discuss it.

    Gypsy: Interesting about the waiter!

  26. Clarity says:

    OK, I am by no means an expert in UFO's and I agree that we 'gringos' are not good at believing in our own perceptions and experiences. But to me, the UFO looks more like an object hanging in a line because it makes the kinds of movements you would see in that situation. Then it looks as if someone pulls the string so the object disappears out of the camera window and then it looks as if it is thrown away with high speed. But as I said, I am not an experienced observer…

  27. Jen says:

    Looks convincing to me.

    I agree with cj and KE- we are being bombarded with UFO/space/ET paraphenalia. Even my 3-year-old son is obsessed with rocket ship and aliens and the solar system/space travel!

    I just saw a trailer for a movie called "Mars needs Moms" which I THINK is supposed to be geared towards children, but it involves MOMMY ABDUCTION by Martians!

    wv: droiner


  28. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:


  29. 3322mathaddict says:

    Now, at 5:45pmEST, The Dot is completely orange, no yellow mixed in it. The mass consciousness must be busy.

  30. 3322mathaddict says:

    Something's brewing, guys. I've been watching The Dot because my PE symptoms have increased significantly again today, mostly with fits of crying that are inappropriate and have no basis in any events in my life, and an "edginess" that comes prior to big release events. Anyway, I've watched The Dot change today from the innocuous green to yellow, and is now morphing from yellow into orange. (It's 3:55pm EST) Anyone sharing my unsettled anxieties? That's the best word I can find to describe it. Oh crap. Look at this WV" "crist" Surely ChristChurch, New Zealand, is not going to be hit by yet another major quake! Or another big magnitude quake isn't going to hit somewhere else!

  31. 3322mathaddict says:

    Lauren, the constitutional law doesn't allow any suspect or perpetrator of any crime, even when that person is caught in the middle of perpetrating the crime, to be referred to as other than "alleged", until he is tried and found guilty of the crime by a judge or jury. This seems ludicrous, but it's the law. That's why ALL news media always uses the word "alleged" in their reports. Stupid, but it's the law.

  32. KE says:

    Best video of an unknown object I've seen in a long time!

    I first thought it was a balloon on a string from out a window or something until the object is seen digressing left and away into the background clouds in the slow-motion.

    Very impressive video!

    Re:3322mathaddict's take on subliminal TV commercials with UFO and aliens -I agree! The worst is the new movie "pAUL" -that alien looks too real and believable AND it has a sense of humor about us? Freaky!

    Great post!

  33. Lauren says:

    I like your last line……so true.

    I was reading today on the AOL news about the "Alleged Shooter" of Gabrielle Giffords, currently held in Phoenix. For heaven's sake, since when has he become "alleged"? Five people had to grab him and hold him down in order to keep him from shooting more people. Amazing……..

  34. d page says:

    Another culture that has no problem with the existence of UFO's is the Tibetan culture. They have recorded hundreds of years of encounters.

  35. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'll watch it again and see if there's anything about wind, weather etc.

  36. Nancy says:

    I had to laugh at the last line. So very true – if it is hasn't landed on the White House lawn it must not be real. We are so disconnected from our intuitive selves.

    This object looks almost liquid.

  37. Mike Perry says:

    Certainly impressive. I'd go along with what Gypsy says though about 'wind speed / direction'. It would be interesting to know the answer – as it's a possible explanation.

    Though I believe in the reality of UFOs there are definitely many that can be explained – balloons, Chinese lanterns etc. etc. I guess one day the general public will get the definite proof, that no one can argue with.

  38. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – would love to know what the waiter's take was on brujos!

  39. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    totally captivating images of the object – and about it just taking off so swiftly – just like many other sightings doing the same thing – i'm curious as to whether or not there was any mention in the interview/video as to wind speed/direction at that time – my own [although very limited] experiences with the south american culture is the same as you describe – at least within the group of our friends – i remember a number of months back, my daughter heather and i were having lunch in a new mexican restaurant up north of here and i was going on about your book, trish, telling again some part of other of esperanza – and our waiter overheard me a couple of times and smiled and laughed at heather's responses – anyway, i bet her the cost of lunch that if i asked our waiter the meaning of a bruja, he would know and that he and i would be able to have a complete conversation about them – when the waiter [ecuadorian] came by again, i asked him – and he laughed and said, but of course! and we then sat for nearly an hour discussing all things bruja! and heather paid for lunch!

    i love the statement of your guide about the gringos! i've heard similar things said by hector [SIL] and our other friends –

  40. 3322mathaddict says:

    This one is very hard to deny. I'd think anything that zooms off like that MUST be under some kind of intelligent control! (Natalie, I wrote you a message under the Feb 20 post about Darren's cards. I've lost your email address and want to talk to you about the Arcturians.) But back to this video, it certainly seems 100% valid, doesn't it! Has anyone in the USA noticed how many new TV commercials have appeared that are using the aliens and UFOs as part of the commercial? KIA has one, so does Nissan. This is pretty compelling, and makes me wonder, again, if TPTB are trying to prepare the world for disclosure in what they think are subliminal ways. These commercials are direct and overt. Combined with all the sightings that increase daily, we have to wonder if we're going to wake up one day soon and they will be setting down all over the place, putting to rest any and all skeptics and debunkers who have spent decades declaring they are not real. I hope it happens while I'm still around to see it!

  41. Butternut Squash says:

    So true, sane well educated people would rather create a fantastic tale to explain the inexplicable than accept what they have just seen with their own eyes. "It must have been a bit of Bad Gruel."

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