Shape Shifters, Brujos, and the Djinn


One a week, Rob and I head to the gym for the yoga class he teaches. I know that during yoga, your mind is supposed to be present, not wandering all over the place like mine does. But oh well, someday maybe I’ll master that part of it.
So tonight, while doing the warrior series of poses, I kept thinking that I really would really like to have a significant synchro in the next 24 hours. When we got home, I was poking around on some of my favorite websites and ran across the mention of a new book called The Vengeful Djinn.  I clicked on the site and started reading and knew I had found my synchro.
According to the website, the “djinn were the first inhabitants of this word, where they lived for thousands of years before humanity arrived.”  Uh-oh, I thought. This sounds a lot like the mythology of the shape shifters  in Esperanza and that I’m expanding in Ghost Key.  In the first novel, there is just one shape shifter, who first appears as a friendly black lab and later reveals himself as a man, Wayra (Quechua for wind). Born in 1162, he was changed at the age of 18 and has been alive ever since. He’s a force of good – in that sense, his history differs from the Djinn.
Wayra has long believed he is the last of his kind, that he was created in a laboratory on Lemuria, a legendary continent that predated Atlantis. In Ghost Key, he discovers the truth about shape shifters – that there were seven  tribes of shifters that originated in a place with twin suns, and who existed on the planet before humanity arrived. The shape shifters and a group of evolved souls called light chasers, have battled against brujos for millennia. Brujos have evolved in the afterlife to the point where they can seize the living and live out the mortal lives of their hosts (if they’re lucky) to experience all the pleasures of physical life. In Esperanza, they are led by Dominica, who was once Wayra’s lover.
Now, quoting from the djinn website: “Shape-shifting djinn may be responsible for many forms of paranormal phenomena and experience, such as UFOs, shadow people, ghosts, poltergeists, and demonic possession.  In such ways, they gain access to us that enables them to steal our life force and information about us, and to manipulate and use us without revealing their true form and purpose.”
This italicized section is eerily similar to what brujos like Dominica are about.
It fits into the fourth secret, The Creative,  in 7 Secrets of Synchronicity. It’s what happens when people tap into the collective pool of ideas at the same time. It happens in the arts, in science, with inventions. It’s  what physicist and writer F. David Peat referred to when he wrote: “The space between…is the space that lies between the observer and the observed; it is the space of the creative act that rings a poem or painting to life.”
So now I feel as if I’m on the right track, hooked into the momentum. And I not only got my synchro, but a new book for my list of must read.
This entry was posted in 4th secret, brujos, creativity, djinn, shape shifters. Bookmark the permalink.

20 Responses to Shape Shifters, Brujos, and the Djinn

  1. My Homepage says:

    My Homepage Very helpful post! I really enjoyed reading it. So good to read a post that’s written in very good English! I’m going to surely be back again for much more at some point. Thank you.

  2. Dear cousin Gyps, as we have learned, all tangled webs have a beginning place and an ending place, and each strand of the web leads through its complex labyrinth to the original source. Oh, what fun it is to be a “drawing spider”! We have those arachnids here, and they are fascinating creatures to watch as they create such intricate, delicate, gossamer webs. Yet, a spider web is one of the strongest fibers in the world. Isn’t that an interesting bit of trivia? And spiders are so adept at trapping prey. I think of Nica and her powers, and of Wayla and his abilities to transmigrate and morph. Can hardly wait for their next adventures !

  3. gypsywoman says:

    oh, good grief, dear southern baptist sunday school bible recitin’ cousin!!! talk about flashbacks! but of your verse that i also remember and love, i have definitely found it to be true in this world and the virtual world! how neat you and i share such parallels – what next!!! and what next in the world of the djinn! of them, i’m also reminded of that fabulous sir walter scott quote in marmion [i’m right, it was sir walter scott, right?] : oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive! love the story behind this quote but particularly LOVE the quote which i’ve also found to be so true – and i can’t wait for the story of nica and wayra to continue to unfold, trish!!!

  4. trish macgregor says:

    math – hmm. the djinn.

  5. Gypsy, yes, by some they (the djinn) are visible….by some they can be seen….and the masks are falling down. Soon. Am anxiously awaiting the next appearance of Nica and perhaps we have Wayla here….now. I’m not a Bible person, per se, but was raised in a Baptist home so had to learn the Old and New Testaments by heart, to be recited in Sunday School each week. There is one verse I especially remember and love: “By your works ye shall be known”.

  6. Nicole says:

    Hey guys, what an ordeal for you both! I hope that things will now settle down. I like the blog! Thanks for letting me know. Take care and best wishes and hopes that everything remains secure.

    P.S. Did you delete the other blog? Maybe you should, no? Also taking your previous profile picture off or unfollowing the blogs you once did through blogger may break the ties to other potential “targets” – blogs. Just wondering if that might be a good idea.


  7. gypsywoman says:

    what an intriguing tie-in with nica and her tribe and wayra, as their story expands in ghost key – can’t wait to read how their paths will all intertwine –

    really intriguing reading, of djinn here and at the imbrogno/guiley site – it seems to me, that in identifying them among us [as they …steal…information about us to manipulate and use us without revealing their true form and purpose…, while it may be difficult to see them [djinn], it is not “impossible” – and therein lies the key – by some, they are visible – they can be seen – and will be found out, literally, and soon, as the djinn authors say…”their mask is off…” –

    great post – plus another great book on the to-read list –

  8. Just think about it this way, gang. If enough of us who explore the Fringes and ask questions and discuss the vagaries of the Universe and its sometimes disproportionate synchronicities, we may be able to create massive changes for the better from our tiny corner of the world. We are not alone. We are only one small group among many small groups of seekers of Truth. As was stated in a comment above, ultimately we shall prevail.

  9. Natalie says:

    I can hear you all the way down here. So sorry. Isn’t it a shame that those who shine the brightest, tend to annoy those who struggle in the murkiness? Think of my shark pool. Fly high guys.xx

  10. CuriousCat says:

    Puzzle pieces are coming together quite nicely, however. Wondering, have you experienced more visitations on the Synchro blog from agencies of the government: ie, Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Office of the President of The United States of America? They used to pop in occasionally. This was a great post, btw.

  11. Nancy says:

    Perfect food for the new book. Can’t wait for it to come out. Loved Esperanza!

  12. This is a timely and relevant post, Guys. Keep up the good work.

  13. hey boys and girls – gee! so sorry all this still going on! bless your hearts – was having chills/fever yesterday afternoon and actually went to bed by 6pm – didn’t get up for dinner etc – better now – anyway, so glad to be here with you all this morning! hugs –

    remember, you will prevail!!! you do prevail!!!

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