Dakota, the Malamute

We’ve posted quite a few synchros about animals as messengers and a number of stories about how our pets often stick around after they have passed on. The spirits of animals used a variety of methods to communicate with us. We might hear the tap of claws against a floor, feel the weight of the pet at the foot of our bed, catch a certain scent in the air that we identify with that animal. They also come to us in dreams.

But the experience Jennifer L had with her dog is the first we’ve heard of with animal spirit communication.

“My Malamute, Dakota, was very wolfish but also very human and intuitive in amazing ways. I always felt she bridged the gap between the human world and the world of nature for me. She was my best friend for so many years and after she passed, I could feel her presence for a long time. Then I stopped feeling her around. That made me sad.

“About nine months after her death, I came home one day, and saw her paw print on the window! It was exactly what she loved to do: jump on the window to look out. Now whenever I miss her, I think of that and feel comforted.”

We’ve heard of initials on frosted or steamed windows, names and hand prints on mirrors and windows, but never a paw print!

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7 Responses to Dakota, the Malamute

  1. gypsywoman says:

    nancy – i know your smashword note was for trish but i checked out the site too – great informative site which i might otherwise might now have seen myself – so i thank you, also! 😉

  2. trish macgregor says:

    Nancy – wow! Relevant for sure!

  3. Nancy says:

    Off point, but:
    Unsure of email addresses at this point, but thought this might interest you. I am heading fast in this direction.

  4. karena says:

    If you could delete the previous comment Trish, I’d appreciate it….I’d rather not have my full name seen. Karena is what I usually use….sorry. but still glad to see you here.

  5. Nancy says:

    Our very best friends.

  6. gypsywoman says:

    beautiful story – and especially to me because my own little puppy [she was a baby when i got her], part malamute, i named dakota danielle –

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