6 degrees of ‘synchronicity’

Recently, we posted on the 6 degrees of separation theme, and a day later received this interesting response from Kevin (Moss, not Bacon). It’s not so much another story of the 6 degrees of separation as a synchronicity about the phenomenon. Here’s his story.


I was just thinking about the 6 degrees of separation yesterday and then I read your blog on the same subject. With that synchro in mind, here’s why the scenario was on my mind as I reflected on an experience from a while back.

I was in Denmark on business travel. It was early, early morning, around 3-4 am. I was in a state of semi-consciousness, somewhere between being asleep and awake. I was having all kinds of ‘visions’ if you will (I have them often in that state). One of the visions was the number 6 next to a D that was tilted slightly. I had no idea what the heck that was supposed to mean, but the first thing that came to mind was the 6 degrees of separation.

I woke around 5 and got ready to go to the plant. On the way, I noticed one of those clocks in front of a bank that also gives the temperature. It was -6 degrees Celsius. -6D. At the plant, my colleague, who was traveling with me, spoke about how the nacelle of a wind turbine (that’s the housing at the top of the tower that holds the generator, gearbox, etc.) was designed to be tilted to keep the blades from hitting the tower. The tilt? You guessed it, 6 degrees.

I had told him about this vision at breakfast that morning and when he said that, I looked at him and smiled. He said “what?” I said “tilted 6 degrees? really?” He remembered and smiled too. 6(tilted)D. On the way back to the hotel that afternoon I saw the clock at the bank again. It was now +6 degrees Celsius. 6D.

This all happened at a point that I was just beginning to realize the importance of synchronicity in my life. I was recognizing synchronicity for the first time, and started reading more about it, including here on your blog.

So when I saw your blog this morning after just remembering this synchro yesterday, I couldn’t help but think the 6 degrees of separation may have been the right interpretation of that vision.

So much more has happened since I last wrote, synchro-wise. I am trying to stay in the flow and just let life unfold.


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4 Responses to 6 degrees of ‘synchronicity’

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    This fellow REALLY looks like Kevin Bacon, doesn’t he??? Wonder if there’s a synchro hidden in that somewhere.

  2. Nice post. One of the things that’s interests me recently is the ‘spark’ that can set off the cluster of synchros – in this case the vision/dream. No vision and the tilted 6 degrees, the temperatures etc would most likely have gone unnoticed. From where do these ‘sparks’ originate? Several possibilities, of course.

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