Earth Day, Cayman Islands

This flash mob in the Cayman Islands on Earth Day is joyful and prompts me to believe we are in the paradigm shift tipping point. Note their t-shirts.



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15 Responses to Earth Day, Cayman Islands

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    You know, when we see this type of thing happening all over the world with some increasing frequency, we have to believe that our world is not in such terrble shape after all. In the midst of wars and recessions and depressions and gloomy outlooks for the future, there is nevertheless reason to dance in simply the joy of being alive, regardless of our circumstances. Sometimes it’s almost impossible to remember that, and these happy flashdances are a great reminder that in spite of its challenges, life can be good!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      “When modes of music change, the fundamental laws of the state change with them.”

      I want to see a flashdance on the floor of congress with the aides, interns, clerical help and marshals taking over the place.

  2. lauren raine says:

    How lovely! Love their tee shirts too – well said, well danced. Thanks for sharing this!

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Now wouldn’t THAT be a sight to see! 😉

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    How could ANYONE help but clap and laugh and smile and feel happy watching these, especially if hung up in an airport waiting impatiently for a delayed flight or some such. Then to see a flashdance break out in the middle of the floor….what a mood lifter that would be. Wonder of the heavy security would even allow them to do it, though. I certainly would hope so!!

  5. yeha says:

    all well and good,,, and bozo should be a bit dissapointed in himself to be such a superfical snob… but after watching the Moscow performance,,, talk aobut about a super bowl ballet…. just noticed…. 5/13 Rob,,, but what about the real synchro……

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Oh, wouldn’t it be just glorious to see a flash dance LIVE!!! The expressions in the audience are as entrancing as those of the dancers! And notice the diversity of culture and ethnicity among the dancers, yet they move as ONE. It’s a joyful expression that has arisen during this past decade or so, and is such a wonderfully uplifting one in opposition to all the woes we must face on a daily basis! I’d be thrilled speechless to see one live! Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. That was great. And I like the idea of how a Flash Mob could then simply melt away into the crowd and become as one of the crowd. There is good and fun amongst us.

  8. Thanks for posting – loved it! I would love to see a live Flashdance.

  9. Thanks for sharing! It was a joyful way to begin my day and I am with you on this belief of being in the shift. There are a lot of young people on this planet who have been encouraged in awareness, and confidence, and their power as an agent for change. They are our future and it feels good.

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