Butterfly Synchro in the Florida Keys

Rob and I took a week off and headed to the Florida Keys with  our daughter Megan and her friend, Shanna, and with my sister, Mary,  and our two dogs – Nika and Noah. We stayed in a beautiful house on a bay, the same place where we had vacationed the day after we started this blog and began documenting our synchronicities.

Not surprisingly, we had an intriguing synchro the night Megan and Shanna arrived.

In addition to the numerous books on the shelves in this house are photos and other items that hold personal significance to the owners. One of these items is a gorgeous butterfly encased in glass.  When I commented on it, wondering aloud what sort of butterfly it was, Shanna said, “Oh wow, synchronicity.”

She then showed me her earrings and a necklace that depicted a butterfly that bore an uncanny resemblance to the one within the glass.

In esoteric traditions, butterflies are usually associated with metamorphosis and transformation, from one shape to another, ugly caterpillar  to gorgeous butterfly. The lifespan of a butterfly differs from one  species to another, but is usually about a month, a handy timing device for us humans. So where will Shanna and the rest of us be in a month?

Megan just finished her internship with Disney and is about to launch a dog walking business. Shanna is returning to college. Rob and I are heading into new directions with our writing. Mary is casting around for ways to branch out in her line of work. Nika is going to live with Megan and Noah will be the only dog again.

That odd little synchro set the stage for our vacation in the keys.  We even walked to the famous ceiba tree   we had visited in 2009. Each of us left our wishes with the tree, written on scraps of paper that we tucked into the folds of its massive roots. Then we walked back into Old Town Key West, through the sultry and really hot evening air, to watch the sunset performances on the Mallory Square pier.

No doubt about it. If you can get past the initial tourist tackiness of Key West, there’s plenty of butterfly magic here. So, we’ll see. One month.  Stay tuned…


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7 Responses to Butterfly Synchro in the Florida Keys

  1. DJan says:

    Butterflies are also especially beautiful to those who love anything that flies, like I do. I don’t have much to say except to remind you that I am here, not commenting often but enjoying your posts! 🙂

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    What a beautiful story and photos and comments. But I look at little Nika laying on Noah’s front paws, and when I think of separating the two of them, I sense they will grieve for each other! Nika has been with Noah all her young life, and Noah “adopted” her. You may have to get another canine friend for Noah! I just love that photo of the two of them together. Makes my old heart feel good.

  3. Darren B says:

    Well here’s another butterfly sync.
    I was having a talk to my artist friend Starr about butterflys last night
    when I had read her latest blog post
    “Fairy-tales Are To Girls What Superheros Are To Boys”
    Her post was about her “Love Is Like A Butterfly” beautiful series of paintings;

    This was the comment I posted last night at her blog;
    ” You’ll always win with butterflies Starr, because people see them as a symbol of transformation,whether that be from childhood to adolescence to adulthood,or to death…and beyond.
    People see that change from a caterpillar to a butterfly as a miracle,so it is a great symbol of hope to many people,especially for those who have lost a loved one.
    When my wife lost her father to a sudden heart attack,over a year ago,she started collecting butterfly stuff galore.
    The house is full of it.So I don’t think you will ever go wrong painting butterflys.

    Grace Slick also said people will always buy cute white rabbits also,for some reason.
    So you might want to try a white rabbit collection as well,at some stage down the track ? ”
    Which lead to me doing a post on Grace Slick,another amazing artist I admire;
    So it looks like we all had butterflys on the brain at the same time .
    Just how far down the rabbit hole do synchronicities go ?-)

  4. Butterfly magic and Florida Keys – that all sounds, well, magical from this side of the Atlantic. Never thought of the butterfly as a timer – a month, interesting.

    Good luck to Megan with her new venture and your new writing directions. It’s exciting when there are possibilities to look forward to – something wonderful can always happen in life.

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