Synchronicity and Travel

We’re always looking for travel synchronicities when we’re on the road. I even have a topic on the subject in a Facebook synchronicity discussion board.

So as we drove from our temporary mountaintop abode in North Carolina to Roswell, Georgia for a visit to Trish’s sister, we remained ever alert for synchronicity. We’d already experienced the one at my yoga class that launched our trip, and then the robin attacking the window reflection/Specter attacking the GOP while at the cabin. (Both were posted.)

We reached Roswell and were just a couple of miles from our destination. It didn’t look like synchronicity would be part of that day’s journey. Instead, we moved haltingly along in a mid-afternoon traffic jam on Holcombe Bridge Road. While taking two or three green lights to get through each controlled intersection, our ‘leisurely’ (Grr!) pace gave us an opportunity to scan the roadside sights…and that’s where we spotted Synchronicity.

That’s the name of a metaphysical bookstore at 861 Holcombe Bridge Road. The word was huge, fifty feet in the air, on a shopping center sign in the parking lot. Then there was also the smaller one in the photo here that was above the bookstore.

Synchronicity realized!

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11 Responses to Synchronicity and Travel

  1. Anonymous says:

    I’m with Whipwarrior. I think your experience with the synchronicity sign bodes well for the book.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Dale.

  3. whipwarrior says:

    Congratulations on completing your book proposal! You know I’ll keep my fingers crossed because I have been looking forward to this one since the beginning. In fact, I think the sign from your trip was a good omen, or quite literally a ‘sign’ that everything is going to work out. 🙂

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I thought you’d like that one. Tony was my dad. I was blown away when that incident happened.

    – Trish

  5. Ray says:

    I read Tony and the Trickster. A very interesting parallel indeed.


  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Synchronicities that bring us full circle: that’s a good one, Ray. When you get a chance, read a March post called Tony and the Trickster. There are parallels,

  7. Ray says:

    The guy never explained why we would meet someone we knew. At the time I just went with it. I thought later it wass because Nearly all ships crossing the Pacific make a stop in Hawaii. That didn’t explain how I met someone I knew before I entered the Navy.

    Pearl Harbor seems to intersect with so many things in my life. On that same trip I went to visit my brother-in-law’s fiancee, the one whose picture I had bugged him about until he gave me his sister’s address.

    I worked for a captain on a survey (read spy) ship with a small crew. Since I didn’t have much to do he had me type his manuscript for the book he was writing for the Naval Institute Press. He was in Hawaii during the attack on Pearl Harbor. At the time he was working in the shipyard. One of his friends was a yard worker on the USS Pennsylvania, the battle ship that was in drydock and thus not sunk. Mello, his friend was aboard during the attack. Mello took a machine that was covered with cosmoline and wrapped up in pieces, put it together and started firing back.

    Two weeks before I joined the Navy my cousin took me to see the USS Missouri in Bremerton, WA. Standing on the same deck where WW II ended made me certain I would sign the papers and take the oath to enter the Navy. After retiring from the Navy I sailed with the civilian arm of the Navy, Military Sealift Command. On my very last voyage back home I saw the Missouri in Pearl Harbor. The same ship began and ended my career at sea.


  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    My sense is that when even the smallest and most seemingly insignificant synchronicity occurs, it’s intended to seize our attention. Perhaps synchronicity is the connector, the bridge, between the quantum world and external reality.

    Physicist David Bohm refers to the deeper layer of reality as the implicate or enfolded order and calls our own level of existence the explicate or unfolded order. Synchronicity, then, is is the bridge between the two.
    – Trish

  9. Anonymous says:

    But what’s the deeper meaning in both of these stories – the synchronicity sign and Ray’s story? Does it mean, in both instances, that you were on the right track in your lives? In the groove?

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Incredible! Did the guy ever explain why??

    – Trish

  11. Ray says:

    This wouldn’t have been unusual had I been in the Navy for a long time, but on my first Navy ship back in the 1960’s we stopped in Pearl Harbor on our way from San Diego to Yokosuka, Japan. One member of our medical department said to the group of five of us we need to go to a club on base called The Block Arena. He said that it was a gaurantee that we would meet someone we knew. I figured it might be someone from the Navy. It turned out that I met someone from my high school graduating class. The other four in the group met people they knew either from the Navy or before. I was convinced the man knew what he was talking about.


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