Law of Attraction?

Sometimes, synchronicities seem to happen because of our intense focus on something. For instance, in 1982, I was rewriting my first novel, In Shadow, for the umpteenth time, working eight and ten hours a day, totally immersed in the rewrite.

The story involved a female professor whose life was turned inside out when she stumbled onto a designer drug ring. She was being stalked – followed at odd hours, obscene notes left in her mailbox, obscene phone calls. Just as I was rewriting a scene about an obscene phone call, my phone rang. In those days, there was no such thing as caller ID. So I answered the phone – and there was only heavy breathing on the other end, just like the stalker in the scene, and then a soft, slimy voice uttered a string of obscenities, just like in the scene. I slammed down the receiver, the phone immediately rang again. I let the phone ring and ring, quickly finished the scene – and never rewrote it again.

I’ve thought about this over the years and every so often hear about other writers who have experienced similar events. So this morning, I was surprised to run across this next story, which first appeared in Phenomena: A Book of Wonders, by John Mitchell and Robert J. M. Rickard. It seems that even intense focus on a movie may attract synchronicities.

In July 1975, the Melkis family of Bedford, England was gathered around their TV, enthralled by a movie about the Titanic. As they waited tensely for the ship to hit the iceberg, a large block of ice fell through the roof of their home.

But where did the ice come from??

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3 Responses to Law of Attraction?

  1. ghenessa says:

    The law of attraction has been around since the beginning of timeā€¦.

    Vision board

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Robert,
    I came across your site through a Google alert. We’d love to hear your stories. When you have a chance, send them to Thanks!


  3. Robert Perry says:

    Great stories! I see that one of you (Trish) is following me on Twitter, so you may be familiar with my perspective. I work with what I call an extreme form of synchronicity in which you have two events coming together that share not just one commonality (like a block of ice damaging a structure), but a whole list of them. It is an absolutely fascinating phenomenon. Anyway, I see you are looking for stories of synchronicity for the book you are writing. I’ve got a number of such stories in my book which I would be open to you using. I would also consider supplying an unpublished story.

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