Mark your calendar. On Jan 20 at 7:50 pm ET and 4:50 pm PT, Pluto enters Aquarius, where it hasn’t been in 248 years. It will be there for the next 20 years – until 2044. It will retrograde periodically, slipping back into Capricorn, but when it’s in Aquarius, the tenor of your life and your experiences will be vastly different than Pluto’s movement through Capricorn.
Most of the Revolutionary War took place when Pluto was in Aquarius. It was a time when people around the globe rebelled against unfair regimes under which they lived. The French revolution overthrew the country’s monarchy.
During Pluto’s 15-year transit through Capricorn, we saw a rise of big tech, big pharma, big government, a financial crisis, the Covid pandemic. It was a time when global institutions set the policies for the world. The supreme court overturned Roe v Wade and we’ve seen how women have reacted in several state elections – Kansas, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia. The republican party continues to embrace repressive, authoritarian policies and candidates and it should prove to be their downfall during Pluto’s transit.
That said, since Pluto turns retrograde just like every other planet except the moon, it will be in Capricorn at the time of the election, but on inauguration day, it will be in Aquarius. Until 2044, that will be the trend – Pluto moving like a snail through Aquarius but retrograding back into Capricorn through those 20 years.
Astrologers have different ideas about how this transit will shake out. It can be helpful to look at the past for what happened when it was last in that sign. But let’s face it. The world is a much different place than it was during the French Revolution between 1777-1798. Also, Pluto has been demoted as a planet so why should we care?
Astrologers who no longer factor Pluto into their readings do so at their own peril. This planet is about how we transform and regenerate our lives. Think transcendence, redemption, power, afterlife, good and evil, the hidden and unseen, our personal unconscious. Its two extremes are best symbolized by Hitler and Gandhi. Each man possessed a vision that that he manifested in physical reality. Both had a vision, a sense of destiny. But Hitler’s vision resulted in massive destruction, horror, autocracy and Gandhi’s vision elevated mass consciousness.
Pluto rules Scorpio and transited that sign from 1983-1995, the era when AIDS became a terrible reality, when global warming became more than just buzz words, when alternative medicine became the popular kid on the block. I have Scorpio rising.The rising or ascendant is considered the doorway to your chart, the point where you entered into your current life. During those years, Rob and I met, got married, started a family. I sold my first novel and numerous subsequent books, we moved, we freelanced for OMNI and met Betty Hill, Budd Hopkins, and a number of psychics in South Florida. This transit into Aquarius will begin in my 4th house – home, family, personal environment – and end up in my 5th house, creativity, kids, romance, what I do for fun and enjoyment.
For Rob, this transit will begin in his 10th and end up in his 11th – career and wishes & dreams. For our daughter, Meg, the houses are the 11th and 12th- her colleagues, her network, her wishes and dreams & her personal unconscious. Wherever Pluto moves, that’s the area of your life that will be transformed.
What about you? Go here for a free copy of your birth chart. It’s most accurate if you know your time of birth. But if you don’t know the time, enter 12 noon and you’ll get a sense of the aspects Pluto will make to other planets in your chart. Questions? Email me through the contact form on the blog.
Keep in mind: this may be the year of disclosure. It would certainly fit Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius.