Banned Books in Florida Continues


Recently, I was in Barnes & Noble here in town and spotted this table as soon as I entered the store. A display near the front.I stood in front of it for awhile, fighting back s wave of rage  that our governor’s only agenda is banning books , discriminating against trans people, and all people of color. Abortion here is now banned at 6 weeks. So, basically, DeSantis is banning everyone except white men.

When my rage passed, I felt like doing a happy dance that B&N had put up this exhibit.

Now just take a look at the books on that table. I mean, Naked Lunch? The Handmaid’s Tale? Flowers in the Attic? Anne Frank? This is just a handful of the books this guy considers too dangerous for young mind, adult minds, anyone with a mind. They might give them, well, you know, ideas  and insights into how we humans have inflicted horrible crimes on our fellow humans. It might, you know, inform people about history.

The saddest part is this guy is now a candidate for the presidency and has promised to govern the country the same way he has governed Florida so that all the states are as free as this one! Oh Yipee. What a wonderful event to look forward to! Florida was so free during Covid – no need to wear masks, guys, and not to worry about getting vaccinated, they’re just chipping everyone. He appointed a dermatologist as his Covid medical advisor, who had never worked in a public health crisis.

The dermo sounded  as ill-informed and absurd as DeSantis. Both of them considered Fauci and the CDC policies a major problem. As a result, 87,141 people (at least) died of Covid in Florida during the pandemic.

On top of it, DeSantis refuses to answer questions from the press. Tht’s probably why he announced his candidacy on Twitter.  He is considered not too likeable and completely  lacking in social skills.

Uh-uh, Ronnie boy. Good work. If you’re elected, it really would  be time to leave the state and the country.The U.S. would lose all semblance of democracy. Trump did a good job of fracturing democracy, but Ronnie boy would collapse it.  And oh, your kids would be a lot more ignorant. But maybe that’s the goal, huh?

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This evening, May 30, I was driving back from the bookstore and was behind a massive truck that could barely take the turn into our neighborhood. Our streets are just neighborhood roads, widened and raised a little since a hurricane back several years back nearly flooded the neighborhood. But still not highway wide to allow this guy to turn gracefully.

Once he made the turn, the Good Greek truck blocked the entire street and didn’t budge. The car coming toward us – someone on his way out of the neighorhood – didn’t bother waiting for the truck to move. The driver simply swung to the right and across the lawn of the nearest house. That  seemed to rouse the Good Greek driver, who now trundled forward up the street like some massive overweight whale. I was able to continue home and pull into our driveway.

Over the years we’ve lived here, I’ve seen a lot of movie vans pull in and out of here. But I’ve never seen a truck from this particular company. I wondered, briefly, if this moving truck would become part of a synchronicity in the next couple days or weeks. It had that kind of feeling to it. And I hadn’t been experiencing any synchros in awhile and was hoping for one soon.

Later that evening, we were watching the news and yeah, sure enough, the synchronicity occurred: a commercial for the Good Greek Moving and Storage company. One of those same lumbering trucks.

So the possible meaning of this one? A couple things. After our first Abraham/Hicks cruise in August, Meg and I talked about taking one of their tours to Greece. Seemed like a good way to see the islands in Greece we wanted to see. No plans yet. The other possibility is that we’re going to move, something Rob and I have talked about.

The question, though, is what’s the message? Was that synchro a reflection of things I think and talk about? Was it a confirmation of one or the other – or both? Was it precognitive? No idea.

We’ll see.

And that’s one of the beauties of synchronicities. They’re sometimes like jigsaw puzzles, a mystery we have to piece together, to puzzle through until whatever it is comes together seamlessly in our lives.

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From Carol Bowman



Carol Bowman and I often trade synchronicities. Recently, she sent me this one, which is one of those where you scratch your head and invariably ask yourself, What are the odds?

“My husband, Steve,  and I were browsing at a plant sale at a suburban Philadelphia arboretum.  I started talking to a woman with an adorable toddler in her stroller, while her husband was looking at plants. She told me that she and her husband had recently moved to the area, and that she had been a professional ballerina.  I asked her if her husband was also an artist.  She replied that no, he was a scientist.

“I told her that my brother was also a scientist, but he had retired about 10 years ago.  I also mentioned that he had worked at Johns Hopkins for years.  Her husband, who overheard my comment, told me that he had gotten his degree in neurology at Johns Hopkins, and had also been there around 10 years ago.  I said, “My brother was in the Department of Neurology there, too, and he  had his own lab.”

“I turned to my husband and said, “Wouldn’t it be funny if he knew Paul!”  Without missing a beat the husband blurted, “Paul Hoffman?”

“We were both stunned!   He told me that he had worked in a lab next to my brother’s during his few years at Hopkins, and had greatly admired my brother, not only for his achievements, but for his kindness and humility.  That brought tears to my eyes, as I told him that Paul had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s a few years ago.

“When I got home, I called my brother and told him about my “small world” encounter at the arboretum, and how this person remembered so many good things about him.  I figured it would be a small boost for him to hear that.  In typical Paul fashion he replied, “It’s a good thing he didn’t think I was a jerk!”

A small world, for sure.


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The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For June 2023

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: Star Power For June 2023”:

Join Trish for the June 2023 astrological forecast!

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Casey DeSantis



Recently, Casey DeSantis, Gov Ron’s wife, wore a green dresses straight out of The Handmaid’s Tale. It’s the dress the commander’s wives wear in the story. I mentioned it to Rob and he replied, “That’s a sychronicity.” Meaning, that it fit the governor’s agenda of autocratic rule, abortion ban after 6 weeks, banning of books, targeting trans and gays and any other group he personally objects to, taking over liberaal New College of of Florid and turning it into a religious right college.

But I think it was as deliberate as Melania Trump wearing that jacket with I DON’T CARE ACROSS the back when she went to the border to visit immigrant kids in cages. Casey radiates the part.



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The Mystical Underground: TMU – 0159 – Alexis Brooks – Contact Encounters And Everyday Life

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “TMU – 0159 – Alexis Brooks – Contact Encounters And Everyday Life”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Alexis Brooks is an award-winning broadcast journalist and host of the podcast Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks. She is the author of Conscious Musings. A veteran of broadcast journalism since 1986, Alexis was simultaneously pursuing a track that would lead her to an intensive study of metaphysical, spiritual, and consciousness-related subjects – areas of inquiry that stemmed from her own extraordinary encounters that began as a child. Alexis has also become recognized for her work within the field of UFOlogy, with emphasis on the ET contact experiencer aspect.

Alexis will be a featured guest at Contact In the Desert June 2-4, 2023.

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Google’s New AI: Bard


Google is developing its own AI – Bard – and tonight I had a chance to use it. My question: What is synchronicity?

The answer fits.

Synchronicity is a concept that was first introduced by Carl Jung, a Swiss
psychologist. It is the meaningful coincidence of two or more events, where
something other than the probability of chance is involved. The event is
meaningful because what happens in the external world is mirroring
something happening in your internal world.

For example, you might be thinking about a friend you haven’t seen in a
long time, and then you run into them on the street. Or you might have a
dream about a certain place, and then you find yourself visiting that place
in real life.

Jung believed that synchronicity was a way for the universe to communicate
with us. He thought that it could be a sign of our intuition, or our
connection to something greater than ourselves.

Synchronicity is often seen as a spiritual phenomenon, but it can also be
seen as a psychological one. Jung believed that synchronicity could help us
to understand our inner selves and to connect with the world around us.

Whether you believe in synchronicity or not, it can be a fascinating and
thought-provoking concept. It can make us wonder about the nature of
reality and our place in the universe.

So will we, as a society, eventually censor AIs because we don’t like their answers? Here in Florida, Governor DeSantis is banning any mention of Blacks and the Civil Rights history because it might make white kids, well, uncomfortable. So I asked the Bard AI: Who was Rosa Parks? I asked because one publisher of school texts books has already removed any reference to her as  a black woman.

Rosa Parks was an American activist in the civil rights movement best known for her pivotal role in the Montgomery bus boycott. The United States Congress has honored her as “the first lady of civil rights” and “the mother of the freedom movement”.

Parks was born Rosa Louise McCauley on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama. She was raised by her grandparents after her parents separated when she was two years old. Parks attended Booker T. Washington High School, where she was a member of the NAACP and the National Association of Colored Women.

In 1932, Parks married Raymond Parks, a barber and NAACP activist. The couple moved to Montgomery, Alabama, in 1943. Parks worked as a seamstress and NAACP secretary.
On December 1, 1955, Parks was riding a bus home from work when she was ordered to give up her seat to a white passenger. Parks refused, and she was arrested and fined.

Her arrest sparked a citywide boycott of the bus system by blacks that lasted for more than a year. The boycott ended with the Supreme Court ruling that segregation on city buses was unconstitutional.

Parks’s act of defiance helped to launch the modern civil rights movement. She became a national symbol of the struggle for equality, and she was awarded the NAACP’s Spingarn Medal in 1979.

Parks died on October 24, 2005, at the age of 92. She was the first woman to lie in honor in the United States Capitol Rotunda.

Rosa Parks was a courageous and determined woman who fought for equality and justice for all Americans. Her legacy will continue to inspire people around the world for generations to come.

Ronnie boy DeSantis won’t like the Bard AI’s response to this question.



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Labels added to this visible-light Hubble Space Telescope image of Jupiter point out several atmospheric features on the planet, including a ‘brown barge’, four hot spots (which appear bright in the infrared image from Gemini North), a superstorm, the Great Red Spot, and Red Spot Jr. (also known as Oval BA).

First, happy birthday to Rob! And lucky Rob! He’s a Taurus with a Taurus rising and today Jupiter enters his sign. This is what that means:

Today, at 1:20 PM EDT and 10:20 AM Pacific, Jupiter enters  Taurus, where it will be until May 25 2024.  Jupiter is the planet that represents expansion, luck, good fortune. It rules Sagittarius, co-rules Pisces, and governs higher education, the higher mind, synchronicity, foreign countries, cultures, and people. Its year-long transit through Taurus  should benefit all earth signs and water signs Pisces and Cancer. You Scorpios will be experiencing a Jupiter opposition, which means you take on too many responsibilities that realistically, you may find it difficult to juggle everything!

If your natal Jupiter is in Taurus, then you’ll be entering a Jupiter return, which occurs every 11.6 years – call it 12. The last time Jupiter was in Taurus was in 2011-2012., so look back at that period and think about what was happening in your life then. Did your life expand in some way? A move, a baby, a marriage, a huge raise… The Jupiter return year is usually terrific – prosperous and expansive.

Whatever sign you are, take a look at your natal chart to see where Taurus falls. You can get a copy of your natal chart here.  The house where Taurus falls in your chart will be the area that undergoes the most expansion and good fortune. If it falls on your ascendant, the doorway to your chart, the place where you entered this life, you’re in for a double treat. So  Rob, it’s going to be fun!

Here’s a quick reference on what the houses govern.





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The Mystical Underground: Salicrow: Spirit Speaker

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Salicrow: Spirit Speaker”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Salicrow is a psychic medium and author who weaves the traditions of her Irish Traveler and Blackfoot heritage with modern magical techniques. For more than 30 years, she has worked as a spirit channel, seer, and intuitive healer, offering readings and teaching workshops throughout the United States and internationally. Salicrow’s new book is called SPIRIT SPEAKER: A Medium’s Guide to Death and Dying. It’s also an excellent guide to the afterlife, which we’ll be talking about. Welcome Salicrow

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Ah, Mercury


Tomorrow, May 14 at 11:17 p.m. Eastern and 8:17 p.m. Pacific, Mercury turns direct in Taurus. I don’t know about you, but this retro has been a monster for me. Snafus in communications, revisions on a novel, missed opportunities. Whenever some oddball thing went askew, I’d mutter, “Merc retro. Deep breaths.”

Sometimes it helped, most of the time it didn’t.

The good news is the next Mercury retro doesn’t happen again until August 23- September 15 and it will be in earth sign Virgo.

Then, the 4th Mercury retro of the year begins on December 12 and takes us into the new year. It ends on January 1, 2024, in Sagittarius.


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