At some point last fall, Megan and I started talking about taking an Abraham/Hicks cruise. There was one on the Celebrity Equinox that would leave from Fort Lauderdale on March 9. It would visit Grand Cayman, Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire, and last until March 18. There would be 4 Abraham workshops – the days we were at sea.
In December, I started researching it – price, the layout of the ship, etc – and we convinced Rob to join us.
I started reading the Hicks books at some point after watching The Secret years ago. The material seemed strikingly similar to that of Seth, channeled by medium and author Jane Roberts. Here’s what Amazon says:
In 1963, Jane Roberts began to receive messages from a wise, non-physical being who identified himself as Seth. In regular sessions, Seth spoke through Roberts, offering lessons on the nature of reality and human potential. The Seth Material is a foundational collection of spiritual guidance and practical advice from Jane Roberts, the leader who launched the New Age and has influenced readers for decades.
I don’t think Roberts single-handedly launched the New Age. But she certainly contributed to it in a huge way. In fact, I remember reading that Jerry and Esther Hicks,when they were first starting out, wanted to attend one of Roberts’ ESP classes in Elmira. Then they discovered she had died – 1984.
In the many years since then, Abraham and Esther Hicks have published bestselling books and amassed a large following. The Celebrity Equinox can carry over 2800 passengers and has 1250 staff. The ship is huge. In the auditorium for the workshops, there were probably – at the very least – 1000 people who paid $450 just to attend. The workshops were advertised as 12 hours, while the ship was at sea. They were worth every penny.
In the first workshop, Abraham talked briefly about the law of attraction and the general nature of reality.The he opened himself to questions – if you raised your hand – if your arm wagged and glowed! – you might be picked for the “hot seat,” where Abraham takes personal questions. Some of the people who were chosen had been in that chair on previous cruises. One of those men hurried eagerly to the stage when Abraham pointed at him.
“A year ago when I was on this cruise and in this hot seat, I met the love of my life. We’re now married and bought a wolf sanctuary in Sedona, Arizona.” He then went on to explain that people who had suffered some kind of trauma came to the sanctuary to be healed by going into the area with the wolves.

auditorium before workshop started
Abraham talked about this, how wolves perceive the world and reality and why people find healing when they’re interacting with them. Right now, they have three wolves. We really wanted to talk with him about this at greater length and ended up sitting with him and his wife on the bus ride back to the parking garage safter the ship docked. That sanctuary is now on our bucket list.
When the video for these workshops go up for sale or appear in 15 minute segments on You Tube, check them out. At our last workshop, Abraham chose a man who said he’d written a song with Mick Jagger and would like to sing it. Abraham invited him to sing.
Turns out he rewrote Can’t Get No Satisfaction while listening to Jagger. The title and chorus became I CAN NOW GET SATISFACTION… Much more positive than the original!
They don’t allow videos at these workshops, but Abraham invited people to videotape it. I captured 18 seconds of it but am hesitant to post it here because it undoubtedly will be on the videos they sell. But the pic at the top gives you some idea of the auditorium and the size of the crowd.
Another man sat down and blurted that his grandson had decided he should be a granddaughter. Abraham’s take on transgenders was beautiful.
For dinner on Deck 3, the Abraham/Hicks people had their own area of the dining room, which gave us a chance to interact. We met an artist who studied under Normal Rockwell when she was 14 and her art is gorgeous. Meryl Ann Butler.
We met a Belgian couple who were abducted and have agreed to come on the podcast and tell their story.
We met two business partners who are forming a business geared to corporate employees who want to escape the corporate world but are hesitant to do so.
We met a writer and his Panamanian wife who live just down the road from us.
In fact, there were a number of writers in this Hicks group.
The cruise docked at Grand Cayman, Aruba, Curacao, and Bonaire. Rob has written a post about Aruba and all the synchronicities. In retrospect, there were a lot of synchronicities on this trip.
Since this was my first cruise, I didn’t know what to expect. But what I found was that the ship’s processes – from check in to meals and shows and check out – is extremely well organized. Given the ship’s size, I walked more than 5-6 miles a day. There’s a gym, a running track on deck 14, a spa on deck 12, a movie night on deck 15 where you can spread a blanket on grass. The ship is a moving city.
In Bonaire, our excursion was to windsurf on land, in racing cars with sails. It was strange and exhilarating. On Grand Cayman, we visited a tortoise sanctuary. On Aruba, I’d booked an excursion for a 3-hour catamaran cruise around Aruba. It turned out to be a 2 hour bus ride and a 40-minute ride on a diesel boat. I told the guest relations that the description had been inaccurate. The woman at the desk told me to talk to the excursion manager after 6 pm. So I did – and offered to rewrite the description. But they’d already refunded 50 percent of the excursion’s cost.
The shows were great – a musical, a mind reading performance, a voice mimic who could sing in the voice of other singers.
Cruises are pampered travel. All you have to do is pay and show up. And that pampering is what these cruises are all about. Unpack in your room and get ready and then dive in!
But the one element cruises lack? Animals. Nigel would love that grassy area and all the people.
The workshops were terrific. What I personally took away from them was that I need time to work on my own books and that any ghostwriting projects I take on will be for topics/stories that excite me and not just for the money.