Happy Thanksgiving day greeting card calligraphy text with pumpkins, squash and leaves over dark wood table background

What we’re supposedly celebrating here is based on a harvest feast in 1621 shared by the pilgrims of Plymouth and the Wampanoag people, American Indians who formerly occupied parts of what are now the states of Rhode Island and Massachusetts. It’s thought of as the first celebration of the pilgrims in their new world.

It’s probably safe to say that when you and I sit down for Thanksgiving dinner now in 2022, we’re not thinking about 1621 and the pilgrims. We’re thinking, Wow, I’m hungry and this feast looks grand. Then we look around the table and realize we’re with family and friend whom we love. That’s what Thanksgiving is.

This particular holiday is about gratitude for the people we love, for the animals that share our lives, for the quality of our lives and our freedoms. It’s one reason why our elections are so important.

So this year I’m grateful that I’m celebrating Thanksgiving with both Rob and Megn, our respective pets, and with our friends Rose, Dwane, and Lloyd- and their dogs! I’m grateful there was no red wave, for the defeat of the election deniers who were running and lost, and that the Dems are holding the senate.

I’m not grateful for what happened in Florida.

I’m angry that the DOJ hasn’t indicted trump yet.

But I’m grateful trump is being recognized for what he is – a narcissistic loser. His NO SURPRISE announcement that he’s running again couldn’t happen at a worst time – when most of the candidates he endorsed lost. When he’s embroiled in legal troubles.

I’m grateful for the way democracy is shaping up for 2023.



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Joseph Campbell & the Preying Mantis

I’ve always loved this particular synchronicity.

Synchronicities often involve archetypes or archetypal situations that we all share – being picked on by the schoolyard bully in elementary school, loss of childhood innocence, the birth of a child, a wedding or divorce, the death of a parent. These types of synchronicities can startle us so deeply that we are forced to recognize them as something more than random coincidences.

Mythologist Joseph Campbell experienced a startling synchronicity that was reminiscent of Jung’s scarab while he was reading about the praying mantis, a hero symbol in the Bushman mythology. He was at home on the fourteenth floor of a building in New York City, and had an urge to open a window, which he rarely did.

Off to the right, a praying mantis stood on the rim of his window. Campbell, whose career focused on Jung’s collective unconscious and mythology, said the mantis was huge and looked right at him. “… its face looked like the face of a Bushman’s face. It gave me the creeps!”


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The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: The Shift: The Wakeup Call

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: The Shift: The Wakeup Call”:

Join Trish MacGregor for a reading from Trish and Rob’s new book, The Shift!

Just out of sight and mostly outside the awareness of mainstream media, a shift in consciousness is underway that’s beyond religion, politics, and science as we know it now. It’s an accelerated perception shared by millions worldwide: we are all energetically entangled. What affects one affects all.

Here in this sea of evolving awareness, we perceive intuitively, through the heart, and often experience astonishing coincidences or synchronicities. It’s here we might momentarily connect with a lost loved one, catch a glimpse of our future, or be nudged unexpectedly onto a different path. These wake-up calls alert us to a deeper matrix of reality.

Welcome to The Shift.

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A Biggie

Recently, Suzanne Cunningham emailed me with a spirit message for someone. That post is going up later this month. We started emailing and I discovered she’s a Reiki healer  who sometimes receives mediumistic messages because of her Reiki work. Today, she shared a stunning synchronicity:

I was leaving a marriage of 25 years, trying to decide where to live. Our son was living and going to school in Charlotte, NC, and I was living and working in Syracuse, NY. I worked for a woman that owned a couple of bridal salons, one in Syracuse, the other in Charlotte (part of the reason my son was there, as I visited often). I was trying to decide the direction and location my life needed to move in. As my personal life was deteriorating I asked my boss if I could work in her Charlotte location as well as NY while I decided what I needed to do and where I needed to live.

At the same time I was also working on developing my intuition with a teacher in Central NY. She is a powerful intuitive with a group of wonderful, equally powerful friends. Our group included a former local mayor, a graphic artist, a corporate trainer, my teacher and I. We decided to create a festival/retreat weekend to celebrate women. We lived in the land of the Haudensaunee, the Iroquois, and the Clan mothers had been so important to the tribes that called CNY home and to us, as young women growing up there. We were feeling inspired and decided to call it The Goddess Weekend.

My teacher invited a young woman she met on a recent trip to San Diego, an author, Julie Hunt, to come to our weekend in NY. We were thrilled when she said yes! I picked her up at the airport on the Friday of the retreat and we shared a room in my teacher’s house. We celebrated women, were serenaded by the incomparable Joanne Shenandoah along with her sister, Diane,  and her daughter, Leah.  It was a miraculous weekend, so fun, and something we hoped to do annually. Our “frequencies” were so high! It truly was just such an inspiring weekend.

Julie, the author, spent the 3 days meeting, greeting and selling copies of her book. Everyone kept asking her who the beautiful young woman on the cover was. The young woman just exudes such Joy as I’m sure you can see. Over and over throughout the weekend Julie politely told each person it  was a stock photo chosen by the publisher. On Sunday night, she presented me with a copy, inscribed with a lovely message. I left there feeling like I could manage, regardless of where I would end up. I was still afraid but the weekend had so filled me with hope. I felt surrounded and supported and most importantly loved, and so I drove to Charlotte, the Queen city!

When I arrived at the store I brought my copy of the book to share with my boss. We chatted for a few minutes and then, as I was telling her about meeting this wonderful young woman, the author, Julie Hunt, I slid the book across her desk. She looked at the cover and turned white, I watched the color drain from her face and could only ask WHAT???

She said “Suzanne, do you know who this girl is?”

“No. Lots of people asked Julie but she had no idea and would love to know but it was a stock photo.”

Now – spoiler alert – here comes the synchronicity.

“Suzanne, this girl asked me for a job a few weeks ago. When you called needing to be here, I told her the job was no longer available, my friend needs the job.”

There were no words. We both just sat there, letting the reality of what had just happened sink in. I then asked her if the young woman on the cover KNEW she was on a book cover. We called her, shared the news, and then I called Julie to tell her the mystery was solved although the mystery was hanging thickly in the room because HOW COULD THIS BE POSSIBLE?

I lived in CNY, the Goddess Weekend was in CNY, Julie lived in San Diego and the young woman (forgive me, I cannot recall her name but I’m working on it) lived in Charlotte.

So Trish, synchronicity or miracle? I’m here to tell you I’m still not sure. The thing is, this is an example with tangible evidence, something I’ve physically held during moments of doubt. I just carry the experience like a bubble of emotion and memory.”

Synchros like this one, Mind Blowers, seem to originate in what physicist David Bohm called the implicate order, a kind of primal soup that births everything in the universe. Bohm believed that even time unfolds from the implicate. He referred to our external reality as the explicate order. It seems that synchronicity exists along the border between the two and is our most immediate bridge to our own psyche and intuition.



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This is an oddball synchronicity that involves pistachios. Yeah, you read that right.
This evening while we were watching the news, Rob got out a bag of pistachios that we could snack on. He asked if pistachios are good for you, so I went to my computer and Googled it. Turns out they are. From WEB MD:

Among the possible health benefits of pistachios:

High levels of unsaturated fatty acids and potassium. Both have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory traits.

They can lower your chances for cardiovascular disease. 

Pistachios are bursting with the fiber, minerals, and unsaturated fat that can help keep your blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol in check.

Their fiber and protein can make you feel fuller for longer. This fiber can also have a positive effect on your gut by aiding “good” bacteria.

They can help you manage your weight since they’re a nutritious and satisfying snack. This may help you eat less overall and lose weight. Buying pistachios in their shells slows down your eating.

Some studies suggest that eating pistachios lowers the amount of fat and sugar (glycemic index) in your blood, as well as improves the flexibility and tone of your blood vessels. 

So as I read this aloud, Rob paused the ads, then suddenly laughed. “You won’t believe this. Take a look.”

I hurried back to the family room and there on the TV was an ad for pistachios.
“So what’s it mean?” Rob asked. “Is every coincidence a synchronicity?”

And as we were talking about that, the possible meaning, a second ad about pistachios came on and it was different from that first ad.

Other than the health benefits of pistachio, we aren’t sure what the message is. It’s definitely a coincidence, but is it a synchronicity?


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FROGS As Totem Animals


Frogs. Such innocuous creatures.

These guys start their lives as tadpoles, a rather strange life that takes about 12 weeks to make the transition from tadpole to frog. Somewhere between six and nine weeks, the tadpole starts sprouting little legs, the head becomes more distinct, the body elongates. Around nine weeks the tadpole looks like a tiny frog.

Understand, though, that a frog emerges from one of 4,000 eggs laid by the mother in a jellylike substance where it develops into a tadpole. Most tadpoles are consumed by predators before they’ve fully metamorphosed into frogs at 12 to 14 weeks of age. The half-dozen or so of the tadpoles from the original 4,000 eggs that survive to adulthood might live 5 to 8 years in the wild.

Esoterically, frogs – like butterflies – are considered to messengers of transformation. And for us over the years, they have proven to be symbols of dire transformation or of incredibly fortunate transformation, depending on the health of the frog and where it’s found.

In 1997, for instance, we returned from a trip and in our family room, found a dead Cuban tree frog. Our daughter, Megan, who was only eight at the time, saw it, and murmured,

“Uh-oh, this can’t be good.”

Dead frog, family room: it was obvious. The next day, Rob’s mother called to tell him his father had died.

In 2003, Trish came across a beautiful Cuban tree frog in the kitchen, caught it, and released it outside. Two days later, she was told her novel, Out of Sight, had been nominated for an Edgar Allan Poe Award from the Mystery Writers of America. Kitchen: sustenance. Good health: excellent prognosis. Several months later, she won the award.

Over the years, many animals have acted as messengers in just this way. We look at their life cycles for hints about timing, where they’re found for hints about their meaning, and their health (or lack of) for a hint about whether the message is positive, negative, or somewhere in between. Although we have a lot of frogs that are drawn to the windows of our offices because the lights are on, which attract insects, it’s been awhile since a frog has been found inside the house.

Around June 12-13 in 2017, I found a dead frog in the house at the entrance to the family room from the porch. I didn’t mention it to Rob or anyone else. The frog had been dead for awhile, its body as flat as a postage stamp. Two days later, we learned that Rob’s mother had died and shortly afterward, we left for Minnesota to help settle her affairs.

This evening, November 1, 2022, I was working on a new synchronicity book, Mind-Blowing Synchronicities and fretting about the elections in just 8 days. Megan and   I were on the phone, talking about an Abraham-Hicks Cruise leaving from Fort Lauderdale in March 2023. We’ve long talked about taking one of these cruises – the only kind of cruise I would ever bother to take, and decided we could afford it. When we hung up, I got up from my desk and turned around and spotted a baby frog hopping through my office.

I didn’t have any idea where it came from. I followed it into the kitchen, scooped it up and released it. I think Megan and I will be taking that Hicks cruise.

I’m also  hopeful that the frog bodes well for these midterm elections…that the election deniers tapped by trump fail miserably and democracy survives.  We’ll see…



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The Mystical Underground: Susan Yantorno: Fallen Angel

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Susan Yantorno: Fallen Angel”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Susan Yantorno is a retired veterinarian who has had experiences that go well beyond our everyday physical reality. Her story is astonishing because of her ability to travel out of her body at will. But three years ago, her incredible journeys to other worlds, other dimensions, came to a crashing stop when she became the target of dark entities which have repeatedly threatened and assaulted her. We met Susan about eight years ago after she contacted us about one of our books. We’ve met her in person several times, and we can vow that she is a very sane person even though it’s understandable that some people might think her experiences are more imagined than real. Listen to her now and see what you think.

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That Uranian Surprise

I  was worried about that lunar eclipse in Taurus, with Uranus conjunct, on election day. Uranus is the planet that shakes up the status quo. It promises the unexpected, surprises that come out of nowhere. It rules earthquakes, which should tell you something.

Now it’s November 12, four days after the election. The surprise is that there wasn’t any red tsunami. Right now, tonight, the senate is at 49/49. Democrats need just one vote – Warnock in Georgia or Catherine Cortez Masto in Nevada to gain the majority. Or, preferably, both.

Even if the repugs take the house by a few seats, this election has thrown the party into disarray. For the most part, Trump’s choices in candidates lost and that makes him look bad. It makes him look weak, ineffectual, like an albatross.

Unfortunately, Florida went red. DeSantis, Rubio… BUT there’s Max Frost, a 25-year-old Gen Z guy from Orlando who is going to Congress as the youngest ever. His generation is so overshadowed by Parkland and school shootings that we’re going to see even more of them going into politics, squeezing out the old white men who think they run the country. Eventually, this generation may kill the NRA.

So, the red tsunami for the repugs didn’t happen. On November 15, the day trump is due to testify before congress or the J6 committee, he supposedly intends to announce that he’s running for prez in 2024.

Now c’mon, Merrick Garland, isn’t it about time you indicted this sucker?

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Is there an astrological signature for encounters?



This is Betty Hill’s natal chart. It’s one of my baseline charts. I have 10 natal charts of people who have had encounters or have been abducted and have been studying them for possible signatures that might indicate such an experience.Granted, a database of just 10 charts is pretty pathetic. But I work with what I have right now.

One common denominator is the number 22 – the degree of a particular planet or point. Notice that in Betty’s 10th house (career) her natal Jupiter – the planet next to her moon in that house – is 22 degrees Cancer. It’s conjunct by 5 degrees to her Cancer moon.

On her Midheaven – the highest point in the chart, the border between houses 9 and 10- she has  Pluto – that P like symbol at 6 degrees Cancer,just two degrees from her 8 degree Cancer Midheaven. Technically, it’s conjunct

Another possible signature is that the natal moon or sun or North Node is aspected by Jupiter or Pluto or sits on one of the four main points of a natal chart – the ascendant, 4th house cusp, 7th house cusp, or the Midheaven – cusp of the 10th house. These are the four major points in a chart. The ascendant represents where you came into this life. The 4th house represents your foundation – family, nurturing parent, personal atmosphere. The 7th house is   partnerships and the 10th house, your public face, career.  The North Node represents the direction you should move in this lifetime to evolve at every level.

I was curious about that 22 degrees, so I looked up Hexagram 22 in the Ching. It’s called Grace. I wrote Whitley Strieber about this and a synchronicity happened. “I was just talking with someone about astrology and the I Ching when your email came through. I think that’s a confirmation!”

I think so, too. So if anyone who has had an encounter or abduction would like to add to my small database, I would be grateful. I would need your date, time,  and place of birth.

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The Mystical Underground: Melvin Morse: Closer To The Light

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Melvin Morse: Closer To The Light”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Melvin Morse is a former Critical Care Physician who studied the near-death experiences of children at Seattle Children’s Hospital. He has published several books and scientific papers on near-death experiences, spiritual healing, remote viewing, and the entire range of spiritual visions surrounding the dying process. He was described by NBC News as doing more than any other scientist to prove the existence of life after death.

His international best seller Closer to the Light describes the near-death experiences of children. His second book Transformed by the Light, documented the long-term positive transformations of children who had NDEs. His third book Parting Visions detailed the shared dying experiences of children and adults. His latest book Where God Lives discusses spiritual neuroscience and how our brains are connected to the Universe. His books were co-authored with science writer and documentary filmmaker Paul Perry.

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