The synchro of Hurricane Ian

It turns out that category 4 Hurricane Ian is the source of at least one synchronicity.

When it made landfall at 3:05 PM on September 28, it did so at Cayo Costa, a barrier island near Captiva and Sanibel, also barrier islands. Not many people live there and it has a state park that’s a favorite spot with boaters. The NBC meteorologist Bill Kerins said that 18 years ago, in 2004, Hurricane Charley, also a category 4 storm, made landfall at this exact spot.

Think about that. The west coast of Florida is 660 miles long. As Karin exclaimed, “What are the odds of that?”

When I told Rob about this, he asked what the message was. It’s a good question. My personal take? Hurricanes possess an element of consciousness.

PS. South Florida was lucky. Rain, some wind, but nothing like the damage I’ve seen on the news to the west coast of Florida. Ian, like Andrew, will change the  shape and texture of Florida for decades.

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A Truly Cosmic Coincidence

Here’s another fascinating story from Bernard Beitman’s new book, Meaningful Coincidences: How and Why Synchronicity and Serendipity Happen.

“There is one coincidence for everyone on Earth to see: the sun and moon appear to us to be exactly the same size. Solar eclipses, when the moon passes between Earth and sun, dramatically demonstrate their apparently equal size. But, of course, they are not the same size. They are about ninety-three million miles apart. The sun is about four hundred times larger than the moon. But because the moon is also four hundred times closer to Earth, the geometry makes them appear to be the same size.15 Written algebraically, 400/1 × 1/400 = 1.

“Astronomers say that the moon was created 4.5 billion years ago when a Mars-sized object (or perhaps a series of many smaller objects) crashed into the Earth, sending bits of the Earth’s crust into space. The bits fell into the Earth’s orbit and eventually coalesced, forming our moon. That newborn moon—a ball of molten rock covered in a magma ocean—was nearly 16 times closer to Earth than it is today. Now the moon is being pushed away from Earth by 1.6 inches (4 centimeters) per year.16

“If this moon creation theory is correct, then a second coincidence is that, in the broad expanse of time for the moon to reach its current position in the sky, perhaps one hundred million years, the apparent equality in size is happening while humans are around to observe it.

“The two incidents of this coincidence are the moon’s evolution matching in time the evolution of human consciousness to be able to notice the similarity between the sun and the moon. As usual with very low- probability coincidences, people invoke their preferred explanations. Astronomers support randomness, that in our ever-expanding universe, any weird thing can happen.  Parapsychology and quantum mechanics  offer no clues. On the fringe are hard-to-believe conjectures that the moon was somehow manufactured. I believe that the sun-moon coincidence is there to remind us Earth dwellers to pay attention to coincidences.”



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The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For October 2022

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: Star Power For October 2022”:

Join Trish for the October 2022 astrological forecast!

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The Trickster Archetype

The Trickster is a curious archetype, two-faced, actually. Sometimes he/she is an oddball with a wry wit and sense of humor. That trickster makes you laugh at yourself. But other times, the trickster is dark, a narcissist that thinks it’s all about him/her and everything and everyone else is collateral damage. Trump fits the dark trickster.

With the help of former AG Bill Barr, one of his best enablers until January 6, he coasted through the Mueller investigation. The repugs were behind their chosen one throughout two impeachments. And through it all, through four years of his admin, this dark trickier was cackling all the way to the bank. The civil suit by New York’s attorney General, Leticia James, is just the most recent legal headache for trump. It’s likely to fulfill a prediction that Danish astrologer Adrian Duncan made on our podcast: that the trump brand would fade away.

He got his special master for the classified documents taken from Mar a Lago but the DOJ went to an appeal court and won so they can now have the 100 or so classified docs and continue with their investigation. The trickster’s delay delay ploy backfired. For a full list of trump’s legal jeopardy right now, just Google “trump’s recent legal problems.”

Trump fits the dark trickster archetype perfectly. He gets away with his scams for decades and when he becomes prez decides nothing needs to change. Barr was a major facilitator in that sense. You can’t charge a sitting prez with a crime. Then with J6, Barr seems to have experienced a major attitude correction. So what kind of archetype is he? Treasonous traitor?

But now the dark trickster hasn’t been president for nearly two years and all his previous crimes and grifter antics are closing in. He rages on his Twitter ripoff platform. He plays to QAnon. His rallies are long rages against the media, the deep state, the FBI, the “radical left.” He names his enemies. His followers out there at the rallies in increasingly diminish numbers, offer a QAnon salute, arms raised, index finger standing at attention.

Think about that for a moment. An ex-president cozying up to a fringe extreme right domestic terror group. An ex-prez who incited an attempted insurrection. An ex-prez who lives in a delusional world where he’s still prez and thinks he has executive power.
It isn’t just tragic, it’s dangerous. Trump has become a threat to democracy.

But he isn’t the only threat. Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, is also a dark trickster. But he’s another story.



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Cover of our new book

Cover of our new book designed by our daughter, Megan!

Thank you, Megger!

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Trish and I belong to a British ghostwriting site where we receive requests from writers looking for help with their novels or non-fiction books. Recently, I got one from a New Zealander living on an island off the coast who was looking for help with a fantasy novel featuring a young Leonardo de Vinci. He wrote in part:

“I am a life-long fan of Leonardo and have visited the Château d’Amboise – where he is buried – and which contains a museum of Leonardo’s work and inventions. It has a beautiful view of the river Loire.

“I would love to work with you on bringing Leo to life and delighting readers around the world with some amazing adventures! The Adventures of young Leonardo Da Vinci – Vampire Slayer & International Spy – is the first of a series of books.”

I had just read the inquiry when I heard the name Leonardo on the TV in the background. I looked over and sure enough there was a story about a man named Leonardo Leo. Not quite de Vinci, but seemingly as scary as a vampire!

Anyhow, it seemed like a good sign and even though the author also approached four other ghostwriters, I’m now negotiating with him for a contract. It might happen. Thank you, Leonardos.

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The Mystical Underground: Rob Macgregor: Staff Of Kings: Episode 9

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Rob Macgregor: Staff Of Kings: Episode 9”:

Join Rob MacGregor, the author of the Indiana Jones prequel novels and the Mystical Underground as they present the ninth and final episode of an audio production of the unpublished novel “Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings.”
Sometimes called “The Lost Indiana Jones novel,” Staff of Kings has been released as nine episodes on The Mystical Underground’s podcast feed, beginning August 22, 2021.

Here a list with links to all nine episodes.

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Clusters of Number Synchros: #23


In 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, the 5th secret is Clusters: Synchronicity manifests itself in clusters of numbers, names, objects, words, symbols.

Quite often, people who see the same numbers, like 11:11, over and over feel they’re being stalked by the numbers, hunted, pursued. That’s how writer William Burroughs felt after numerous synchronicities with the number 23.

In Tangiers in the early 1960s, the author of Naked Lunch knew a Captain Clark who ran a ferry from Tangiers to Spain. Clark boasted that he’d been running the ferry for twenty-three years without an accident and on the same day of the boast, the ferry sank, killing Clark and everyone on board. That same evening Burroughs was mulling over this tragedy and happened to turn on the radio. He heard about the crash of a New York-Miami airplane piloted by a Captain Clark. The flight number was 23.

The synchronicity shocked Burroughs and he began compiling a list of coincidences involving the number 23. In 1965, his friend and fellow author Robert Anton Wilson also started compiling a list about the number. One of the personal oddities Burroughs found concerned his daughters, who were born August 23 and February 23. In 1977, he wrote about this weirdness for the Fortean Times. It appeared in issue 23.

Now let’s take a look at literature. Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 and died on April 23, 1616. His first folio was published in 1623,

Hollywood also has its share of 23s. Take the X Files production company, Ten-Thirteen. The numbers 10 and 13 add up to 23. The show’s creator, Chris Carter, was born on 10/13. In one and the number 1013 appeared on the side of the silo. In another episode, Muldur went to the apartment of. Recently deceased man and the number 23 was on the door.
Remember the TV show Lost? It built on layers of synchronicity and there were many oddities that involved 23:

Oceanic Flight 815 – 8+15=23

The flight departed from gate 23

Jack’s seat on the plane was 23 A

Hurley stayed in a Sydney hotel on floor 23

The reward for turning Kate in was $23,000

Even if the repetition of 23 was intentional, it was the sort of weirdness that would have interested Burroughs and Wilson. They saw 23 as a death number. Maybe they were right. The twenty-third psalm is a popular reading at funerals. Burroughs discovered that the bootlegger Dutch Schultz had Vincent “Mad Dog” Coll assassinated on 23rd Street in New York when Coll was 23 years old. Schultz himself was assassinated on October 23. Wilson dug deeper and discovered that the man convicted of shooting Schultz served 23 years before being paroled. Wilson noted that in the telegraphers’ code, 23 means means “bust” or “break the line.” Hexagram 23 in The I Ching is called Splitting Apart.
And all these examples are just starters.

If you experience synchronicity clusters with the number 23, it doesn’t mean you’re going to die, that you’re cursed or anything else of that nature. But it could indicate that you’re going through a major transformative period in your life and that there’s a path ahead that you haven’t recognized yet.

P.S. A few hours after I’d written this post and put it on the dashboard, our daughter Megan texted. She’s traveling in Colorado  and said they’d stopped for gas in a town that had just 23 residents. I asked her how she knew that and she said their server had told her. So it looks as if this #23 is gearing up to become a cluster. Stay  tuned!


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Predictions by Kids in 1983


In 1983, I was teaching Spanish to middle schoolers at a private school that was part of Nova University in Fort Lauderdale. Spanish wasn’t their favorite subject, so I told my 8th graders that if they studied Spanish four days a week, then every Friday we would study “anomalies” and do psychic experiments. They loved it!

On March 14, 1983, I asked them to write down their predictions for 25 years in the future – i.e., for 2008. It had to include a prediction about themselves. Rob ran across a folder today with all their predictions inside.

There are a number of precognitions in these predictions:  school at home with  TV so you and the teacher can see each other; phones with TVs so you can see the person you’re talking to; we’ll be closer to the truth about UFOs. You’ll also spot the stuff that hasn’t happened yet.

Deirdre Silverstein

Telephones will have TVs so you can see the person you’re talking to. Sounds like smart phones, right? Back in 1983, the development of the iPhone wouldn’t happen until 2007.

We will have cities in the clouds.

Rocket ships will be used just like cars for transportation.

I will have a family and dogs and cats and horses. Live in New York. I will be a famous model.

Donna Lipworth

There will be robots

School at your own home. Your teacher’s face is brought to your house by satellite onto a huge TV screen. Sounds like the magic of Zoom.

Living on other planets

Money will scream for help when it’s being robbed from you

I’ll be a translator at the U.N.

Gary Fein

Space travel is common

Television phones – this sounds like smart phones

Cure for cancer and other diseases

Limitless energy

Communicating with animals

My profession will be an assassin to kill groups like the Mafia etc.

Mark Weinberg

TV phones

A push button world

A nuclear holocaust ending with destruction of earth as we know it

End of democracy – Gulp. Looks like we may be headed there

Astral travel

I’ll be a scientist or doctor.

Debbie Weitz

No cars. Everyone will be using planes and jets

Telephones will have screens so you can see who you’re talking to

Children won’t know how to do basic skills because computers will do them

Fashion and the way of thinking will be back the same way as the 1950s. Given the agenda of the republican party and the supreme court, this one is eerie

I think I will be a pediatrician.

Jack Regtman

Space stations

Better school system

More comfortable furniture – This one made me laugh!

Understanding of anomalies in the U.S.

I think I will be an architect or a lawyer.

Neal Falk

We will have trouble with other countries that’s so severe we’ll be under constant pressure

We’ll have the answers about whether there are really UFOs

Inflation will be high

Psychics will be used often in the future

The economy will be bad. There will be more people with no money.

Neal didn’t make a prediction about what he would be doing

Marla Pomeranz

Cars that run on any other substance than gas

Houses will be run only by solar energy

We’ll have in every one a screen the children can turn on and see a teacher. They will go to school last home.

We’ll have learned a lot about people from outer space

I will be a successful attorney and mother and wife.

Lisa Jakubowicz

Families travel to outer space

Cancer will be cured in 24 hours

No more cars

Food can be turned into little pills

More children will go to college.

I  will be a doctor and a housewife.

Rachel Rubin

Telephones- seeing people as you talk to them

Commercials where you can reach into the TV and try a product -i.e., Hershey bar. Reach out, grab it, & eat it.

Shopping at home

School stay at home

Rachel didn’t make a prediction about what she would be doinng

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A meaningful coincidence pays off

Here’s a fascinating synchro story from Bernard Beitman’s new book, Meaningful Coincidences: How and Why Synchronicity and Serendipity Happen. We are interviewing Bernard about his book this week on The Mystical Underground podcast.

Nathan Stein had wanted to be a doctor but the Great Depression forced him to give up his dream. He pinned his hopes on his grand- son Kevin who decided at a very early age to go to medical school. But Nathan died when Kevin was nine. As a senior at Penn State University, Kevin was confronted with enormous tuition costs. His parents, both real estate agents, stepped up their efforts to bring in more business. One day his father, Sherman, noticed an ad by people planning to sell their house on their own. Although he rarely contacted private sellers,

he felt an uncontrollable urge to make an appointment with them. After two appointment changes, Sherman met with the seller. With the address in hand, he had a strange feeling. As he walked up to the front door, he realized that this was his father-in-law’s old house! As Sherman was telling the sellers about this coincidence, the door- bell rang. It was the mailman with a registered letter for Nathan Stein who had died fourteen years earlier. Sherman signed for it. The letter was from a bank about Nathan Stein’s dormant account. The account contained the exact amount Kevin needed to go to medical school. In this story, the mind included the intentions of four people—the pre- med student, his parents, and his deceased grandfather.


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