The Queen’s Synchro

Here’s an interesting news item related to the queen’s death. We would call this a global synchronicity since its related to an event that enters the consciousness of millions of people.

As crowds gathered in rain-swept London Thursday evening due to the news that Queen Elizabeth II was gravely ill, the clouds suddenly parted, revealing a double rainbow above Buckingham Palace.

Approximately 20 minutes after the appearance of the rainbow, the palace issued a statement at 6;30 p.m. local time announcing that Elizabeth had passed away at Balmoral Castle, her retreat in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

There was also a cloud spotted with an uncanny resemblance to the queen wearing her hat. You can see it here.

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Astrological Archetypes


Aries: I’m the Star Trek motto, going where no one else has gone before. Cross me and I’ll mow you down. I don’t give a shit.

Taurus: I cultivate and civilize what Aries discovers. I’ve also got some secrets that no one will uncover.  I’m vying with Scorpio for the most stubborn sign. Give me a plot of land and I’ll bring you food, sustenance.

Gemini: I collect information and then disseminate it, far and wide. I’m the messenger who takes what Aries discovers and what Taurus cultivates, and hand it off to Cancer. Ha. But hey, I also seduce you with my words and my stories.

Cancer: Ha? Bro, you need therapy, honest introspection. I embrace Aries, Taurus, even you, Gemini. Let me help you. I am MOM. I am TRUST.  I am NURTURING LOVE

Leo: Seriously? This is a real conversation? C’mon, you guys. Let’s go party with Sadge. Let me lead you. Let me show you how.

Virgo: Details, folks, details. How does  the mosaic fit together? How do all these intricate pieces create a whole? Why do I feel like I’m out here on a limb by myself? Huh?

Libra:  Banging my gavel, listen up. Each of you has a piece of the cosmic puzzle, okay? Now, can we all be friends? Please? Can we go find something to do that we all love?

Scorpio: OMG. They’re all missing the point, the absolute bottom line. It’s mythological, you idiots. Profound. Wake up! We’re trapped in the matrix. Who’s leading us out of this weirdness?

Sagittarius: I’ve got tickets to a vision quest on the island of Mykonos in Greece. Give me mushrooms and let’s  go find the truth. All of you are my friends  until you prove to be otherwise and then, oh yeah, dudes, bye-bye.

Capricorn:  I’m scaling mountains one painful step at a time and you guys want to trip  in Greece? Why? Convince me that I should go.  Explain it. Lay out your case. How does this enhance my resume?

Aquarius: Cappy, c’mon,  You have ambition but lack vision. You have goals but don’t understand your personal quest. Your endurance is unsurpassed but…where’s your passion? Me, I’m into the family of man. Give me your visionaries…

Pisces:  C’mon, you guys. All of you. Let’s go dance with the collective. Let’s be visionaries and optimists. Let’s go find a woods or an ocean and meditate and dream  and visualize what we desire. A planet united.


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From 2017


We first published this synchro on August 8, 2017. It was weird then, but after 4 years of trump that ended in an insurrection and the current January 6 investigation, it strikes me as particularly strange and precognitive.
Global synchros may be more common than we realize, and often underscore the idea that the universe actually has a sense of humor! This one involves a series of books written by Ingersoll Lockwood in the late 1800s: Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey.
It’s about a wealthy kid, Baron, who lives in Castle Trump. His adventures start with a man named Don, the “Master of all Masters, who convinces him to travel to Russia, where the discovery of a portal enables him to travel to other lands.

Newsweek wrote about the coincidences in the books and noted that with Ingersoll’s final book in the series, The Last President, “the link to Trump are once again abundantly clear. The president’s hometown of New York City is fearing the collapse of the republic in this book, also titled 1900, immediately following the transition of presidential power. Some Americans begin forming a resistance, protesting what was seen as a corrupt and unethical election process.”

What’s especially interesting about this synchro is how it has taken off among internet conspiracy theorists. They believe the portal to other worlds in the books supports a theory that the Trump family has had access to time travel for many years ― through the president’s uncle, engineer John Trump. Apparently John Trump had access to the papers of Nikola Tesla, who was researching time travel, and this knowledge enabled Trump to win the 2016 presidential election.

In retrospect, I find that last paragraph sounds like the QAnon people who gathered in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, in November 2021. They believed JFK and his son would rise from the dead and the son  would run as trump’s VP in 2024. Here’s Rolling Stone’s story on that nutty belief.

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The Mystical Underground: Preston Dennett And Dolly Safran: Orion’s Belt

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Preston Dennett And Dolly Safran: Orion’s Belt”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Preston Dennett first began investigating UFOs in 1986 after learning that his family friends and co-workers had encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of people and investigated a wide variety of cases. He has written 29 books and more than 100 articles about UFOs and the paranormal. He is a frequent guest on radio and TV and speaks to audiences across the United States.
His latest book is SYMMETRY: A True UFO Adventure. It features the incredible story of UFO/alien contact by a woman named Dolly Safran.

And we’re pleased that Dolly is here with us today too…

Dolly Safran has worked as a limo driver, assistant manager at Wendy’s, a zookeeper, a bus driver, a security guard, a nurse, and more. She has also worked for the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Department of Defense.

Dolly has had life-long experiences with extraterrestrials that began around the age of two, and they are ongoing. She has an astonishing story that she told Preston about her varied experiences among the Grays. What makes Dolly’s story particularly interesting is that she has had total recall of her experiences since age 14 and even remembers the earlier ones that were blocked. Besides that, while many abductees have fearful experiences, Dolly considers the Grays more like family than frightful aliens and doesn’t consider herself an abductee.

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The Age of Adeline…and more

We recently watched the 2015 movie, The Age of Adaline, that Trish and I had somehow missed and, strangely enough, it evoked a couple of synchronicities for me.

In the movie, Adaline Bowman (Blake Lively) at age 29 has an accident that results in the miraculously condition in which she no longer ages. Over the decades, she never lets anyone get too close to her because of her condition and moves frequently to keep her secret and avoid becoming a human guinea pig.

However, a chance encounter with a charismatic philanthropist named Ellis Jones (Michiel Huisman) reawakens Adaline’s long-suppressed passion for life and romance. But it turns out that Adaline also had a serious affair 40 years earlier with Ellis’s father (Harrison Ford). A big coincidence that movie viewers have to swallow, but at that point, well over half of the movie, we were hooked and happy to go along for the ride.

Two particular scenes in the movie caught my attention. Both take place in San Francisco where most of the movie is set. In one, Ellis takes Adaline (who now goes by Jenny) to the San Francisco underground where about 40 ships are buried underneath the Embarcadero and Financial Districts, which used to be the city’s original shoreline. Most of the vessels are remnants of the Gold Rush, left behind by men who arrived in the San Francisco Bay, many from China, and abandoned their ships. The city was built on top of them.

In the other scene, Adaline takes Ellis to an old abandoned warehouse in the city that in the 1930s was a huge movie theater. The owner created an accurate night sky using bioluminescence which becomes visible when all the house lights are out. Now decades later, Adaline, who remembers the theater well, shows Ellis the night sky which is still visible on the domed ceiling.

Both those scenes – the San Francisco underground ships and an indoor planetarium – are also featured in Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, the last novel I wrote for LucasFilm. The novel, which was never published for stupid publishing house reasons, was based on the storyline for the sixth version of the Indiana Jones computer game. I didn’t create either of the scenes, just enhanced them, and they were written about five years before the Adaline movie came out.

So, of course, the last piece of the synchronicity is that Harrison Ford plays a role in the movie. So, for me, seeing those remindful scenes was kind of stunning. Meanwhile, as I’m writing this, the final episode of the audio version of Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings will be coming out in a few days.

One other ships under San Francisco…

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Happy BIrthday, Megan!!


So, 33 years ago, at 8:10 PM, our daughter Megan came into the world and changed our lives forever.

I remember looking into her vivid blue eyes and wondering what her passions would be, what she had come in to experience in this life.  I promised her that we would do whatever we could to support those passions.

Around 1:30 on the morning of September 1, a nurse from the nursery brought Megan in for a feeding.  I was still exhausted after more than 30 hours of labor and after the nurse had picked her up again, my head sank into the pillow.

But suddenly, I heard someone call my name. I sat up and glanced around the room. I was in a ward with 4 other women and they were all asleep. The door  to the room was shut. I plopped my head down, determined to get some sleep. Then it happened again, someone calling my name. This time I realized it was an internal voice so  opened myself to it and said, “Okay, whatever this is, show me.”

I had the distinct impression of a blond woman of about 40, 45, who said her name was Megan. She asked for information- about when and where she was born, what Rob & I were writing at the time, where we were living, about the specifics of our lives and the world. In her time, she said, climate change had resulted in destroyed records and land.

In 1989, the phrase climate change wasn’t common.

I’m not sure how long this exchange lasted but it was so real that when it ended, I committed it to memory. The next day when Rob returned to take us both home, I told him about it.

In 33 years, I’ve learned that she wears born with more talent than either Rob or I. She’s a terrific artist (which she majored in),has finished her first novel, and is lot more of a dare devil than I am. She’s kind, intuitive, fun to be with and she’s a Democrat!

Happy birthday, Megger! Love you bigger than Google!

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The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For September 2022

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: Star Power For September 2022”:

Join Trish for the September 2022 astrological forecast!

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New Moon Virgo

New moons typically indicate new opportunities in the area of your life represented by the houses. Sounds like it should be pretty simple, right?

But how the events unfold also depends on the aspects other planets make to this moon. With this new moon at 4 degrees Virgo, in house 3, there’s a square om Mars at 4 Gemini up there in house 11. Squares generally indicate conflict, friction,  and when Mars is involved, you may feel like you’re getting ready for some kind of war. With Mars in Gemini, it may be a war of words.

Uranus in Taurus, in house 10 along with the North Node (horseshoes shape) squares Venus in Leo down therein house 1. Generally, that could indicate friction in a romance or a conflict about money.

However, that Mars in Gemini trines Mercury in Libra, in house 3. That combination is all about communication. So if your war involves words. you win!

Click here to find out what you can expect for your sign.


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Creativity & Synchronicity


This is one the strangest and most immediate incidents we’ve heard of where creativity and real life don’t just intersect, but have a head-on collision.

In the 1970s, prolific comic book writer Doug Moench wrote and worked on Planet of the Apes for Marvel Comics. It was Marvel’s longest-lived series and featured original Ape stories as well as adaptations of the various movies. In 1975, it ran eleven issues that included color versions of the adaptation of the first two films, which Moench wrote.

On one particular day, Moench had just completed writing a scene for a Planet of the Apes comic book about a black-hooded gorilla named Brutus. In the scene, Brutus invaded the hero’s home, grabbed the man’s partner by the neck, and held a gun to her head so the hero would do what he demanded.

Just as Moench finished writing the scene, he heard his wife calling for him from the other side of the house. He thought her voice sounded strange. He hurried across the house and when he entered the living room, saw a man in a black hood with one arm around his wife’s neck and his other hand clutching a gun that he held to her head.

“It was exactly what I had written…it was so immediate in relation to the writing and such an exact duplicate of what I had written, that it became an instant altered state,” Moench told Jeffrey R. Kripal, who wrote about the incident in Mutants and Mystics: Science Fiction, Superhero Comics, and the Paranormal. Kripal’s book is filled with stories like this.

We initially felt this incident was precognitive, but it occurred so closely to when Moench was writing the scene that it’s more likely it was telepathic or clairvoyant – seeing events at a distance. The intruder, after all, had to find a way to enter the house, then get inside and seize Moench’s wife. Or, was the intruder already inside the house as he began writing the scene?

After the experience, Moench found it difficult to write. He was afraid that whatever he wrote might happen. “It really does make you wonder,” Moench said. “Are you seeing the future? Creating an alternate reality? Should you give up writing forever after something like this happens? I don’t know.”

Moench didn’t give up writing. But Kripal noted that the black-hooded figure became his obsession for months, then years.

This kind of experience isn’t uncommon when it comes to artistic expression and real life. It’s one example from our book in progress, Visions: A Thoughtful Guide to Paranormal Experiences.

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The Dangerous Man

Meet Florida’s governor ron desantis. This is puke worthy.This dude doesn’t understand that only Tom Cruise can do Tom Cruise in  Top Gun.

And oh, Ron, you got some facts wrong. Florida was never the freest state and it really isn’t now with the banning of books, the don’t say gay bill, the way you handled covid, the conspiracy theories…



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