The AC synchro

Florida is uninhabitable without air conditioning, at least during the summer and part of the fall. So today, with a temp outside of 91, our AC was blowing out warm air. I called the company we usually deal with for AC issues, but they couldn’t send anyone out until tomorrow.

In the meantime, the dogs were panting and the temp inside the house was 83. Our offices were rendered too hot to sit in. So I called another company. They sent a technician within 15 or 20 minutes. He identified the problems – a clogged hose, a burned lizard on a piece of the equipment, and a dead frog  that may have gotten into the converter.

I walked out to the mailbox and one of the two pieces of mail  was the image above. Synchro about air-conditioning and, fortunately, wrong about the message!


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If I meet someone with my first name, Rob, it’s not a synchronicity. There are a lot of us around. But names do play into synchronicity when the odds of two unusual ones coming together seems highly unlikely. That’s what happened to me recently on two different occasions with names that I’d never previously heard.

One of the names is Tarun. I’m ghostwriting a novel with a character by that name and at one point I realized that Tarun needed a last name. I do ghostwriting through a British company called Reedsy. So I went to my Reedsy site to contact the author ask him for a suggestion for a last name.

However, before I found him on a list of authors who had contacted me, I noticed a new inquiry had popped up and amazingly the author who was looking for a ghostwriter was named Tarun. Since I’d never heard the name prior to working on the novel, I was surprised to see another Tarun come to me for help with his novel.

I saw this Tarun’s last name was Morar and decided that would work fine for the other Tarun. So with that, the hopeful author’s full name became a character’s name in another author’s book. Synchronicity.

Ultimately, I did not work with the new Tarun on his project. I did relate the synchronicity to him, though. His response was silence. A case of a synchro impressing me, but not one of the participants in the synchro.

The second name synchro that happened in close proximity to the first one involves a character’s name in the Netflix series, Succession. The daughter in the well-to-do neurotic family that owns a media empire goes by the nickname Shiv. But her full name is the other one that I wasn’t familiar with. After watching an episode recently, I tried to remember the name but couldn’t. That bothers me when I forget names. So I went online looking for it and quickly found it: Siobhan. In doing so, I went on Facebook and saw that I had a new friend request. Amazingly, the request was from a Siobhan. Like attracts like! What are the chances of that?


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Creativity and Precognition


When Rob and I wrote 7 Secrets of Synchronicity in 2010, the 4th secret was called The Creative. The premise is that creativity lies at the heart of creativity. In our book about precognition, Sensing the Future, we have a chapter called Painting the Future, which is about how when artists, writers and other creative types are in their zones, what Stephen King calls “dreaming awake,” they often tune into the future.

Numerous examples exist. One of the best known involves Edgar Allan Poe and his unfinished novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. In the novel, three men and a 16-year-old boy are adrift at sea in a lifeboat after being shipwrecked. The men on this lifeboat are desperate, hungry, on the brink of starvation. They decide to draw lots to determine which of them will be sacrificed to a greater good – killed and eaten so the others can survive. The cabin boy, Richard Parker, picks the short straw and is promptly stabbed and consumed.

In July 25 1884, some 47 years after Poe stopped working on the book, a 17-year-old cabin boy named Richard Parker, was killed and eaten in a similar incident. In real life, Parker was on his first voyage on he high seas. He’d boarded the Mignoette in South Hampton, England, & headed toward Australia. In the South Atlantic, the ship was struck by a hurricane and sank.

The survivors scrambled into a lifeboat with few provisions and 19 days out were in danger of starving to death. They discussed drawing lots to select who would be killed and eaten and settled on Parker who was delirious form drinking seawater. The group survived 35 days on Parker’s carcass. The specifics in this one are stunning.

On August 14, 1992, I mailed off my novel, Storm Surge, to my editor at Hyperion. In those days, yeah, snail mail. The story revolved around a category 5 hurricane – Alphonso – that slams into South Florida and devastates the coast. On the same day I mailed the novel, a tropical waved moved off the coast of Africa and 10 days later, it became the most powerful hurricane on record, at least up to 1992.

By August 24, about the time my editor was reading the novel, that tropical wave became Hurricane Andrew. At one point its winds were estimated to be greater than 200 mph. It slammed into Homestead, Fl as a cat 5 hurricane with a central pressure just below 922 millibars.

The precognition is striking in several ways. In fiction and real life, both hurricanes were the first named storms of the season and began with an A. Both were cat 5 storms with tightly compacted eyes rather than sprawling messes that covered the entire estate. In the novel, the hurricane struck Miami and Miami Beach were obliterated. In actuality, Andrew destroyed Homestead, just south of Miami. The synchronicity really disturbed me so I decided not write about hurricanes again. I did, but that’s another story and another synchronicity.

This evening, I ran across an article in The Guardian about a novel Hothouse Earth
by Bill McGuire, a professor emeritus of geophysical and climate hazards at University College London. The article points out that McGuire believes we have passed the moment of no returnwhen it comes to climate change. “The crucial point, he argues, is that there is now no chance of us avoiding a perilous, all-pervasive climate breakdown. We…can expect a future in which lethal heatwaves and temperatures in excess of 50C (120F) are common in the tropics; where summers at temperate latitudes will invariably be baking hot, and where our oceans are destined to become warm and acidic. A child born in 2020 will face a far more hostile world that its grandparents did,.”

The article disturbed me for many reasons. Even though McGuire is more extreme in his views than his colleagues., he’s clear about his beliefs. “I know a lot of people working in climate science who say one thing in public but a very different thing in private. In confidence, they are all much more scared about the future we face, but they won’t admit that in public. I call this climate appeasement and I believe it only makes things worse. The world needs to know how bad things are going to get before we can hope to start to tackle the crisis.”

So this brings me to White Crows,  a group of people in 2141 who live in a huge dome because the world outside is so toxic. Crows have extraordinary abilities but are outnumbered by Normals, who keep them drugged and enslaved. A group of Crows escape to Tango Key in the 21st century to seize it for themselves. The parallels between their world in the 22nd century bears uncanny parallels to McGuire’s views. It feels like another precognition that came through the writing of fiction.


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The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor – Star Power For August 2022

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor – Star Power For August 2022”:

Join Trish for the August 2022 astrological forecast!

Here’s the written version.

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Remember The Celestine Prophecy?

Remember The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield?

Well, today, Rob was going through some old papers and found an article about this book from January 26, 1995, when Redfield’s “spiritual novel” knocked Grisham and King off the top spot on the bestseller list. It was first published in 1993.

There are some interesting facts about the book. Redfield first self-published it and sold 100,000 copies before Warner Books scooped it up and paid Redfield $800 grand for the rights. At the time this article was written, it had spent more than a year on the bestseller list.

Once you write a book that sells like this one had, you can move to Fiji and drink Margaritas all day. Or you can keep writing, which Redfield did. The 10th Insight was published in 1996. He has since written other books and is now 72.

So how do the insights in The Celestine Prophecy hold up in 2022, 39 years after Redfield wrote the book? Let’s take a look. Here are the 9 insights:

1. A critical mass: there are no coincidences, everything happens for a reason.

Well, yes. It’s called synchronicity and the concept was born with Carl Jung. A lot has changed in 39 years, with more people researching, studying, and writing about synchronicity.

2. The Longer Now: As we reach the end of the second millennium of history, we are again embracing the spirituality that once dominated and defined us before we became preoccupied with the physical world.

We started drifting away from this particular insight with the electoral election of Bush in 2000. Imagine what a different world this would be now if Gore’s popular vote had ushered him into office. We might actually be tackling climate change.

3. A matter of energy: An invisible but quite physical energy connects humans to all other things.

Quantum physics seems to be right on track with this one.

4. The Struggle for Power: All human interaction is a power struggle, a”control drama” in which one person becomes stronger by taking energy from the other.

Or one faction, group or party takes energy from another group: the supremes decision on June 24 to ban abortion strips women of the power to make decisions about their own bodies.

5. The Message of the Mystics: Mystical consciousness is the key to ending human conflict in the world, because one day we will no longer need to take energy from others but we will be able to receive it at will from the universe.

We’re not there yet.

6. Clearing the past: Our control dramas were formed in childhood as as way of winning energy back from our families. Only by understanding the control dramas our parents endured can we understand – and defuse – the ones that caused us to develop.

I don’t buy this one. I think we come in to life with an idea of what we would like to experience and achieve and that we choose all of it – from the families and circumstances into which we’re born to how we ultimately leave this life. We’re not all the way we are because mom or dad unloaded their baggage on us.

7. Engaging the Flow: We begin our evolution toward complete spirituality by constantly becoming aware of coincidence. Dreams are ways of guiding us in the steps we must take in our evolution and coincidences appear to push us along.

Synchronicity, again. It pushes us along in a variety of ways – through dreams, visions, hunches, intuition, through music, art, books, experiences and people who appear on our paths. We have to interpret what the synchros mean.

8. The Interpersonal Ethic: We must focus on each other in a way that sends them energy rather than takes it from them.

A lot of us need to learn this, but it seems that our current politics is screaming for this kind of change.

9. The Emerging Culture: We are here in order to consciously evolve, and the world will evolve toward complete spirituality in a predictable, logical way.

I agree with the first part of this insight. But the last part – that the world will evolve toward complete spirituality in a predictable, logical way – is just flat-out wrong.

There’s nothing logical about this country moving toward the reality depicted in Margaret Atwood’s novel, The Handmaid’s Tale. Fascism. Theocracy.

There’s nothing logical about a society that tries to control women by denying them the right to make decisions about their own bodies.

There’s nothing logical about a supreme court that most likely will ban gay marriage and contraception.

Spiritual evolution isn’t necessarily facilitated through oppression and suffering. That’s like a throwback to the time when suffering was believed to strengthen your spirit, bolster your masculinity or femininity, prepare you for life. You had to be dirt poor before could could appreciate wealth, when you had to suffer for your passions.

That’s bullshit. Suffering serves no one and nothing.

We choose our dramas. We may not always choose consciously, but if we’re the creators of our own realities, (Seth Books by Jane Roberts, Abraham/Hicks) then we can also change our personal realities to something that doesn’t involve suffering, fear, despair. If enough of us do this consciously, collectively, so that it finally reaches a critical mass…that’s when external change happens.

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New Moon Leo


Today we have a new moon in Leo at 5 degrees, up there in the 9th house. The beauty of this new moon is the trine to Jupiter in Aries in the 5th house. That alone  makes today a lucky, expansive day.

BUT there’s a square between Saturn at 23 degrees Aquarius in the 4th house and Uranus at 18 degrees Taurus in the 7th house. Looks like authority – or an authoritarian figure tries to control a sudden, unexpected event and it doesn’t end well. Or, a sudden unexpected event or news threatens authority – the status quo. Even so, a new opportunity surfaces. Where in your life it surfaces depends on your sign.

Check out the July horoscope in the masthead before it turns to August!

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If Women Were Making the Laws


A House bill that would codify the right to contraception into Federal law was voted against by 195 Republicans. Yeah, you read that correctly. But the Right to Contraception Act still passed the Democratically held house by 228-195. Now it goes to the Senate, where it’s future probably will be squashed by the likes of Joe Manchin and his Republican colleagues.

So, let’s look at this. First, this wreck of a supreme court overturns Roe on June 24. This activates trigger laws in some states that planned for this announcement. And because compromised Clarence Thomas also mentioned other privacy rights in his treatise about Roe – the right to contraception, gay marriage – the Democrats suddenly spring into action by introducing bills that codify these 2 rights into Federal law. Considering the leak in May that warned us this was about to happen, only now are Dems leaping into action? How come the right to abortion wasn’t codified somewhere earlier in its 49-year-history?

What this overrun of Roe and the attempt to ban all contraception amounts to is really simple: Ladies, according to the Republican party, your main purpose on this earth is to get pregnant, give birth, and do so even if it’s the result of rape or incest. We will ban your travel to states where abortion is still legal. We will charge you with crimes.

Now, imagine if women were in charge and passed a law that men as young as 10 had to undergo vasectomies so they didn’t burden society with unwanted children. People who screamed and objected about being forced to get vaccinated for work – my body, my choice – seem to be largely okay with the government telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies  when it comes to contraception and abortion.

Well,how would men feel about that same government telling them what they could and couldn’t do with their bodies?

Uh-uh, no Viagra.

Uh-uh, no sex with your wife.

Uh-uh, no nookie for you until you’ve been castrated.

Sorry, dude.

We’re no longer just at the gates of Gilead. We’re inside the wretched place. The only thing missing is the distinctive red outfits the handmaids wear.

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The Mystical Underground: TMU Time Machine: Laurie McDonald – Abduct Me Please

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “TMU Time Machine: Laurie McDonald – Abduct Me Please”:

Revisit Trish and Rob’s conversation with…

Laurie McDonald is a board-certified clinical hypnotherapist at True You Hypnotherapy and an extraterrestrial abduction researcher. She is one of 27 regression therapists listed on the MUFON mental health referral list for abduction regression for North America.
She is the Board President for OPUS (Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support) and is the founder of the Sacramento Alien Abduction & Contactee Support Group, one of California’s largest UFO and abduction groups.
Laurie has been the facilitator of several experiencer events and Host at Contact in the Desert. She is a lifelong experiencer.
She was awarded the Global Health and Pharma, GHP Alternative Medicine & Holistic Health Awards in 2018. She has appeared on a number of radio and TV shows including the Discovery Channel and the Travel Channel and is in the final stages of completing her book, Five Steps to Personal Empowerment and Inner Peace
Laurie speaks internationally on using the extraterrestrial experience as a catalyst to an expanded consciousness through contact.

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Are we all precogs?

The first siddhi—psychic ability—described by Patanjali in the ancient Yoga Sutras is the ability to simultaneously perceive the past, present and future. The present is easy. That’s right now. The past is no longer now, but still on our minds. We can go there. But how do we perceive the future?

Precognition is the least understood aspect of psychic experiences but also occurs the most frequently.  As anyone who has had a premonition can tell you, coming events often cast their shadows in the present and if we’re paying attention, we glimpse those shadows.

Imagine that you’re driving along a narrow road through the mountains with a wall of rock rising on your left and a cliff plunging several hundred feet on your immediate right. There’s no guardrail. You see a sharp turn just ahead. As you tap the brakes, you have a sudden, full-blown vision of a car barreling around the curve at a high speed, and you know it’s going to crash into you and send your car over the edge of the cliff.  So you instantly slam on your brakes, and watch as a car careens wide around the curve. The driver sees you in time, pulls the car back into its proper lane, and zips past you.

 You’ve just had a glimpse of the future and, by your quick action, you changed it.  That’s how precognition works. The life-saving vision was involuntary, unexpected, and was thrust suddenly into your awareness.

Precognition occurs most frequently in dreams, when your conscious mind can’t hurl up defenses and barriers to information about the future and your unconscious mind is completely open. “Because our dreaming self is deeper in the psyche than our conscious self—and thus closer to the primal ocean in which past, present, and future are one—it may be easier for it to access information about the future,” wrote Michael Talbot in The Holographic Universe.

It can also occur when you’re in imminent physical danger, in creative endeavors, when your life or the lives of loved ones are in crisis, when your need to know about some future event is greater than your fear of knowing. It can be triggered through hypnosis, shamanic journeys, meditation, deep relaxation, yoga, during spiritual retreats where your focus is turned inward. It isn’t an ability that can be taught or tapped into at will, but you can learn to create inner climates that are more conducive to it happening.

Physicist David Bohm theorized there’s a deeper order in reality called the implicate or enfolded order, a kind of primal soup that births everything in the universe.  He believed that even time unfolded from this implicate order. The explicate—the external reality we experience—unfolds from the inner order. Could precognition – like synchronicity – be the phenomenon that occurs when the implicate and the explicate, the inner and the outer, coincide?

As Talbot noted in his book,  “Bohm’s assertion that every human consciousness has its source in the implicate implies that we all possess the ability to see the future.”

But which future are we seeing?

Whenever there’s a disaster, natural or man-made, there are always stories about people who missed the doomed flight, left town the day before the quake hit, didn’t board the ship that sank, people who avoided the disaster because of a hunch, dream, or vision. Records indicate that 899 people who had booked passage on the Titanic didn’t show up. Why not?

Dr. Ian Stevenson, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Virginia Medical School, researched the paranormal experiences connected to the sinking of the Titanic. Writing about it in 1960 in the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, he found nineteen documented cases of passengers who had premonitions about the voyage. Some heeded the premonition and survived and others didn’t heed it and drowned.

“When people dream of accidents correctly and do not take the plane or ship, it is not the actual future they were seeing,” Bohm wrote to Talbot in a private communication in 1988. “It was merely something in the present which is implicate and moving toward making that future. In fact, the future they saw differed from the actual future because they altered it. Therefore I think it’s more plausible to say that, if these phenomena exist, there’s an anticipation of the future in the implicate order in the present.”

So if we’re all precogs, then it’s time all of us started creating a future that works for everyone.

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Recent news about the recordings of Kevin McCarthy, minority speaker of the house, conspiring with other Republicans about ways to overturn the 2020 election. These recordings are confirmation of what most of us realized was happening on January 6: that the storming of the capitol was a planned event to prevent the confirmation of Biden as president – i.e. to overturn the 2020 election.

This attempted insurrection was the end result of four years of trump, in which all the norms of civilized behavior went south. Trump awakened the dark pockets of the human psyche. Suddenly, it was okay to act like an asshole in public – disrupt flights over masks, disrupt official meetings at the local and national levels about vaccinations, refuse to pay taxes….Suddenly, the racists and White Nationalists came out of the closet, the Evangelicals got as nutty as QAnon about trump as a savior, a messiah, the guy who would rescue the world from…well, something. Immigrants, gays, Muslims, abortions, Hispanics, Black, Native American.

In trump’s world, if you aren’t a white dude, you don’t count. Rich white dudes, of course, count more than middle class white dudes, but even they and their poorer white brothers can be useful.  The white women across the board can be useful, too, if you promise them shit like apple pies and parental rights so their kids don’t all become gay.

I taught for many years before I became a full time writer – grades K through college. I never heard of critical race theory. Pundits have explained it. In November 2021, Forbes had an article about it: Why Are States Banning Critical Race Theory? The article begins by saying that in the last four months – around August 2021 – that Fox News had mentioned critical race theory 1300 times.

“Why? Because critical race theory (CRT) has become a new bogeyman for people unwilling to acknowledge our country’s racist history and how it impacts the present.” You can find the entire article here .

Trump normalized illegal behavior and acts. But he has yet to be held accountable for any law he broke. He just files another lawsuit. My sense is that the democrats don’t want the whole thing to look political. But hell, it IS political. If trump and his cronies aren’t held accountable for at least some of the laws they’ve broken – then there will be another coup attempt. Don’t like the results of the election? Then sue. Find new electors. Replace your secretary of state. Complain, don’t concede.

Good ole orange man fat boy did a lot of damage to this country. He wanted to be Putin, riding bare chested on that horse, his abs in full view. He wanted to be Kim Jong-un, that little guy with such brutal power.

Please vote in November. If the republicans take back the senate, then Democracy probably is going the way of the DoDo bird. It means that in 2024, Governor DeSantis of Florida vs. Disney or trump himself will be king. If it’s trump, he’ll probably slate DeSantis for execution. If DeSantis is king, he’ll probably do the same thing to trump. Either way, we’ll be stuck with a narcissistic idiot running the world again. And this time, there may not  be any sane adults on the cabinet.

But. A glimmer of hope, Recently, reps of 40 nations met in support of Ukraine. That means these 40 nations believe in some form of democracy. It means they’re  sending weapons to Ukraine. Now, if only democracy could rise in this country again. If this democracy crumbles under the current supreme court, will any of these 40 countries accept American immigrants?


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