Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings

Here’s the latest episode of Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings. Episode 7…two more coming. There’s a slight glitch right at the beginning that will be cleaned up when we put all the episodes together.


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Adele and Hexagram 17

Adele Aldridge is a master of the I Ching. She has written 4 books on the Ching and has illustrated every one of the 64 hexagrams and their changing lines.  Recently, in a Coincidence Cafe zoom meetup, all participants were asked to tell one quality they exhibited across all of their various jobs in their lifetimes.

As she explains:

I was a blank. The thought that came to me was that the only job I identify with is my life long illustrations for the I Ching. So I asked the I Ching,”What is my ONE QUALITY for this assignment?

I Ching gave me hex 17, Following, with no moving lines. Then I realized that when I did that hexagram I wrote:

My “Following” is about the I Ching itself.
The hexagram of Following is derived from the trigrams The Joyous lake,
 the youngest daughter
who is being led by the The Arousing Thunder, the eldest son.
When creating images for I Ching Meditations the eldest son represents the ancient I Ching
as it has been handed down through many centuries in many interpretations.
When I meditate on these ancient texts
I am the youngest daughter following and learning about this philosophy
from all those who came before me who were men.
I do this work with energy and joy.

Amazing response!

A great synchronicity. Adele definitely follows the I Ching!


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NRA bans guns….

…But only at their convention.

It’s interesting that the NRA, which approves of guns being allowed in bars, won’t allow members to bring their firearms into their convention next week in Texas. Metal detectors will be placed at the entrance.

You would think that they would welcome guns at a convention that focuses on the right to bear arms. In fact, you would think they might even require members to be armed to enter the convention.

After all, they believe that the best way to stop mass shootings wherever people are gathered – churches, synogogues, schools, concerts, etc. is for people to be armed so they can take down the crazed shooter. But apparently that belief doesn’t extend to their own convention. Go figure.

Mass events like this one – the killing of 19 kids and 2 teachers – often attract meaningful coincidences and this one is no different. Certainly, the pro-gun, no regulations NRA wouldn’t have wanted their annual convention to be on display shortly after and in the same state as a terrible attack on an elementary school with a type of weapon that has no function other than to kill people in large numbers. The kind of weapon found in the military.

Even though 90 percent of Americans want background checks and a ban on assault weapons, nothing changes. The pro-gun lobby controls Republicans and a couple of Dems in the Senate keeping any sane regulations from passing. They argue that the few regulations from the past that they got rid of didn’t stop mass shootings. So how’s it going without any regulations, where an 18-year-old can walk into a gun shop on his birthday and buy two assault weapons with no questions, then a few days later slaughter children? They don’t have any answers and the only thing to do is vote them out of office.

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Thw book came out today and is available from Amazon as an ebook.

One quote by William James always intrigued me: “If you wish to upset the law that all crows are black, you mustn’t seek to show that no crows are; it is enough if you prove one single crow to be white.”

James expounded on this statement when he made a speech in 1894, when he became president of the Society for Psychical Reseaerch. “My own white crow is Mrs. Piper. In the trances of this medium I cannot resist the conviction that knowledge appears which she has never gained by the ordinary waking use of her eyes and ears and Wits.”

On a site called American Heritage, Lenora Piper is described as “the world’s greatest psychic medium,” who “was outwardly the world’s most ordinary woman. She was a shy, self-effacing lady, as wary of publicity as any other prim Bostonian…If we try to sum her up in a metaphor, she becomes a drab house sparrow slightly grayed by the factory smoke of Boston.”

What I find fascinating about Mrs. Piper is that medium and author Jane Roberts (The Seth books) once claimed she had been Lenora Piper. I read everything that Roberts wrote – as herself, as Seth.- and this claim makes intuitive sense to me. So perhaps Roberts was my white crow and my fictional psychic, Mira Morales, is fashioned after her. But Mira isn’t a “drab house sparrow.”

Mira was born in The Hanged Man. She lived in Fort Lauderdale, where she was a practicing psychic and also owned a bookstore – One World Books. She was a single mom whose daughter, Annie, was five or six in that book. Her husband, Tom Morales, had been killed during a convenience store robbery when Annie was just a baby. Mira’s psychic grandmother, Nadine, a Cuban, runs the bookstore with Mira.

In this book, the first in the series, Mira meets FBI agent Wayne Sheppard. The romance that develops between these two is tempered by Shep’s skepticism about Mira’s psychic world and her ability. They end up living together after they both move to Tango Key and eventually get married. Sheppard becomes the father Annie never had.

After The Hanged Man, there were four more books in the series that took place on Tango Key and were published by Kensington: Black Water, Total Silence, Category 5, Cold As Death. All the books are now available through Crossroad Press. Afterward, I set several thrillers on Tango Key, with other characters. But I missed Mira and started what became White Crows. I did it first as a screenplay, then turned it into a novel. The logline made things easier:

When her island home is invaded by people from the future with extraordinary abilities, a reluctant psychic discovers that the heinous leader is her descendant. In order to defeat him, she must embrace her full power.

When I wrote White Crows, I intended for these invaders to be  from 2141. They travel   back to Tango Key in 2022 to escape their lives in a dome and to seize the island and make it their own. The crows are descendants of the climate refugees who headed inland when the seas rose. During their decades-long trek, their offspring evolved with certain powers that supposedly would allow them a better shot at survival in a post apocalyptic world. But in that world, in a dome, they were a minority hunted and captured by Normals. The man who leads the crows is able to create illusions that others believe are true. He turns out to be a descendant of Mira’s.

The novel is now available on Amazon, an ebook. I don’t know what comes next. Nancy Pickard, who was nice enough to blurb the book, and I exchanged emails about the next installment. But where do you go when the planet’s future with climate change has been revealed and it’s really not pretty? Do you join Matt Damon on Mars? Move out elsewhere into the solar system?

I’m hoping Mira lets me know.


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The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For June 2022

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: Star Power For June 2022”:

Join Trish for the June 2022 astrological forecast!

The written version is in the masthead.

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Star Power Astrology Forecast for June


This post will remain in pages at the top of the masthead through June and is slso available in audio, on our podcast.

Mercury retrograde is done on June 3 at 4 am ET and 1 am PT. The next retrograde for the trickster planet runs from September 9 to October 2,
This month’s forecast is shorter than May’s. There just aren’t as many events to report.

June 3 – Mercury turns direct in Taurus
June 4 – Saturn in Aquarius turns retrograde and goes direct again on Oct 22, 23
June 10 – Mercury/Pluto trine
June 11 – a Venus/Uranus conjunction in Taurus
June 14 – full moon at 23 Sagittarius
June 21 – summer solstice
June 28 – new moon at 7 Cancer

For the most part, you should enjoy June. As soon as Mercury turns direct on June 3 in Taurus, your income area, you probably will feel a huge relief. You’ll be more optimistic about income. Your communication skills will pick up. Life will flow more smoothly again.

Even Saturn turning retro in Aquarius on June 4 is unlikely to bug you the way a Mercury retro. Saturn is in your 11th house of networks, groups of friends/colleagues. If your network increases more slowly it won’t bother you. After all, you now have expansive Jupiter in your sign and it’s expanding every area of your life in some way. Think back to 2010-2011. That was the last time Jupiter was in Aries. How did your life change then?

June 10 features a Mercury/Pluto trine in the 2nd house – income – and the 10th career. It’s an ideal day to ask for a raise. You know you’ve earned it. The conjunction of Venus/Uranus in Taurus – your income area again- may bring a pleasing surprise – that raise you were thinking about, a bonus, a promotion, perhaps a new job with better pay.

The 14th is all about the full moon in fellow fire sign Sagittarius at 23 degrees, in your 9th house. It’s sextile to Saturn(retrograde now) in Aquarius, in your 11th house. You’ll gain insight into what needs to be tweaked and changed within your network – and perhaps with your brand. This moon may be advising that you need to think bigger, broader. If you’re completing a project that began during Mercury’s retrograde, review it before submitting.

The summer solstice falls on June 21, at 6:07 A.M, when the sun enters Cancer, your 4th house – home, family, personal environment. It marks the longest day of the year and the beginning of summer. For you, in fact, the summer solstice chart looks terrific. Jupiter and the moon are closely conjunct in your sign, bringing an expansion of your intuition through the summer and an element of luck and synchronicity with all your personal and business relationships. The solstice is an ideal time to set your intentions from now until the fall equinox on September 22.

The sun at 00 degrees Cancer in your 4th house on the 21st should bring nurturing and compassion into your family life. This is carried over into the new moon at 7 Cancer on

June 28. This one brings new opportunities into your home life – a birth, a marriage, a new roommate, new friend, new romance. Jupiter in your sign squares this new moon, which may prompt you to take on more than you can reasonably handle.


On the 3rd, Mercury turns direct in your sign. Feels pretty good, right? After three weeks of miscommunication and snafus of one kind or another, it’s good to know that from now until Sept 9, when Mercury turns retro again, life should run smoothly.

Saturn turns retro on June 4, in Aquarius, your career area. A Saturn retro doesn’t necessarily mess with communication, but often, events tend to unfold more slowly. You may experience delays in professional matters – projects, commitments. It’s important to keep moving forward with your ideas and creative endeavors. Saturn will be retro until October 22 PT and October 23 ET.

The 10th should be a pleasant day. Mercury in your sign trines Pluto in Capricorn in your 9th house. Now that Covid seems to be ebbing, you may be considering a trip overseas or planning to go to college or grad school in the fall. You may be writing a spiritual book of some kind. Whatever you’re involved in the trine between these two planets makes things easier. There’s an easy flow of energy between your 1st and 9th houses.

The 11th should be another good day for you, Taurus. A Venus/Uranus conjunction in your sign. This aspect may trigger heightened creativity, the sudden infusion of romance into your life, a sudden influx of cash. If there’s news about a romantic relationship, it should be positive and it will certainly come as a surprise.

The full moon on June 14 at 23 degrees Sagittarius falls in your 8th house – other people’s resources, your partner’s money. News you hear is likely to concern this area of finances. Saturn forms a favorable angle to this full moon, so news you hear is apt to have a long-term impact. Mars widely trines this full moon, so you’re motivated to bring in more cash. And Mars is widely trine to Jupiter, which expands and enhances your motivation and forward movement.

On June 21, the summer solstice occurs, the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. This happens when the sun reaches 00 degrees Cancer, which falls in your 3rd house. It’s a great day to touch base with neighbors, friends, colleagues. Your communication skills are in tip-top shape, so make good use of today!

This is followed by a new moon in Cancer on June 28. This one falls in your 3rd house of communication, the area where new opportunities surface on or around the time of this new moon. If you’ve been in search of a new communication venue, then it’s likely you find it under this new moon. Podcast, written column somewhere, a writing gig with a cool company, brand you create.


The good news this month is multifaceted. First, on June 3, your ruler, Mercury, turns direct in Taurus. And yes, you’re ready after 3 ridiculous weeks of miscommunication snafus. Mercury turns direct in your 12th house, so once the trickster planet is behaving, you may be doing more work behind the scenes – ghostwriting, podcasting, maybe even therapy.

On the 4th, Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius, in your 9th house. A Saturn retro tends to slow things down, but doesn’t necessarily mess up communication. If you google Saturn retrograde,  you’ll find a lot of negative connotations with this retrograde – misery, chronic health problems, a balancing of the karmic wheel. Ignore all that. Just be diligent and careful in what you do, with your work, relationships and so on. And if you’re planning on a foreign trip, take it after October 22/23, when Saturn will be moving direct and Mercury will be behaving.

On the 10th, there’s a Mercury/Pluto trine that affects your 12th and 8th houses. Trines facilitate the flow of energy between the two planets and two houses. With this one, what you can imagine, you can manifest. So before the 10th, jot down what you would like to manifest. Money? A new romance? A new job? Be specific. Back it with intense desire.

The 11th features a Venus/Uranus conjunction in Taurus, your 12th house. This could be part of what you’ve manifested, Gemini. A romance may be triggered behind the scenes, out of sight, and if so, it’s unexpected and seems to come out the blue. This could also indicate some sort of artistic project that comes to you suddenly and may involved your signing a non-disclosure agreement.

The full moon on June 14 at 23 Sagittarius, in your 7th house of partnerships, should be an interesting one for you. There may are news about a partnership – business or personal. You’re able to connect all the dots in these relationships and have a clearer idea what to tweak and rearrange. Saturn forms a favorable degree to this full moon so the news you hear may have a long-lasting effect. Neptune in Pisces and your 10th house is square to the full moon, so you may have a schedule conflict with work. You capture the bigger picture.

The summer solstice occurs on June 21, the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. It happens when the sun returns to 00 degrees Cancer. It falls in your 2nd house of money, so during the rest of the year, you may be tapping new sources of income. Jupiter and the moon are conjunct in Aries, your 11th house, which bodes well for an expansion in your intuition and in your network of colleagues and friends. It’s a great day to promote a product or brand. Neptune in Pisces in your career area squares this full moon, so your creative ideas may not be accepted by your boss, but everyone else loves them.

The new moon at 7 Cancer on the 28th may be your first confirmation that it’s going to be a money year. It occurs in your 2nd house with Jupiter square to it. For any other planet, a square is irritating, challenging, indicates upheaval. But a square from Jupiter? Basically, you take on more than you can reasonably handle to increase your income.


For the most part, June will be a good month for you. And it begins on June 3, when Mercury turns direct in Taurus, in your 11th house. Now you can move forward with your plans to touch base with your network of colleagues and friends and bring yourself close to achieving a dream that you have. Cancer and Taurus are compatible signs – water and earth – and you should tap into Taurus’s stubbornness if you need to.

On the 4th, Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius, in your 8th house of the people’s resources. Saturn spends about four a half months of the year in retrograde motion, and mostly, it delays things. It’s more difficult to build anything when it’s misbehaving like this so it’s best to plan, strategize, and figure out the connecting dots of whatever you’re tackling. In the 8th house, the raise your partner was hoping for may not happen right away. The mortgage you applied for may run into a few glitches. Stay on top of your shared income. It turns direct on October 22 ET, the 23 PT.

On the 10th, a Mercury/Pluto trine occurs in your 7th and 11th houses. Both planets are in earth signs and the trine helps you stay grounded. The flow of energy is excellent for pursuing a goal you’ve set and achieving it. The key is solid, unambiguous communication.
The 11th is another day you’ll undoubtedly enjoy – a Venus/Uranus conjunction in Taurus, your 11th house. Uranus represents the sudden and unexpected and Venus, of course, is romance, creativity, women, beauty. So a sudden romance may be kindled with a colleague or friend, you may have one of those creative Aha! moments. However this aspect unfolds for you, it will be a pleasant surprise.

Then we come to the full moon at 23 degrees Sagittarius on June 14. This one falls in your 6th house of daily work and daily maintenance of your health. Mars in Aries forms a wide trine to this moon, so you’re highly motivated to find the absolute bottom line in a work matter. Neptune in Pisces squares this full moon, so any news you hear may not be the full story. That said, Saturn forms a favorable angle to this full moon and that tells us that the news you hear – the full news – may have a long-term effect.

The summer solstice on June 21 is the longest day of the year and happens when the sun enters 00 degrees Cancer, officially marking the beginning of summer. So today is made for you, Cancer. With the sun shining in your 1st house, you’re a magnet that draws people, new experiences, and a plethora of opportunities. There’s a moon/Jupiter conjunction today in Aries, in your career area, and that should be expanding every professional thing you touch.

Seven days later on the 28th, there’s a new moon in your sign. That means new opportunities should surface that impact your personal life. You’ll find them satisfying. Jupiter in Aries, in your career area, squares the new moon exactly. A Jupiter square isn’t like squares from other planets. With this one, you may inadvertently take on more than you can reasonably handle but that may be what you need to do right now so that your career expands and grows professionally.


Mercury turns direct on June 3, in Taurus, in your career area. That alone is cause for celebration. Now you can move forward again on your various projects and not have to worry about miscommunications. In fact, it’s an ideal time to touch base with clients and colleagues, especially if you’re still working remotely. It’s also a good time to make submissions, buy a new computer or printer, and update your office equipment and area.

On the 4th, Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius, your 7th house. Between now and Oct 22/23, when it turns direct again, things in the partnership area slow down. You may encounter delays for one reason or another. Since Saturn rules structure, be sure that you have a contract for any new business venture you enter. It should spell out the responsibilities for each partner and all of the particular details.

On the 10th, a Mercury/Pluto trine helps to facilitate your daily work and your professional responsibilities. You know exactly what to say and when to say it. Mercury in Taurus brings a degree of stubbornness and Pluto in Capricorn favors goal-setting.

The 11th features a Venus/Uranus conjunction in Taurus, in your career area once again. This one could bring about a sudden romance, a sudden influx of cash, a sudden, unexpected promotion or raise or even a new job. Women are helpful. Uranus rules sudden, unexpected events, so be prepared for virtually anything in your professional life.

The 14th should be very much to your liking. The full moon is in fellow fire sign Sagittarius, in your 5th house of creativity, romance, kids, what you do for fun and enjoyment. News you hear is likely to be in any of all of those areas. Sagittarius is the sign of the nomad, the inveterate traveler and it doesn’t matter if that travel is physical, mental, or spiritual. Sometimes, it may be all three. In addition, Jupiter is now in Aries, your 9th house, and that house rules overseas travel, foreign countries, cultures, and people. So you may be headed overseas.

June 21 is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. It’s also the summer solstice, when the sun enters 00 degrees Cancer. While the sun will be in your 12th house, urging you to explore who you are, the moon and Jupiter are conjunct in Aries, your 9th house, reaffirming the possibility of an overseas trip. The conjunction also addresses the possibility that you will take or conduct a workshop, attend a convention, or embark on a spiritual quest of some kind.

The new moon in Cancer on June 28 takes place in your 12th house. Expect new opportunities to surface behind the scenes. If you produce podcasts, for instance, they may take a new turn that expands your audience and choices. If you’re still working remotely, you may take on new responsibilities for more money.


Since Mercury rules your sign, Virgo, you’ll be delighted when it turns direct in fellow earth sign Taurus on June 3. Now you can move forward with your communication projects – a manuscript you’ve been working on, a podcast, screenplay, newsletter. Make your travel plans for the fall or sign up for any workshops you have been considering. Mercury will remain in direct motion until September 9.

On the 4th, Saturn in Aquarius, your 6th house, turns retrograde until October 22/23.This may slow things down in your daily work life. Depending on what you do, this can be a relief or a source of concern. But don’t worry about it, Virgo. Plan work a week ahead of time, don’t overlook details. Tomorrow, the moon enters your sign and you’ll be much more comfortable.

You’ll enjoy June 10. The trine between Mercury in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn, both fellow earth signs, will be right up your alley. The trine connects your 5th and 9th houses, so there’s a great flow of energy between your creativity and your worldview, your belief system. Your gift of gab is accentuated, you’re able to penetrate deeply into any topic you take on.

You’ll also enjoy June 11, when there’s a conjunction between Venus/Uranus in earth sign Taurus, your 5th house. This one may trigger an unexpected romance or an epiphany with a creative project you’re working on. Uranus governs what’s sudden and unexpected, and often results in breakthroughs of one kind or another. It nearly always brings a surprise. One of those surprises could be an influx of cash.

The full moon on June 14 at 23 Sagittarius occurs in your 4th house. Neptune in Pisces squares this full moon, Saturn forms a beneficial angle to it, so any news you hear is apt to have a long-term impact and may involve your ideals or your intuitive ability. Jupiter is in Aries and your 8th house. It should be expanding resources and money you share with others – partner, roommate, child. Sagittarius always looks for the bigger picture, so it’s likely you’ll be doing that regarding your home and personal environment. What do you want to change? Why?What do you need to manifest to make that change come about?

June 21 is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and is also the summer solstice, when the sun enters 00 degrees Cancer, and your 11th house. It makes today ideal for touching base with your network of colleagues and friends, for whipping up a publicity campaign, or for just getting out and hanging with people you enjoy.

Also, Jupiter and the moon are closely conjunct in Aries, your 8th house, which is expanding your income from things like royalties, interest, and passive income. Th moon forms a sextile to the sun and Jupiter does, too, though the aspect is a bit wider. Your intuition should be expanding.

Then on June 28, there’s a new moon in Cancer, in your 11th house, so this is where new opportunities should surface. However, since Cancer is such an intuitive sign, it would be smart to spend a bit of time before this new moon meditating on and visualizing what you would like to manifest in your life. More money? A more satisfying job that pays more? A romantic partner? The sale of a creative project? Jupiter is square this new moon, which may make you prone to taking on more responsibility than you can reasonably handle.


The Mercury retro may have seemed long and tedious. But – yay! – it turns direct in Taurus on June 3, in your 8th house. Finally, things can move forward again with mortgages, insurance, credit cards, your partner’s resources and money. The 8th also governs the paranormal, reincarnation, synchronicity and everything weird and strange. You may decide to have a past life regression, may experience contact with a deceased loved one, and will undoubtedly experience synchronicity.

On the 4th, Saturn in Aquarius turns retrograde and remains that way until October 22, ET, 23, PT. This occurs in your 5th house of creativity, kids, romance, what you do for fun and enjoyment. The retrograde slows things down or outright delays them. Make good use of this time by continuing to plan and strategize and visualize. The visualization part of this is important. Whatever you envision, back it with emotion, detail. And feel certain that it will materialize. Saturn, whether retrograde or in direct motion, rules physical reality. Without it, we wouldn’t be here.

The Mercury/Pluto trine on June 10 impacts your 8th house of shared resources and the paranormal and your 4th house, representing family, personal environment, your home. Trines facilitate the flow of energy between the two signs and houses. You may have a kind of epiphany about something in your personal environment – it might be a flood of gratitude and love. It might be a deeper self-confidence, a realization that something within yourself should be tweaked.

The full moon on June 14 is in fire sign Sagittarius, your 3rd house. Neptune squares this full moon, Saturn forms a favorable sextile to it. So yes, it’s a mix. However, Jupiter is now in early Aries, in your 7th house, expanding opportunities for your business partnerships. The struggle with the square may involve a communication issue in your daily work environment. But because this moon is in truth-seeking Sadge, you’ll figure it out! Thanks to the favorable angle from Saturn, the news you hear is likely to be positive and its impact endures.

The summer solstice on June 21 marks the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. It happens when the sun enters 00 degrees Cancer, in your career area. This should deepen your intuition considerably and ultimately make it easier for you to make professional decisions. Jupiter and the moon are conjunct in Aries, expanding your business partnerships, your capacity to nurture and feel empathy.

Then we come to the new moon at 7 Cancer on June 28. Here’s when new professional opportunities surface – new responsibilities, new projects, new colleagues, maybe even a new job that’s more satisfying. Jupiter in Aries squares this moon exactly. Square are usually irritating, but one from Jupiter is a bit kinder. It means you may take on more than you can realistically handle. So move cautiously, Libra. Weigh the pros and cons. Listen to your gut. Then make your decision.


After Mercury turns direct in Taurus on the 3rd, you’ll notice a difference in the your various partnerships – business and personal. Things should should run more smoothly in your personal and professional life. You’ll feel motivated to get moving on various projects and creative endeavors that may have gone on the back burner during the retrograde. So move ahead, Scorpio!

On the 4th, Saturn in Aquarius turns retro and will be like that until October 22, 23, depending on where you live. This retrograde slows things down or even delays them in some instances. But Saturn, which governs structure, can still function and provide a foundation for whatever you’re involved in. It’s in your 4th house of family, home, your personal environment, so that’s where the delays may surface. It could be something as simple as a delay in a closing for a home you’re buying or selling.

The Mercury/Pluto trine on June 10 impacts your 3rd and 7th houses. You and a business or personal partner are able to communicate clearly and smoothly about an issue that may have come up during the Mercury retro. Now, it isn’t even an issue. It’s just a concern you had that has been resolved. Wouldn’t it be great if all issues were resolved so quickly and easily?

The conjunction of Venus/Uranus in Taurus on June 11 may bring sudden, unexpected news about a romance, creative project, money, or a relationship. Or all of them! One thing is certain – any conjunction with Uranus can result in excitement, heightened emotions, surprises.

The full moon in Sagittarius on the 14th occurs in your income area, the 2nd house. News you hear is apt to be about money – what you earn and spend. Don’t panic. Saturn forms a favorable angle to this full moon, which indicates that the news you hear will have a long-term effect. Jupiter is in Aries now, in your career area, expanding your professional life, drawing to you the opportunities and people and experiences that enable you to make significant strides.

Then we come to the summer solstice on June 21, when the sun returns to 00 degrees Cancer, a fellow water sign, in your 9th house. The day should be filled with self-confidence, a deeper intuition, and expanded capacity to nurture yourself and others. On the same day, Jupiter and the moon are conjunct in Aries, your career area, and this conjunction pretty much guarantees that synchronicity and luck are your allies.

The new moon in Cancer on the 28th brings opportunities to travel internationally, Covid permitting, or to teach or conduct a workshop or seminar. You may join some sort of spiritual organization or group that speaks to your soul. Jupiter squares this new moon exactly, so be careful that you don’t take on more than you can realistically handle.


From June 3 forward, life gets easier. Mercury turns direct in Taurus on that date, in your 6th house and the snafus and miscommunications of the past several weeks are now history. The next retro won’t begin until September 9. Now you can submit your proposals and ideas and be confident that they’ll get to the right people at the right time.

On the 4th, Saturn in Aquarius, in your 3rd house, turns retrograde and stays that way until October 22, 23, depending on where you live. It basically slows things down and give you time to plan and strategize for whatever project you’re working on. In your 3rd house, it may mean that you don’t hear back from people as quickly as you’d prefer and that building a foundation for anything isn’t quite as easy as it was when Saturn was in direct motion. But don’t fret about it. You’re able to figure out how to use all this to your advantage.

The Mercury/Pluto trine on the 10th is in earth signs Taurus and Capricorn, your 6th and 2nd houses. We welcome  trines wherever they appear. They facilitate the exchange of energy between the houses and signs. In your case, there’s a direct connection between your efficiency at work and your income. Of course, that could be said of all of us all the time, but the trine makes it much easier to make it a reality. A raise could be in the offing.

The Venus/Uranus conjunction in Taurus on the 11th could lead to a romance with a colleague or co-worker. Or, you may team up with a colleague to tackle a creative project that excites you. However things unfold today, expect a surprise.

Yes, you’ll love June 14, when there a full moon in your sign at 23 degrees. Full moons generally bring news and for you, it’s about how your ideals play into every nook and cranny of your life. Saturn forms a favorable angle to this moon – a sextile – and helps to stabilize whatever you’re working on. Also, Jupiter is in early Aries now, moving through your 5th house and expanding you creative endeavors and opportunities. If you have kids, it’s making it easier to communicate with them. If a romance is going on, you and you partner may plan a special long weekend doing something you both enjoy.

The 21st is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. It happens when the sun returns to 00 degrees Cancer, in your 8th house. Today, there’s where you shine. Need a mortgage? Apply and walk out an hour later. Need a better insurance rate?Talk to your broker. It’s that kind of date. You can get what you want and need. Also, the moon and Jupiter are closely conjunct in Aries, your 5th house, so you’re in good shape creatively. Your intuition is right on target, too. Listen to it.

The new moon in Cancer on the 28th falls in that 8th house, too. Your partnership gets an infusion of cash, your personal partner may land a raise, you could get a break on insurance, credit cards, a mortgage. Jupiter forms an exact square to this new moon, a warning not to take on more than you can realistically handle.


On June 3, when Mercury turns direct in fellow earth sign Taurus, you should be doing a little happy dance. This change in direction will liberate you to dive into everything you put on hold when Mercury went retrograde back on May 10. And, with a Type A like you, there were probably a number of projects and goals you put on hold.

Saturn, your ruler, is in Aquarius now, in your 2nd house. It turns retrograde on June 4 and remains that way until October 22/23, depending where you live. Since this retro occurs in your income area, payments may be delayed for any freelance work you do. Send friendly reminders. Don’t fret about it. Even when retrograde, Saturn still has the ability to build a strong foundation to whatever you undertake.

You’ll enjoy the Mercury/Pluto trine on June 10. Pluto is in your sign and Mercury is in Taurus, in your 5th house. The trine facilitates the exchange of energy between you and your muse. He or she is whispering in your ear, so listen up and get busy. If you’ve always wanted to write a book, learn a musical instrument, or embark on a world adventure, then get moving!

The 11th is a another good vibe day for you. There’s a Venus/Uranus conjunction in Taurus, and that should bring a positive surprise of some kind – in romance, with one of your kids, in a creative endeavor. At the very least, get out and do something you enjoy, that you’re passionate about. The universe is with you today!

The full moon in Sagittarius on June 14 occurs in your 12th house. You gain insight into your own psyche – what motivates you, thrills you, moves you to tears. Saturn forms a great angle to this full moon and Neptune squares it. Here are a couple of things that may come into focus with whatever news you hear: how important your ideals are to you, how powerful your creative urge is, and how important forgiveness is.

The summer solstice on June 21 is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, the official start of summer. It’s also the day the sun returns to 00 degrees Cancer, in your partnership area. So this is where you shine today – in your business and personal partnerships. Also, the moon and Jupiter are conjunct in Aries, your 4th house. Your family and personal environment may be expanding – a new roommate, an adult child moves in or an elderly parent. Or, someone in the family is pregnant.

The new moon in Cancer on the 28th opens up opportunities in business and personal partnerships.  You’ll recognize them as they surface. Jupiter is square this new moon and that suggests that you may take on more than you can handle .


You, like everyone else on the planets who knows about Mercury retrograde ,will be happier when it turns direct in Taurus on June 4. Now the miscommunications at home should clear up and you’ll feel like your personal environment has gone through a deep cleaning. In a sense, it has. Issues came up and you dealt with them. Maybe your solutions worked or maybe they blew up in your face. Either way, you learned something. From now until September 9, when Mercury retrogrades again, you’re on a clear path at home.

Saturn in your sign turns retro on June 4 and doesn’t turn direct against until October 22,23. This planet was considered your ruler until the discovery of Uranus, which actually is a much better fit. Its retro slows and delays things in irritating ways, but you generally find a way around whatever the limitations are. That’s what Uranus does for you.

The Mercury/Pluto trine on June 10 is in earth signs – Capricorn in your 12th house and Taurus in your 4th. This trine brings your ideas back down to earth and makes them practical. People in your personal environment are helpful and applaud what you’re doing.

The full moon in Sagittarius on June 14 is much more to your liking. It falls in your 11th house and brings welcome news about your network – it’s expanding, gaining traction, your truth is catching on. Saturn is sextile to this moon and Neptune squares it. Your spiritual beliefs are deepened and are all wound up with you ideals. But Saturn approved and provides a sound foundation.

The summer solstice marks the beginning of summer and in the northern hemisphere, is the longest day of the year. It happens on June 21, when the sun returns to 00 degrees Cancer, in your 6th house. Today, you shine at work. You can’t go wrong – your employer approves, so do your colleagues. In fact, Jupiter and the moon are conjunct in Aries, in your 3rd house. This conjunction deepens your intuition and expands your communication skills. Use both to your advantage.

On June 28, with a new moon in Cancer, new opportunities surface in your daily work routine. New responsibilities with a raise in pay? Check. Always welcome. A new job in a new area? Check. Also possible. But Jupiter squares this new moon to the degree and the only thing this definitely means is that it all looks so good to you that you may take on too much.


As I’ve said before, when Mercury turns direct in Taurus on June 3, it’s time for a happy dance. Suddenly, it’s much easier to communicate what you intuit, think, and feel. You may plunge into a writing or podcast project, or into some other form of communication. Whatever it is, you’re a powerhouse.

From June 4 to October 22, 23, Saturn moves retro through Aquarius. It happens in your 12th house, so it’s likely you don’t experience anything other than a subtle shift in your personal unconscious. Everyone experiences that differently. It may show up in your dreams, in thoughts you have on a given day, or in a change in your mood. Things move more slowly, there may be delays. Work with whatever comes up. Try to understand it.

The 10th features a Mercury/Pluto trine in earth signs that you should enjoy. Your 3rd and 11th houses are involved. You touch base with your network and are pleased with the way things are evolving. Whether your network is political or cultural or strictly business, you make progress.

On the 11th, there’s a Venus/Uranus conjunction in Taurus, your 3rd house. With this one, go for it, whatever it is. To quote Star Wars, this trine indicates that the force is with you. A positive surprises arrives in romance, creativity, with money, communication, your siblings or neighbors. Or, hey, all of the above. Revel in it, Pisces.

The full moon in Sagittarius on June 14 occurs in your 10th house, career. This is your public face and the full moon reveals what you need to tweak and revise. We hear a lot these days about brands and whatever yours is, now is the time to polish it up, put it out there. Saturn sextiles this full moon, Neptune squares it. The support from Saturn promises that the news you hear will help provide a foundation for a professional project . The square from Neptune  could mean deception from some corner of your team.

June 21 is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, the official start of summer. It’s when the sun returns to 00 degrees Cancer, a fellow water sign. It indicates that your creativity is heightened, your muse is ready to help. Also, Jupiter and the moon are conjunct in Aries, your 2nd house of income, so there may be an influx of cash from unexpected sources.

Then, on the 28th, there’s a new moon in Cancer and opportunities surface that enable you to flex your creative muscle. Jupiter squares this moon to the exact degree, so be careful you don’t take on so many projects that you become master of none.



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The Roberts Court, April 23, 2021
Seated from left to right: Justices Samuel A. Alito, Jr. and Clarence Thomas, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., and Justices Stephen G. Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor
Standing from left to right: Justices Brett M. Kavanaugh, Elena Kagan, Neil M. Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett.
Photograph by Fred Schilling, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States


When I was a kid, I was taught that the supreme court of the U.S. was the highest court in the country. What I’ve learned in the years since is that nine people who have lifetime appointments can end one of our rights – to privacy. It overturns the right to abortion, the right to marry who you want, perhaps even interracial marriage. And no telling how far all that can be turned back.

Just look at them. Of the 4 at the back, only the shortest woman is a dem – Ellen Kagan.The other 3 are helping to overturn abortion. In the front row, the middle dude is the chief justice, looking rather smug. On his right is Clarence Thomas, whose wife Ginnie was texting Mark Meadows before and during the insurrection on Jan. 6. Has she been called in to testify before the committee? And oh, how come Mark Meadows hasn’t been indicted? Also in the front row, the woman at the end is a Dem, Sotomayor. Thanks to trump appointing 3 of these judges, the court is stacked against rights of any kind.

Will women soon find that they can’t open a bank account without their husband’s consent? Will they find themselves banned from driving, like Saudi women, without a man beside them? Will they be banned from holding jobs? Just how far will the supremes try to go? Will they try to revoke the 19th amendment that guaranteed women the right to vote?

Will they end up like Salvadorian women, charged with homicide for a miscarriage? Don’t believe me? Read this article from The Guardian.

This evening, I read that Florida senator Marco Rubio is proposing a bill that could prohibit employers from deducting expenses related to their employees; abortion travel costs or “gender affirming care” for young children of their employees. From Rubio’s website:

“Our tax code should be pro-family and promote a culture of life. Instead, too often our corporations find loopholes to subsidize the murder of unborn babies or horrific “medical” treatments on kids. My bill would make sure this does not happen.” His bill is called
No Tax Breaks for Radical Corporate Activism Act.

Some name, huh? Radical Corporate Activism Act.

“Rubio’s bill responds to recent announcements from several large corporations, including Amazon, Disney, Citigroup, Lyft, Yelp, Uber, Bumble, and Salesforce. “ You know, the corporations that have already come out and said they would support their employees travel and medical expenses.

Rubio is up for re-election in 2022. Because I’ve written him scathing emails in the past that are never read, I’m on his office mailing list. The either day I received an email saying his team would be at our public library to talk about “our concerns.” My reply? The only time I wanted to see him was when he was defeated by Val Demmings, the Democrat running against him.

Val Demings. She was Orlando’s first black female police chief and was a cop for 27 years. She was appointed to serve as an impeachment manager in the first senate trial of trump. She was on Biden’s short list of potential running mates. Florida desperately needs politicians like this.

Right now, the state is run by Ronnie boy DeSantis, a trump wannabe who may be more dangerous to democracy than trump was. His mantra? C’mon down here to sunny Florida, trumpies with money. But not you, Elon Musk. You might take the spotlight off me. No state taxes. No Covid mandates. Pretty soon, all you cowboys and cowgirls can carry concealed – or unconcealed – weapons without licenses. And oh, I’ve taken on Disney, did you hear? Even trump didn’t do that!

Yeah, that’s our gov.

Welcome to Florida.


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Down Under…

…and upside down. Or so Australian politics seem from here. Not that the situation here is any better.  The Aussies have an election today, Saturday, May 21, and I’ve been working on a project with a man from Melbourne who has given me an ‘earful,’ though we’ve only communicated through the Internet.

While considering his political comments, I realized that there was a synchronicity involved with the country down under doing things politically in a somewhat topsy-turfy manner. For instance, listen to this: Australia’s conservative party is called the Liberal Party. What?

Beyond that oddity, if  my correspondent is correct, the country also has some extremely restrictive rules about who can run for office. For example, if you’re a teacher, forget it. You can’t run. In fact, one candidate, I was told, had raised $800,000 in campaign contributions only to find out she wasn’t eligible to run even though she had not been a teacher for 18 months. Apparently, she was getting a government pension and that disqualified her.

My correspondent, Mike,said he’s hoping for the best.  He noted that after some of the worst fires and floods ever to hit Australia, a new cohort of climate-conscious independents and moderate and left leaning  parties are threatening to shake up the federal election and could reshape the country’s political landscape.

However, he said the opposition is treacherous and the country is in deep trouble politically. “Your Jan. 6th incident looks like a picnic compared to what’s going on here.”

But Mike may not know the extent of the disfunction her  and theimpending atrocities that are awaiting us. It’s hard to imagine – yet true – that  one of our two parties is intent on overthrowing democracy and they’re not even hiding their efforts. If the Republicans don’t like the results of an election in states where they control the legislature and governorships,  they are set to game the system making it possible to overturn the results. It’s all about power, money and control. Definitely not about helping people.

Comments from down under are welcome.

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Tech Nightmare: a Lesson About Astrology


Recently, I experienced about a week of a technological nightmare. At least, for me, it was a nightmare.

We had just received our latest bill from Xfinity – Comcast – for the month’s TV and Internet. It was nearly 200 bucks. We don’t watch 200 bucks worth of TV. We watch the news – usually MSNBC – and on alternate nights watch an hour of whatever series has captured our interest. So on March 21, I dropped into an ATT office to find out what they charged for just Internet. We figured our TV would be through Firestick and bought one through Amazon for $25, on sale.

I’m not a great fan of ATT or of any of these companies. BUT. I wanted a lower price. ATT offered just Internet for  $55 a month. It included HBO Max. I signed up. I asked if they could install their equipment before March 23, the last day of the billing cycle for Xfinity. ATT scheduled a technician to come out on March 23. Perfect.

The tech was here for several hours, had to come back the next day, and as soon as he’d left, and we had our new Internet, I returned Xfinity’s equipment.

We spent the next few days fiddling around with Firestick. There are all sort of services to which you can subscribe, but none of them included live streaming MSNBC or CNN. All you got were 10-minute clips. So back to ATT I went and asked what kind of basic TV service they had.

They have something new – at least new to me – DirectTV Streaming. 70 bucks. It provides what we watch. We’re paying  less than we were paying to Xfinity. Great. We were set.

On March 26, I decided it was time to update the operating system on my iMac to Monterrey. Well, my update got stuck with less than a minute remaining and I spent 5 hours trying to fix it. I finally gave up and the next day, took it to Pro PCs, a computer place that has been recommended by several friends. Allen the owner and whiz kid, is my new hero. He put in a new hard drive that’s much faster. My Mac runs like a new computer. He was able to save all my files.

But because it’s a new drive, I’ve had to re-enter – i.e., find – all my passwords, app programs, bookmarks. Also, initially, I couldn’t get the computer to connect to the internet. This required 2 hours on the phone with an ATT tech. He eventually figured out that the problem was my password. I had used a capital letter where a lower case letter was needed.

Fantastic! I tried to print something from this new hard drive and discovered that my Canon printer had died. I just ordered a new one from Amazon. The past week has felt like a major Mercury retrograde, but Mercury doesn’t go retro until May 10. (You can see how far back I wrote this!)

So I tried to look at the transits to my birth chart, but the astrology program on my new drive asked for my license number. It took me more than an hour to find an email from 2016 that provided it.

For me, the transits provided a major clue. Durjng this period, Uranus in Taurus was conjunct my natal Mars in Taurus, 7th house. I think of Uranus as the planet that shakes stuff up, the great awakener that brings on innovation and sudden, unexpected change. Mars governs our physicality, sexuality, motivation. It’s what moves us forward. The 7th house of partnerships represents the people I dealt with throughout – technicians, computer whizzes, salesmen and women, corporate entities.

Tonight, April 3, that conjunction is just 4 minutes from exact.  In essence,when it comes to a handful of minutes rather than degrees, it’s a conjunction. Once my printer arrives and I don’t have to return it, then I think I’m in the clear.

For now.

PS. My printer is NOT working right. Not in the clear. But there’s a remedy: Rob’s Brother computer is on our network, so I just print my charts and stuff on his computer. Today, May 19, Uranus is  two degrees past my natal Mars.

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Atomic Habits

I had an odd synchronicity tonight. I read a proposal from a man who is writing a non-fiction book that would qualify as self-improvement. One of the books he referenced in the competitive titles section of his proposal is Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear.

I’d never heard of it.

But an hour or so later, I ran across an article on GQ about Justin H. Min, the guy who played a ghost in The Umbrella Academy. Now he’s going to be playing an android in After Yang. In the interview, he mentioned Atomic Habits. So, okay, I laughed at the weirdness of it, then immediately off to Amazon I went.

It turns out that the book has more than 73,000 five star reviews, was published in 2018, and is #1 on Amazon. So I clicked on it to read a preview. The first paragraph seized me, just like the first paragraph in T.J. Newton’s Falling. I immediately wanted to know more.

Here’s Clear’s opening paragraph:

“On the final day of my sophomore year of high school, I was hit in the face with a baseball bat. As my classmate took a full swing, the bat slipped out of his hands and came flying toward me before striking me directly between the eyes. I have no memory of the moment of impact.”

And I realized this kind of personal story/experience was what was lacking from the proposal I’d read. I also realized I should buy and read the book!


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