Recently on a synchronicity site, a member asked about owl symbolism. I wrote him about our experiences with burrowing owls- and an Amazonian owl..


Twice now, a Florida burrowing owl has predicted an event for me. One owl appeared on a fence outside my dad’s room when he was living with us. At first, I thought it was alerting me that he might die. But the owl was missing its left leg and about 12 hours later, I got a call from the Alzheimer’s unit where my mother was that she was being taken to ER. They believed her left hip had been dislocated. Turned out, her left hip had disintegrated. 2 weeks later, she passed.

Another time, several  burrowing owls perched just above our door, on the edge of the roof. That evening, we got a call that a close friend had passed.

Years ago, Rob and I led rips through the Peruvian Amazon for Avianca Airlines. We traveled on an old rubber hauling riverboat that went from some obscure port in Colombia to Iquitos, Peru. The boat was like the Fitzcarraldo – from the movie. At one place where we stopped, an indigenous man had an owls for sale. I trade a couple tubes of lipstick for the owl and it traveled with us on the boat to Iquitos, where the American owner of the boat had a refuge for Amazonian creatures. My entire life changed after that interaction with the owl, whom I fed and got to know during that two-day trip up the Amazon. So they are also harbingers of hope.

Matthew replied:

For me, these two different stories illuminate an attentiveness to the ecology and psychology of nature, respectively. The former captures ‘the signs’ – yet very tangible practical  ones – that non-human nature can signal for us if we attend to them (they are obviously more attuned to earth than we are these days!) whilst the latter captures the more mythic-symbolic-psychic but which equally serves its very real and practical purpose.

These owl stories are so telling and echo my own experiences and those of several of my interviewees. I cannot think of another animal whose association (in this this case, with death/crossings over/liminal life-death space) finds so many cross-cultural commonalities (in many parts of Africa, owls are widely persecuted because of this association but that’s akin to “killing the messenger”) . Of course , it’s not like every owl spells portent or doom – there’s an ecology and psychology to every interaction. Owls are allowed to just “do their thing”. But it’s those unusual and repeated visitations which beckon our attention and deciphering.


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The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For January 2022

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: Star Power For January

January 2022”:

Join Trish for the January 2022 astrological forecast!

If you prefer the written version, it’s in the masthead at the top under January star power forecast.

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Merry Christmas from all of us to all of you!

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The Queen of Hearts

Today on our podcast, we talked with Gregg Levoy, author of Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life. The way he describes callings in his book is similar to how synchronicity “calls” to us

He was a fantastic guest and related one of the most powerful and unusual synchronicities I’ve ever heard. In 1982, Gregg was eager for a change in career. He’d spent eight years as a journalist with the Cincinnati Enquirer and was given “a most elegant job offer.”

The company that owned the newspaper, Gannett, was starting up what they were calling America’s first national daily, USA Today, and they took 100 or so reporters from nearly that many of its newspapers and offered them a kind of trial subscription. “If, at the end of four months, the paper flew and you fit, you became a journalist in Washington D.C., working for the nation’s newspaper,” Gregg wrote. “If it didn’t fly or you didn’t fit, you were guaranteed your job back at whatever paper they took you from. I leapt at the chance, and considered it a mere technicality that I sublet my apartment in Cincinnati instead of closing up shop. It never entered my mind that I would be coming back.”

When he returned because he hadn’t made the grade, he felt completely lost and unable to answer the question, Now what?

“A few days after returning, I was driving home from work listening to a song by The Eagles called Desperado. As I pulled to the curb in front of my apartment, the last line I heard before turning the engine off referred to the queen of hearts, and as I opened the door and stepped out, there on the curb next to my left foot was a playing card: the queen of hearts.”

Here are the lines in the Eagles song that Gregg is referring to:

Don’t you draw the queen of diamonds, boy
She’ll beat you if she’s able
You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet
Now it seems to me, some fine things
Have been laid upon your table

But you only want the ones
That you can’t get

Dumbfounded, Greg didn’t know what to make of it. “Even more remarkable than finding that queen card when I did, was that over the next few years, as I searched for a sense of direction, I found five more queen playing cards, in improbable locations such as a sand-dune in Oregon and a mountain wilderness in Colorado six miles from the nearest trailhead. It made the Twilight Zone seem like Mister Rogers’ neighborhood.

“Each time I found another queen card, the sheer unthinkability of it took another giant step forward, and eventually the synchronicities went so far beyond the laws of probability that I only barely hesitate to say it’s impossible that there was nothing more going on than blind chance and dumb luck. Such an adroit arrangement of events and timing– such stagecraft–seems orchestrated by something with wits.”

He started researching queen, the archetype. “I came to understand this rather profound administering of chance as directing me toward something that both my writing and my life needed at that time: more heart, less head; more intuition, less intellect, more confessing, less preaching, more of the inner life, the emotional life, the life of the senses; more listening, more following, more of what Carl Jung referred to as the anima, the force of the feminine in a man’s life. The Queen, of course, is the archetype of femininity–of powerful femininity–and I felt myself being compelled toward this energy by the kind of meaningful coincidence that Jung called synchronicity.”

Think about it, the staggering odds that within seconds of hearing that line about the queen of hearts, he gets out of his car and sees a queen of hearts on the ground next to his left foot. And then over the course of a couple years, found more  six queen of hearts cards in random places around the country.

And he finally followed his heart. He left journalism and made the leap to his “calling,” to freelance. He has been doing it ever since.

His book is terrific.



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Winter solstice. December 21. Vector watercolor splash paint

What I like most about today is that tomorrow it will get dark a wee bit later!



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The Mystical Underground: TMU – 0097 – David Wilson – Crossroad

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “TMU – 0097 – David Wilson – Crossroad”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

DAVID NIALL WILSON has been writing and publishing horror, dark fantasy, and science fiction since the mid-eighties. He is an ex-president of the Horror Writers Association, and a multiple recipient of the Bram Stoker Award. His novels include Maelstrom, The Mote in Andrea’s Eye, Deep Blue, the Grails Covenant Trilogy, and many others.


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The Little Synchros

Recently, I’ve noticed that when I need to know something, the information usually comes to me through synchronicity. The need to know can concern anything – job, relationships, career, kids, pets, any area of my life. Usually, I’ll be going about my business – writing, texting, talking with friends- and suddenly, I realize I have the info I need. Synchronicity has stepped in and provided it.

Here’s a silly example. I do Keratin treatments on my hair – a fancy way of saying that I straighten my hair. So does my friend Arlene. She recently told me her latest Keratin had lasted for 12 weeks. I was amazed. Mine, I said, only last about 8 or 9 weeks. I last had mine done on August 29, so I was at about the 9 week mark. It didn’t feel right to me, but I forgot about it.

A couple days later, I reached for my appointment book to schedule our podcasts for the month and the book fell open to the floor. When I reached down to pick it up, I saw that it was open to the last week in July. In the space for July 29, I had jotted: Angie, hair straighten. That meant my Keratin treatment had lasted nearly 14 weeks, not the 9 I’d thought.

Granted, this synchro doesn’t fall in the mind-blowing category. But my point is that synchronicity zips along through our lives, providing us with information and insights both big and small and everything in between, and we miss it. We aren’t paying close attention. We aren’t mindful. Then something small and quirky like this happens and suddenly, I’m in the synchro groove again.

In the world of The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, I’m not sure where this falls. That book was published more than a decade ago and our understanding about the phenomenon has expanded since then. Maybe there are 22 secrets!

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Sassenach. Recognize the word? It’s Gaelic for stranger or outlander. So if you recognized it, you probably have watched the TV show Outlander, based on the book by Diane Gabaldone.

We’ve watched two seasons of it and area nearly done with the third. Today at the dog park, we were talking about it – remarking  that it was getting too outlandish. As we took turns explaining why, a beautiful black Golden Retriever trotted over to say hello and get some water. Rob said, “Take a look at the owner’s  sweatshirt.”

This is what it looked like:



It means, don’t worry, Sassenach, which Jamie Fraser says often to Claire, the time traveler and love of his life. So what are the odds? After this synchronicity, we decided to finish watching season 3. The dog’s owner did say that season 4 was one of the best.



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The Mystical Underground: Adrian Duncan: Doing Time On Planet Earth

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Adrian Duncan: Doing Time On Planet Earth”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Adrian Ross Duncan, an astrologer and author who lives in Copenhagen. His books are “Doing Time on Planet Earth” and “Astrology: Transformation and Empowerment.” He has also developed several astrology apps. His website at AstroWow features provocative articles on current affairs.

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Tricksters come in many guises – think Smeagol from Lord of the Rings. Or Loki,  of Norwegian mythology. Or Jim Carey in The Mask. Or coyote in Native American mythology. The Trickster archetype is one of the 7 secrets of synchronicity that we wrote about in our book of the same name. These synchros sometimes make you feel like you’re the brunt of the universe’s joke. The trick with the trickster is to dig beneath the joke to find out what’s really going on.

So over Thanksgiving, we had 4 dogs and 4 cats here. The one in the photo is our cat, Beowulf. He jumped onto the TV stand to get out of the way of the dogs and I snapped a photo of him. A few days later, I was going through my photos and realized that the title of the book on the table – PERIL – describes how Beo felt when he jumped onto the TV stand.

Today, when I ran across the photo, there were a lot of email exchanges with people in The Coincidence Project about tricksters. Sometimes, the Trickster synchronicity is simple. But even with this one, I wonder if the message goes even deeper down the rabbit hole that Bob Woodward and Robert Acosta wrote about in PERIL.  Given the vile divisiveness in the country now, perhaps the Trickster is addressing that democracy is in greater peril than we realize and that the insurrection on January 6 was just a dress rehearsal.

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