New Moon in Cancer

New moons usher in opportunities according to sign and house and the aspects made to them. The new moon at 14 degrees n Cancer on July 5 has Saturn in Pisces trine to it at 19 degrees. Mars at 19 degrees Taurus sextiles it. So the moon has plenty of support. You can get a copy of your birth chart here. Look here  for  where Cancer falls in your chart – the symbol of 69. That house is where the new opportunities will show up.Here’s what the houses mean.


If you’d like to know what to expect for your sign, check out the July  horoscope here.




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The Supremes Hand us a Dark Trickster



Here’s a dark trickster synchronicity. Today the supreme court basically trashed the idea that no one is above the law and that our independence from kings and queens is over. A president now has total immunity for any crimes committed while in office. A president now rules absolutely. He can order the justice department to do anything.

And this ruling came just three days before independence day on July 4. It’s how the dark trickster often works, so in your face that you are completely gobsmacked.

Astrologically speaking, this is Pluto in Aquarius doing its thing. First it turns everything inside out. Then it supposedly rebuilds. On that score, we have just one thing: vote!




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Selina Maitreya: Raise Your Frequency, Transform Your Life

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Selina Maitreya, an author, lecturer, and spiritual teacher, is the creator of Clarion Call, an online conference for spiritual teachers. She is also a founding member of the Manhattan Holistic Chamber of Commerce and a past board member of the Boston Theosophical Society. She lives in Arlington, Massachusetts. We are excited to announce that her book, Raise Your Frequency, Transform Your Life: How to Respond with Love to Life’s Difficulties, has just been published by Destiny Books this month. This is a unique opportunity to engage with her fresh insights.

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Is it just me or is there more spam floating around on the Internet these days?

It seems that the bulk of my spam is from cash app, alerting me to some fantastic deposits I’ve received and all I have to do to collect is click on it. Given the outrageous amounts some of these spams mention, I could be a millionaire in about a week.

Nearly as numerous are emails from UPS and Fedex and other carriers that my delivery had to be returned. All I have to do to redirect these deliveries is click on the link. Uh-huh.

Perhaps an interesting synchro here. In college, Spam was inexpensive and I used to snack on it. My former college roommate, Linda Griffin, still kids me about it. Now when I see that can in the grocery store or even here on this page, I feel nauseated. Back then, of course, there was no internet and I never suspected that SPAM would become the buzz word for unwanted and sometimes dangerous email. But what a perfect name for this stuff.

Now and then, I receive spam form a guy who believes  he owns Lucas Films. These emails are also addressed to people like Kathleen Kennedy and George Lucas and threaten legal action if anyone but him is cast as the next Indiana Jones. Sometimes, he mentions the Indiana Jones books that Rob wrote – all prequels to the original movie.He’s convinced that Rob and I were in Greece with him, Lucas and Kathleen at some point . HIs latest bunch of emails – several months back – were about how I should call 911 in the UK where Kathleen Kennedy and a bunch of other Lucas people needed medical assistance.

I made the mistake of replying to him once, making it clear I’d never been to Greece, had never met him or Lucas. This only precipitated more emails and accusations about how we had his address book. Now I just empty my spam folder.

And I’ve never had a cash app or used it.

Go figure.


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Doors Opening

My friend and fellow Gemini Alexis Brooks wears many hats. She’s an award-winning podcaster  for  Higher Journey s, was a subject matter specialist for the the History channel’s  The Proof is Out There, and also does audio books.  She recently was a presenter at Contact in the Desert, the largest UFO conference in the country.This synchronicity she shared happened in April 2023.

She and her husband, Derek, had flown from South Carolina where they live, to Boston to attend a friend’s dedication ceremony at a college for a dorm built on campus,. They took an Uber from Logan Airport to a restaurant in Boston owned by another friend with whom they would be staying.

As she opened the passenger door of the Uber, it lightly touched the door of the Uber next to them. The driver lashed out at their Uber driver and as Alexis put it, “Really went crazy.” Their driver told the guy, “Hey, nothing happening here.”

So they drive to the restaurant in Sommerville, Mass. Alexis proceeds to get out of the car and at that moment, a guy on a bike – in the biker’s lane -is approaching and her door nearly hits him. “Hey, watch what you’re doing!” he shouted.

That was the second incident, same day.

The next day, Derek was driving their friend’s car to the dedication ceremony on campus. They parked in an underground garage and the space was a little tight. Alexis opened the passenger door to get out, and her door literally touched the door of the car next to them. The driver, a man, was still inside. He gave her a dirty look and then shrugged.

So in about 24 hours, this experience happened to Alexis three times and each time, a man was involved and got angry or annoyed about it even though none of the cars even had a scratch.

Alexis said she knows there’s a message about doors opening, yet isn’t sure about the context. My initial take was that doors in her business are opening for her that make men angry or irritable about it. But after thinking about it for a day or so, I think there’s a deeper meaning to all this. As these new opportunities (doors) open up for her, she should choose carefully. And she should maintain an intuitive awareness that these doors are opening in areas where men typically dominate.

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Trish MacGregor: Star Power For July 2024

Join Trish for the July 2024 astrological forecast!

Here is the written version.

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Those Precognitive Synchros


I’m intrigued by all kinds of synchronicity. But I think my favorites are precognitive synchros. From our newest book Mind-Blowing Synchronicities. The ebook is available now, the print version will be available July 5.

Precognitions are tricky.

Since many of them occur through dreams, we might not remember them unless we’re proficient in the dream world . With the other types of precognitions, we are provided information about the future – personal or global – and we either act on it or not.

Just as there are numerous documented cases of passengers who were supposed to be on the Titanic and, for one reason or another, didn’t make it, the same is true of people who worked in the World Trade Center and didn’t show up for work on 9-11. Do global disasters emit their own precognitive vibe? Or is it just random luck that kept these people away?

Is there any such thing as random luck? But what’s the source of “luck”? A gut feeling?

One of the oddest incidents concerning the Titanic involved Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, a 34-year-old sportsman and heir to the Vanderbilt shipping and railroad empire. He was returning from a trip to Europe and canceled his passage on the Titanic so late that some early newspaper accounts listed him as being on board. Vanderbilt lived on to become one the most celebrated casualties of the Lusitania sinking three years later. That ocean liner, torpedoed by a German U-Boat on May 7, 1915, killed more than 1,100 people, including 128 Americans, and triggered a series of events that led to the U.S. entering WWI.

It sure looks as if Vanderbilt was destined to die from drowning on a damaged ocean liner. Then again, he had another three years of life after he didn’t die on the Titanic. But is there such a thing as destiny?

Questions to Ask

When you experience what you believe is a precognition, take notice of several things.

Who does it involve?
What is the event?
Where does it occur?
When does it happen?
How specific is it?

Who, what, when, where and how are the five interrogatives we learn about in grade school. These interrogatives also provide terrific guidelines for interpreting and experiencing precognitions.

Once the precognition unfolds, journal about it in detail. Were the specifics correct? Was your interpretation correct? Did the timing unfold the way you thought it would be? Keeping a log of your precognitions not only reinforces the belief that you can tap into the future, it also becomes a record, evidence of the precognitions and what ultimately unfolded.

The other valuable insight a journal provides is that it can illustrate why you may misinterpret a precognition. Here’s an example.

Some years ago, Rob and I attended a Scottish festival in Orlando. There were exhibits from many countries, not just Scotland, and we wandered around looking at everything. At the time, I had a contract with TOR Books for my Hungry Ghosts trilogy, which began with Esperanza and took place in Ecuador. I had an idea for the second book, which would involve time travel, but hadn’t discussed that element yet with my editor, Beth Meacham.

One of the exhibits was from Ecuador – mostly art and colorful clothing. I went through the clothes and found a cool shirt made in Ecuador. When I looked at the inside of the collar for the size, I found a label that read Time Travel. I immediately interpreted this to mean that Beth would give me a green light for the time travel idea for book two. How much clearer could it get? The clothes were made in Ecuador and one of them had a label in it that described the essence of the second book in the series that I wanted to write.

As it turned out, Beth didn’t like the idea. “Time travel novels don’t sell,” she said.

That blanket statement struck me as wrong. Even now, more than a decade later, it really feels flawed. Readers love to be transported to another time. Just look at the success of Outlander. Or Time and Again by Jack Finney, a classic since it was written in the early sixties. But Beth’s say was final and the second book, Ghost Key, didn’t have any time travel in it.

So why did I misinterpret the message of that synchronicity? Probably because I was so eager to include time travel. This example may qualify as a trickster, too.

And happy summer solstice!

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The Heriz Rug

Author and past life life expert Carol Bowman sent me this story. It illustrates the subtlety of synchronicity, I think, where a present event will parallel or hint at something that surfaces in our lives in the near future.

She and her husband, Steve, bought a new living room rug for their 50th wedding anniversary. After the rug arrived, Carol was curious to know where the rug was made and the significance of the design. It’s a Heriz rug, made in Iran. She Googled a map of Iran and the Heriz area. Later that morning, she received an email from an Iranian woman.   She told Carol a dream she’d had in which she was shot & killed. She wondered if the injury in that life could be connected to health problems she had now.

Carol responded that her dream imagery could very well by a past life memory. “ Past life memories can surface as vivid dreams, especially ones that seem coherent and in which you remembered dying.  Because you died from a shot in your stomach, and you were pregnant at the time, it’s possible that the two serious physical problems you mentioned, if they involve your stomach or reproductive organs, could be a result of that traumatic death.  There definitely could be physical carry-over from a previous life. If that’s the case, a past life regression might help resolve these symptoms.”

As Carol added later, she doesn’t think she has ever heard from anyone in Iran before.


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Orisis Arnarnia Oflight: Mind, Body, and Soul

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Orisis Arnarnia Oflight is a healer who works at the root cause of whatever is showing up in people’s lives at the mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual, energetic, and physical levels to bring awakening, growth, expansion, and ascension for the mind, body, and soul.

Here is the you tube link

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Today I received this text message from

We are happy to note that your background and resume have been recommended by several online recruiters, so we would like to offer you a part-time job that you can do in your free time. Our job is simple: all you need is a smartphone or computer to do the work. There is no time limit and you can complete the assessment from home. The daily salary ranges from $200 to $500, and all salaries are paid on the same day. If you would like to participate, please contact us via WhatsApp: 14386777185
(Note: You must be 24 years old or older)

Since there wasn’t any info here about what the job entailed, I figured it was a scam. But I was curious about what kind of scam, so I went on What’s app and contacted the number. Here was the response:

Hello, I’m Elena. Are you here to learn about the job?

Me: Yes, someone texted me.

Elena:  Our work is done on Telegram. You can add my Telegram and I will give you detailed information about this job on Telegram

Then she provided her address on telegram: @Elena8899999

So I downloaded telegram and put in her address. Me: Ok, found you. What’s the job entail?

Elena: Nice to hear fro you. I’m Ellen.

Me: You human or AI?

Elena: Why do you think I’m AI?

Me: Just curious. The job?

Elena: Dear, please provide your What’sapp mobile number and I will make note of it.

Me: Look, I am pressed for time right now.  Can you please explain the job?

Elena: Just make 6 trades on a demo trading account and you will be paid $35. After learning the first stage, you have the opportunity to earn $200-2000 per day!
It’s an easy job to make money through demo trading and then enter the real financial world! Join us and become a money-making master!

The work is very simple:
1: Every day at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm New York time, the group will send out trading signals, 6 times during the trial period.
2 Trade with the group signals at a fixed time every day and send the transaction screenshots and profit screenshots to the group and to me privately
I will tell you in advance to follow the group

Me: Not interested. Sounds like a scam.

Then I took screenshots of our conversation.

Elena: Why do you think this is a scam?

At that point, I deleted the app.

I later went back to the original text message from moore 1150 and searched for austwayglobalpty, the main part of the email address that was used.  I found a dun & bradstreet listing for the company. The link is below this photo:

I should have asked this Elena- human or AI – what currency was traded. Bitcoin? Porn? Is porn traded for $? No idea. Anyway, if you get a text message from this moore1150, it’s probably smart to delete it.

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