1958 Prediction About Trump

The late actor Lawrence Dobkin plays a con man named Walter Trump, who enters a dusty town in Texas to scare the locals into believing that the world will end in a rain of cosmic fire unless they let him build a giant wall to protect them. “I am the only one. Trust me,” says Trump. “I can build a wall around your homes that nothing will penetrate.”

In 2018, Rob wrote this post about it for our blog. I didn’t remember the story until he mentioned it today.

From Rob, 10/2/2018:

I see that PBS has a special tonight, Oct. 2, called Trump Showdown, a deep analysis of Trump’s rise. When I heard about it, I couldn’t help recalling the publicity last year  related to a 1950’s episode of a Western about the Texas Rangers called Trackdown that featured a con-man named Walter Trump who warned the townsfolk that the end of the world was coming and he is the only person who can save them by building a wall.

The episode so resonates in strange ways with the current scenario of politics that it seems as if the episode must have been altered to insert the name Trump as the con man. In other words, a con about a conman. But I’m glad to see that Snopes verified that the episode is in its original form and was not changed by CGS magic.

That makes it quite an incredible synchronicity. I’ve watched the entire episode a couple of times, and —spoiler alert—it ends with Trump being arrested.

Vanity Fair in February 2017  published a related article entitled, This Television Show Predicted Donald Trump…in 1958.




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Ellen Evert Hopman: A Legacy Of Druids

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Ellen Evert Hopman is a master herbalist and homeopath, who has been a Druidic initiate since 1984. She is the author of several books, including Secret Medicines from Your Garden, The Sacred Herbs of Samhain, and A Legacy of Druids. Her latest book is Celtic Druidry: Rituals, Techniques, and Magical Practices. Ellen is a founding member and former co-Chief of the Order of the White Oak, also the archdruidess Emerita and founder of Tribe of the Oak, as well as a member of the Grey Council of Mages and Sages. She lives in Massachusetts.

Here is the You Tube link.

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Bill Anders Synchro

Earlier this evening, I ran across an article in the Huffington Post about the death of  Apollo 8 astronaut Bill Anders. The year was 1968 for Apollo 8. Ander is the man who took the iconic photo called Earthrise. I tried to find a royalty free photo of it, but no luck. This is earth from space, but isn’t the photo that Anders took.

Anders, 90, was flying his plane and it went down in the San Juan Islands, where Megan is now working, so I sent her the link. It turned out to be a synchronicity. She and another naturalist, were hiking today in Bellingham, about an hour’s drive from Anacortes, and here is her repsonse:

Holy shit Hannah and I were just watching that video!
It happened this morning and one of the naturalists sent a video of it.

Here’s that video.

The national news is so focused on trump, trump, trump  that I didn’t hear a word about this on TV.

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New Moon in Gemini

On June 6, at 8:38 a.m. EDT, there’s a new moon at 16 degrees Gemini. You can see it in house 11 in the chart. This new moon is keeping company with Venus at the same 16 degrees. Both Mercury and Jupiter are also in Gemini, within 4 degrees of each other. So, new moons usually bring new opportunities according to house and sign. For the sign, this one brings new communication opportunities, a deepening curiosity about everything, and a quick mind.

That conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter expands all communication and proves to be quite fortunate.

In house 9, Saturn is in Pisces at 18 degrees.  It squares  this moon. Squares are troublemakers and since it involves Saturn, you have to play by the rules.  Now look at house 7, where Pluto at 1 degree Aquarius is the loner planet. Jupiter up there in house 11 is at 2 degrees Gemini, so these two planets form a trine to each other – an angle of 120 degrees..

Pluto is all about transformation and Jupiter is about expansion, synchronicity and luck.  Generally, even though we have to play by the rules with whatever opportunities surface, this trine whispers, Hey, here come some synchros that will help.

You can find out in the written horoscope here what your sign can expect on this new moon day.

For me, there’s something of a synchronicity in this new moon. The moon  at 16 degrees is the same degrees as my Gemini sun.  The 6th also marks a year since my sister, Mary, died suddenly and unexpectedly.Our communication has occurred in odd ways, through events that I feel she may have coordinated. I don’t recall any dreams where we communicated. But there have been hummingbirds, which became the family archetype for her. Since this new moon occurs in my 8th house, which governs among other things, life after death and the paranormal,  I’m hoping there’s more chatter now from the other side.

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When we were recently on Kat Hopson’s FATE Magazine show, she asked us for a mind-blowing synchronicity. I had honestly forgotten about this one until Rob mentioned it.

1987. We were in Caracas, Venezuela, at the Maiquetia Airport, and were waiting in line to have our personal belongings checked. At the time, the drug trade between Venezuela and Colombia was rampant, and young soldiers – in their late teens- were standing guard with weapons drawn. The atmosphere was tense, fevered.

The man in front of us held just a leather briefcase, wore a three-piece suit and tie, and looked like a businessman on his way home.  Or maybe he was a drug runner posing as a businessman? As the guard asked him to open the briefcase, we strained to see what it held. Coke? Weed? Heroin?

But it held just one thing: a paperback book by Alison Drake.  For a moment, I just stared at it in shock and disbelief. Alison Drake was one of my pseudonyms. This book was the second in a series  and I had used a pseudonym because my editor at Ballantine, Chris Cox, had suggested it.  In those days, if you had two different series as an author the publisher often wanted two different names.

We were leaning over to look inside the briefcase and so were the armed guards on the other side and we all saw the title: Fevered. It described the tense atmosphere perfectly. I wanted to tap him on the shoulder and tell him it was my book, but the situation was too uneasy, edgy, and those teens with their guns were too close for comfort. So I never said anything.

The man continued on out to the tarmac and the plane and once Rob and I got through the line, we hurried along, eager to catch up with him. But we never saw him again.
This whole mind-blower took place in less than five minutes. Even now, 37 years later,  the message seems to be that the title of the book was an absolutely accurate description of the situation. But on a deeper level, for me personally, that fact that it was my novel thrilled and awed me.  What were the odds that the only thing a man in a South American airport security line  carried in his briefcase was a paperback copy of my novel?

So this mind-blower worked both collectively and personally.

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Julia Gordon-Bramer: The Occult And Sylvia Plath


Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Julia Gordon-Bramer is a professional tarot card reader, Sylvia Plath scholar, award-winning writer and poet, and former professor of the Graduate Writing Program at Lindenwood University. Author of Fixed Stars Govern a Life: Decoding Sylvia Plath, Tarot Life Lessons, and The Occult Sylvia Plath, she is also one of St. Louis’ Top Ten Psychics (Psychic St. Louis) and St. Louis’ Number One Fortune-Teller (CBS Radio), and has appeared on numerous television and radio shows as well as appearances on Nickelodeon and MTV. In 2013, the Riverfront Times voted her St. Louis’ Best Local Poet. She lives in St. Louis, Missouri.

Here is the you tube link

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The Republican Agenda for Women

Ever since the supremes overturned Roe v Wade, a law that had been in place for about 50 years, their bigger agenda has come into focus. They intend to take us back to the 1950s, when women had to get permission from a man – husband, brother, father – to open a checking account, get a credit card, insurance, you know, a man’s permission to live as freely as men do.

Sounds like fun, right?

Birth control wasn’t legal, either, so women used the good old fallible rhythm method to control whether they got pregnant. Unfortunately, that didn’t work for women with irregular menstrual cycles. It didn’t work well even for women with regular menstrual cycles.

The sad and pathetic postscript to all this is that there are so many male politicians – most of them republicans – who apparently crave a return to this era, the days of the good ole boys’ club when white men ruled the world. These dudes tend to be trump supporters.

Politicians  talk abut when life begins, at conception or later, but life really isn’t the issue. Control is the issue. After all, in the republican world, your kid is on his or her own after birth. No guarantees, except for a free education through high school. And in Florida, that part is questionable when you have a governor dictating what teachers can and can’t teach and to whom and when.

My 34-year-old daughter is growing up with fewer rights than I had. & if trump becomes president again she will be living in a nightmarish chaotic world that is as upside down as any Philip K. Dick novel. But in my heart, I still believe that women – the largest voting block – understand what is really at stake here and will do the right thing. Yes, Biden’s age is a factor for many voters. But hey, the man is sane. He doesn’t embrace chaos. He understands how government works. He has been steady, forthright, and step by step has provided this country with some stability after the nightmare of the trump years.

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The Whales

At the end of Megan’s usually long days on these whale tour boats in Washington state, she sends astonishing videos and photos. Here’s an Orca seen today. Unfortunately, the video wouldn’t load!

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Trish MacGregor: Star Power For June 2024

Join Trish for the June 2024 astrological forecast!

Here is the written forecast.

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Jupiter enters Gemini

NASA image of Jupiter


On May 25,  Jupiter enters Gemini – 7:15 p.m. EDT and 4:15 p.m. PT. and remains until June 9, 2025. This is good news for you air signs –  Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. But Aries and Leo will also benefit. Sagittarius? Jupiter will be opposed to your sun sign. More on that shortly.

The important thing to remember is that we all benefit from Jupiter, the planet that rules luck, expansion, synchronicity, foreign cultures, countries, and people, the higher mind, law, higher education, your spirituality and worldview. The house it will be transiting in your natal chart is important and will pinpoint where the greatest expansion will occur.

If you know your time of birth, then for a free natal chart enter it, your birthdate and place of birth in this link. Look for the sign of Gemini in your chart.

It will be on the cusp of one of the 12 houses. Note the house number. Here are the areas of life each houses rules.

For the opposition – 180 degrees from your sun sign – or the square, 90 degrees from your sun sign – the news isn’t all bad,  Sadge. You may be trying to balance extremes and can easily spread yourself too thinly. The same is true for the squares, but not quite as intensely. Regardless, pay attention  to the house Jupiter is transiting. That’s the real key.

And buckle up, all of you, for the synchronicities.


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