The Rare Harley

This synchronicity belongs in travel, once again.

We stayed with Megan in Anacortes,  Washington, where she’ll be working with whales for the next four months. The house she’s renting sits on the acreage that Laura and Ken own. Both of them are terrific.

Ken, it turns out, collects cars and also owns this beauty of a Harley. I’m not into motorcycles but even I could see this one is a beauty. It commemorates the 100th anniversary of Harleys and is from a limited addition. Rob sent a photo of it to his nephew, Guy, who owns and rides and works on motorcycles.

Well, it turns out that Guy owns the identical Harley.

From Google: In 2003, the 100th Anniversary was celebrated around the globe: Tokyo, Sydney, Barcelona, Hamburg, Toronto were the big stops – and of course Milwaukee: at the end of August, the city vibrated to the pounding of the V-Twins, many of them in the 100th Anniversary Edition colors of silver and black.

What are the odds ?

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Suzanne Cunningham: Conduit for Spirit

Growing through a childhood filled with anomalous experiences, Suzanne Cunningham walked the road her soul chose. After an out-of-body/NDE in her early 20’s, she went on to have a spontaneous Kundalini opening. As is sometimes the case, the experience left her struggling through a spiritual emergency. However, Suzanne’s resilience and determination shone through as she came to terms with her gifts and dealt with a difficult childhood. Beginning her journey with A Course in Miracles and studying everything she could to bring her deeper insight and understanding, Suzanne eventually sought out an advanced spiritual mentor.

She found her in Rev. Sheila Applegate, MSW, an internationally known teacher, healer and psychic. Switching gears and ultimately leaving her career in high-end fashion, Suzanne continued to read, study and challenge herself with an emphasis on spirituality, healing, energy, and consciousness. Suzanne has been a Reiki Master Teacher and practitioner since 2006. After graduating from massage school in 2014, Suzanne focused solely on her Reiki practice, bringing to it the professional foundation of her massage school training.

She developed a passion for teaching Reiki to first responders and massage therapists, knowing that they spend most of their lives supporting the physical health and well-being of the people they serve but also swim in a sea of unseen and unrecognized energies. Supporting those who support their communities is a significant value, and she willingly shares her knowledge with anyone interested in exploring energy and its effects on our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Her commitment to reaching into the unknown with faith and courage, using her personal experiences to connect and help others, and spending time with cutting-edge thought leaders and teachers is a testament to her unwavering dedication to personal growth and learning, which continues to inspire today.

Suzanne can be reached at



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Travels with Charlie


Travel synchronicities are always interesting and during this trip in Washington state, we’ve had several that qualify as mind-blowers. Since Megan drove across the country with her dog, Riley, we kept mentioning John Steinbeck’s book, Travels with Charlie. In a used bookstore in Anacortes, Rob came across a hardback of the book selling for $75. We didn’t buy it, but that was the first level of the synchro.

The following day, we took the car ferry to San Juan island, a trip of about an hour, and explored the island. A great day of exploration and marveling at the beauty of the island. We got into the ferry line around six for the trip back. A large van pulled up alongside us with a guy and his dog – a boxer. Megan remarked how cute the dog was, so I lowered my window and asked him how old his Boxer was.

“He’s a rescue, so probably around four or five,”

Riley spotted the Boxer and started growling, which drew the Boxer to the driver window.

“What’s his name?” I asked,.

“”Charlie. We’re driving across the country.”

My synchro alarm shrieked.

“That’s what I just did with Riley,” Megan said. “Orlando to Anacortes.”

A lively conversation ensued about the synchronicity, we introduced ourselves. It turns out that Andy Selinger has a You Tube channel about his travels with Charlie through the lower 48 states.

So I invited him to appear on our podcast.


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Bruce Gernon & the Bermuda Triangle


Bruce Gernon is one of the world’s experts on the Bermuda Triangle.During a flight in 1970, he experienced  time travel when he encountered  a strange electronic fog while flying from the Bahamas to South  Florida.

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White Shores Podcast


Talking with Theresa Cheung on White Shores Podcast



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Mind-Blowing Synchronicities

The ebook was released today on Amazon.  $5

If you enjoy it, please leave a review. Here’s an excerpt from The Prologue, aptly entitled The Weirdness.

Sometimes,  synchronicity makes you feel like a character in a Philip K. Dick novel, as if you’ve stumbled into an upside down, inside out world where nothing is the way it should be. Other times, synchronicity is the oddball ally you don’t want to introduce to the rest of the family but whose company you crave. And occasionally, it’s the wind whispering a secret. Always, though, there’s the general weirdness of it all, when the universe seems to be addressing you personally.

Recently, author and synchronicity expert Philip Merry, emailed a question pertinent to synchronicity. When people say ‘sign from the universe’ what do they mean by the word  ‘universe?’  I think of it as the matrix of reality,  the core of who we are as spiritual beings in a physical existence.

Synchronicities come in different types and sizes. Big or small, they can act as confirmation, a warning, a navigation system, and as a mirror that reflects global affairs. They can come in clusters, often within minutes or hours of each other. Some synchronicities may stretch throughout your life. Or they can be tricksters that poke fun at you and make you laugh at yourself. They may provide glimpses of the future. We often tap into them through our creativity, in our dreams, during meditation, or when we’re simply going about our lives.

Any of these can be mind-blowers, synchronicities so bizarre  or in your face that you immediately stop what you’re doing and your attention snaps to what you just experienced. If the message isn’t immediately clear, you keep digging through the possibilities until you find it. These mind blowers can involve virtually anything or anyone and can occur anywhere, at any time. Sometimes, they seem quantum in nature.






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Alex Marcoux

Alex Marcoux was a guest on our podcast on April 7. She’s an author who works with group of autistics and her premise is that they not only have psychic gifts but they are involved in helping us evolve to a higher state. A couple of days earlier, Rob had been reading her newest book in preparation for our podcast.

He later went on a trail ride on his mountain bike in a nearby wooded area. After the ride, he was putting his bike back on his bike rack and about to drive off when he happened to notice that he was parked near a van – pictured in the top photo – which belongs to the Palm Beach Autism Club. The synchronicity happened a short time after he was  reading her book.  He’s also proofing my newest book: Mind -Blowing Synchroncities: The Latest Science, Stories & Research. So it’s a double synchro!

You can see/listen to our discussion with Alex here.


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Jim Willis: Afterlife Journeys And Revelations

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Jim Willis, author of Near-Death Experiences: Afterlife Journeys and Revelations. Jim is a theologian, historian, and musician. He has been an ordained minister for over 40 years. While serving as an adjunct college professor in comparative religion and cross-cultural studies, he hosted his drive-time radio show. Upon retirement, Jim was determined to confront the essential, mystical Reality that has inspired humankind since the very beginning of time. His background in theology and education led to his writing more than twenty books on religion, the apocalypse, cross-cultural spirituality, and arcane or forgotten cultures, specializing in research bridging lost civilizations, suppressed history, and the study of earth energy, dowsing, and now out-of-body experiences.

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Megan & the Roswell Museum

Welcome to Roswell!

Our daughter, Megan, is on her way across country to the San Juan Islands off Washington state, where she’ll be working with whales this summer.  One of her stops was Roswell, New Mexico, where she dropped by the museum.

Betty & Barney HIll

And this one!

And the movie poster for Communion, Whitley Strieber’s famous book


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It took me awhile to learn Vellum, which formatted my manuscript for an ebook, and I initially had a typo in the subtitle that I didn’t know how to correct. The process took me a couple of days, but the book is finally on Amazon for pre-order, with a release date of May 8! The ebook is available now for pre-order.


And the paperback will follow.


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