Women on the Fringe

Marie D. Jones and her co-authors have put together a terrific compilation  of essays written by women involved in the paranormal – as researchers, ghost hunters, writers, mediums, channelers… The book is fascinating!

On Amazon. $18.99 paperback, $9.99 kindle


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Mercury Retrograde Alert


It’s that time of year again. On April 1, Mercury turned retro in Aries and by now, the 3rd day, you probably have some idea what this means for you. It stays that way until April 25. Eastern time this happens at 6:14 PM. For Pacific time it’s at 3:14 PM.

These weeks are when miscommunication runs rampant, so it’s vital that you communicate clearly and succinctly. It’s best to follow the rule of the 3 Rs: revise, review, reconsider. And for writers, it means rewriting. Don’t: sign contracts, have surgery, move, or travel unless yo don’t mind your itinerary changing at the last second.

Since Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo, these signs tend to feel the retrograde most strongly. If you have a moon or rising in Gemini or Virgo, you’ll feel this retro as well.

To find out how this retrograde impacts your sign, check out the April forecast in the masthead.

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Mirabai Devi: World Wide Healing



Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Mirabai Devi is a world-renowned spiritual teacher and a divine mother, which, in yogic and Hindu philosophy, refers to the feminine aspect of the primal creator of the universe or the spiritual spark of all life. She is a healer and author of “Samadhi: Essence of the Divine” and the founder of the Mirabai Devi Foundation, which is dedicated to her mission of raising world consciousness through the awakening and healing of humanity. Mirabai was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, and she travels about the world to festivals and spiritual conferences.


On You Tube

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Adele Aldridge

I never met Adele Aldridge.But I was deeply distressed by news from her daughter on Facebook on  March 10 that  she had died.

Back in 2009 when we started our blog on synchronicity, she was one of our first visitors. In those many years since, we became friends. We shared a love of the I Ching, synchronicity, the paranormal, writing and, well, cats.

When Bernard Beitman started his  Coincidence Project, I told Adele about it and of course she joined. She was a wizard when it came to the I Ching. Knew it backward and forward. And she understood the nature of synchronicity and how it works in divination systems. A couple of times, I asked her how she would interpret an I Ching reading that I or someone else in  the family got. Her response invariably floored me.

Over the years, I haven’t met too many people who are familiar with the I Ching, much less well versed in it. My writer friend Nancy Pickard, Mary Kay Landon  on the Coincidence Project, and Adele. At one point during this long association between us, she sent me a copy of her book I Ching Meditations – the image above. It’s written specifically  for women. I was astonished at the breadth and depth of her knowledge and understanding of this most ancient divination system.

She was in the process of writing a book – a memoir, I guess  -about her years in San Francisco in the 60s, when it seems she knew everyone there was to know back then. I wish she’d finished the book before she died.

When my sister sided suddenly and unexpectedly in June 2023, I texted Adele about it. She wrote:

Trish – OMG! 😢 Terrible! And I see it is your birthday. That’s not fair!
A therapist once told me,”What makes you think life is fair?”  That was a shock to naive me.
The good thing is that you have a pack of friends of and in the spirit world. They will help.

Back in late January of this year, she texted that she was in the hospital in great pain. and that it was awful. Also, someone had hacked into her I Ching site and taken it over. I responded immediately, then didn’t hear anything for quite a while. The next message? She was in rehab and in terrible shape. I finally wrote to Luis, a mutual friend on Facebook, and asked if he knew what was going on. He didn’t have any new info.

Then, on March 10, her daughter Victoria announced her mother’s death on Facebook.

When a woman like Adele passes, the world becomes less bright, less enlightened. But her legacy perseveres. Many times, we speculated about how we would talk for hours when we finally met. We would share a bottle of wine. We would toss I Ching coins. Or do the yarrow sticks. We would talk about synchronicity and how it manifests itself  in all divination systems.

My biggest regret is that we never had the opportunity to meet in person.Yet, in many ways, she became my spiritual older sister. Stop by when you can, Adele. I’ll be listening. Waiting.

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House & Color Synchros


This isn’t one of those mind-blowing synchros.It’s the kind of thing that happens in the course of an ordinary day. Maybe a touch of magic that perks things up. That maybe signals you’re on the right track despite what you’re left brain is screaming all the time.

Our daughter, Megan, is redoing the interior of her house so she can rent it for the months she’ll be in Washington state, working with whales. Some months ago, she replaced the flooring herself and thought she’d followed the directions. But when she started painting her walls, she realized there was a quarter of an inch of open space between the wall  and where the floor began.

So after doing some research, she bought some quarter round, a type of molding for baseboards that covers gaps and imperfections between the base and the floor. She didn’t pay any attention to the color. She just wanted something to fill in the gasp. She had painted the wall prairie brown  and was delighted when she discovered  the quarter round she’d bought happened to match it perfectly!


When we’re doing something that’s  personally important to us, synchronicity  may step in to facilitate the situation.

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Star Power Astrology Forecast for April

Written version here.


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Viva Wyndham Dominicus










Megan’s friend, Daniella, invited the family to her wedding in the Dominican Republic,  at at an all inclusive resort, the Viva Wyndham Dominicus.  We’ve been to the country before, but on the northern coast, where Megan and Rob got to windsurf. This is our first time at a resort and in some ways, it’s like a cruise. All the food and drinks you want, plenty of free activitiess, shops, a self-contained  world. But you’re on land and the resort itself is huge. There are  more than  700 rooms, many of them very cool bungalows , everything connected  by a maze of walkways.

We changed bungalows our second day so we could be closer to where the wedding and dinners would be held,  At one point on the second day, I walked through this maze to the front office to get aa new room key and got lost on the way back to our new bungalow. I hasve as terrible sense of direction as it is and in this maze, couldn’t find our bungalow. & worse couldn’t remember the number for our new spot. Rob and Meg were out paddle boarding and didn’t have their cells with them, so I couldn’t text them. And this was when the synchronicity happened.

Out of the hundreds of guests here – few of them Americans – I spotted Loretta and Ashley, headed my way. They asked where I was going. I told them I was, uh, lost. Loretta whipped out her cell, where she’d jotted down our new bungalow number. I had failed to do that. I just knew our new bungalow was close to one of the restaurants – La Roca.

“1248,” Loretta said,

“Synchronicity!” I exclaimed.

And on I went, grateful for running into them.

My landmark pool in front of La Roca.



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Kat Hobson: P.I. (Paranormal Investigator)


Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Kat Hobson has been the owner and host of Paranormal Experienced Radio since November 2014, and she has been the voice of Fate Mag Radio, the online voice of Fate Magazine since September 2018. She also co-founded American Noetic Science Research Studies with her research partner, Frank Lee. Kat is also an investigator with C.A.S.P.I.R. (Central Alabama Society for Paranormal Investigations and Research) in Pell City, Alabama. She has been featured on the Travel Channel’s Portals to Hell from the Old Paulding Jail, Coast to Coast AM Radio with George Noory, and has been a guest on many podcasts.


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Ah, Those Oscars



We watched the Oscars sporadically this evening. Delighted that Emma Stone won for Poor Things. Terrific and strange movie. She was great in it.

Megan and I went to Oppenheimer when I was visiting her in Orlando some months ago.  We walked out an hour into it. The movie seemed to start in the middle and I never identified with any of the characters. Yet, I loved Christopher Nolan’s Inception and Memento. But this? No way.

When Megan insisted we go see Barbie, I figured okay, but I honestly wasn’t enthused.  And yet, when the movie was finished, I felt it was one of the best movies I’d ever seen. It made more than $1.5 billion at the box office, so a lot of moviegoers agreed. But the only thing the movie won tonight was for best song. Greta Gerwig, who directed it, didn’t win a damn thing.

Oppenheimer is about war, nukes, a man’s world.

Barbie is about women and their interactions with people – both men and women. It doesn’t surprise me that Gerwig wasn’t nominated for anything. I look around at where American society is now in relation to women – their rights stripped from them by men on the supreme court, on the Alabama supreme court, by nominee trump, by Florida’s terrible governor DeSantis- and it both saddens  and enrages me that I had more rights growing up than my 34-year-old daughter has now.

And yet, Hollywood is referred to as liberal.

But  it looks like Hollywood is a huge mirror of American society as it is now.

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TMU Time Machine: Carol Day: Creative Earth Ensemble


Join Trish and Rob in the TMU Time Machine as they revisit their February 2023 conversation with…

Carol Day is a visionary teacher, psychotherapist, artist, and director of Scotland’s Creative Earth Ensemble project. She trained with well-known visionaries, including shamanic teachers Sandra Ingerman, Franco Santoro, Stephen Mulhearn, and psychologist Marshall Rosenberg. She runs a private practice in systemic story therapy and is involved in projects centered on creating community and connecting people back to the land. Carol lives in Glasgow, Scotland, and is the author of Shamanic Dreaming. In the book, she explores how to access your creative potential to shape and hold a strong vision for yourself and others. Carol Day shares hands-on tools and step-by-step shamanic practices to become more visionary and connected to the world. She details practices to expand the senses, set intentions, and connect deeply with intuition and spirit helpers.

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