Pluto & Jan 20 2024

Mark your calendar. On Jan 20 at 7:50 pm ET and 4:50 pm PT, Pluto enters Aquarius, where it hasn’t been in 248 years. It will be there for the next 20 years – until 2044. It will retrograde periodically, slipping back into Capricorn, but when it’s in Aquarius, the tenor of your life and your experiences will be vastly different than Pluto’s movement through Capricorn.

Most of the Revolutionary War took place when Pluto was in Aquarius. It was a time when people around the globe rebelled against unfair regimes under which they lived. The French revolution overthrew the country’s monarchy.

During Pluto’s 15-year transit through Capricorn, we saw a rise of big tech, big pharma, big government, a financial crisis, the Covid pandemic. It was a time when global institutions set the policies for the world. The supreme court overturned Roe v Wade and we’ve seen how women have reacted in several state elections – Kansas, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia. The republican party continues to embrace repressive, authoritarian policies and candidates and it should prove to be their downfall during Pluto’s transit.

That said, since Pluto turns retrograde just like every other planet except the moon, it will be in Capricorn at the time of the election, but on inauguration day, it will be in Aquarius. Until 2044, that will be the trend – Pluto moving like a snail through Aquarius but retrograding back into Capricorn through those 20 years.

Astrologers have different ideas about how this transit will shake out. It can be helpful to look at the past for what happened when it was last in that sign. But let’s face it. The world is a much different place than it was during the French Revolution between 1777-1798. Also, Pluto has been demoted as a planet so why should we care?

Astrologers who no longer factor Pluto into their readings do so at their own peril. This planet is about how we transform and regenerate our lives. Think transcendence, redemption, power, afterlife, good and evil, the hidden and unseen, our personal unconscious. Its two extremes are best symbolized by Hitler and Gandhi. Each man possessed a vision that that he manifested in physical reality. Both had a vision, a sense of destiny. But Hitler’s vision resulted in massive destruction, horror, autocracy and Gandhi’s vision elevated mass consciousness.

Pluto  rules Scorpio and transited that sign from 1983-1995, the era when AIDS became a terrible reality, when global warming became more than just buzz words, when alternative medicine became the popular kid on the block. I have Scorpio rising.The rising or ascendant is considered the doorway to your chart, the point where you entered into your current life. During those years, Rob and I met, got married, started a family.  I sold my first novel and numerous subsequent books, we moved, we freelanced for OMNI and met Betty Hill, Budd Hopkins, and a number of psychics in South Florida. This transit into Aquarius will begin in my 4th house – home, family, personal environment – and end up in my 5th house, creativity, kids, romance, what I do for fun and enjoyment.

For Rob, this transit will begin in his 10th and end up in his 11th – career and wishes & dreams. For our daughter, Meg, the houses are the 11th and 12th- her colleagues, her network, her wishes and dreams & her personal unconscious. Wherever Pluto moves, that’s the area of your life that will be  transformed.

What about you? Go here for a free copy of your birth chart.   It’s most accurate if you know your time of birth. But if you don’t know the time, enter 12 noon and you’ll get a sense of the aspects Pluto will make to other planets in your chart. Questions? Email me through the contact form on the blog.

Keep in mind: this may be the year of disclosure. It would certainly fit Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius.


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Should anyone who has been a US president be granted immunity for life?

That’s what trump’s attorneys are arguing.

So think about that. Lifelong immunity from prosecution means you can do any damn thing you want without fear of ever being held accountable for it. You can shoot someone on 5th Avenue, trigger an insurrection, try to convince your VP not to certify election result, make a frantic call to the Georgia Secretary of State and instruct him to hold a new election or find those 11,600 votes he needs to win your state.

In watching trump’s legal nightmares unfold, in a judicial system that’s supposed to be equal for everyone, I’m shocked by the preferential treatment he gets. Any other person would have been jailed at the first violation of the gag order.

Just how is all this going to play out, anyway? Unprecedented territory: that’s what the news says constantly. But they’re right. Nixon brought us to that place. From Wikipedia:

Proclamation 4311 was a presidential proclamation issued by President of the United States Gerald Ford on September 8, 1974, granting a full and unconditional pardon to Richard Nixon, his predecessor, for any crimes that he might have committed against the United States as president. In particular, the pardon covered Nixon’s actions during the Watergate scandal. In a televised broadcast to the nation, Ford, who had succeeded to the presidency upon Nixon’s resignation, explained that he felt the pardon was in the best interests of the country and that the Nixon family’s situation was “a tragedy in which we all have played a part. It could go on and on and on, or someone must write the end to it. I have concluded that only I can do that, and if I can, I must.”

I remember that day, remember watching it on TV, Nixon doing his silly salute and then disappearing into a plane.

The difference here is that trump hopes that by playing the victim being persecuted by “the radical left” he’s doing it so that we, the voting public out here, won’t have to. Odd, coming from a man known mostly for his orange hair and his narcissism and oh, drink some bleach, it will take care of Covid.

As Trump’s dictatorial rhetoric becomes more frequent and vile, I get texts and emails from friends who are freaked out and depressed about this. The men who wrote the constitution, those founding fathers, never anticipated someone like trump. And that left huge holes in the laws that govern this democracy. That’s the kind of territory we’re in. Democracy is on the line.

I’ve never understood Americans who support this bozo, especially now. Do they all have daddy issues? Do they all need a father figure who dictates what they can do, say, how they can live? One woman with whom I grew up in Venezuela chastised me for criticizing trump. So I asked her, Do you prefer to live under a Trump dictatorship?

Her answer? Yes.

We haven’t spoken since.

What am I missing here about the human psyche?

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TMU Time Machine: Sharon Elizabeth James: The Divine Goddess

Join Trish and Rob in the Time Machine for their May 2022 conversation with…

Reverend Sharon-Elizabeth James founded the Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light in Sarasota, Florida, ten years ago. She underwent four years of intense metaphysical and spiritual training in Theosophy, New Thought, Spiritualism, and Ancient and Contemporary Religious Beliefs at the Spiritual Science Center of New York. She was ordained in June 1989, the same year she made Florida her new home.

And here is the you tube version.

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2024 Is…


2024 is a year of revelations and abundance. Its numbers add up to 8, one of my favorites. It looks like the sign for infinity and means abundance and prosperity.

From Google: In numerology, the number 8 is associated with power, strength, ambition, efficiency, discipline, reality, money, finances, truth, integrity, abundance and prosperity. In Chinese culture, the number 8 is the luckiest number.

Along with this, we have a couple of major transits this year that bode well, I think, and support #8. On Jan 20, Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time in 248 years and on May 25, Jupiter enters Gemini, where it will be for about a year. These two transits impact everyone, but both are air signs. Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. These 3 signs will feel the transits most strongly. Pluto urges us to delve deeply and is transformative. Jupiter is all about luck, expansion, and synchronicity.

As I was writing this post,  I walked out into the kitchen to get some wtater and noticed the AARP bulletin on the table . As you can see, this issue is all about money. What a weird synchronicity!


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The 5 of Cups

Someone emailed me a clip from Fox News- where the host is talking  with a psychic.You’ll see it on this clip.

“I’d like you to draw a card on President Trump,” says host Jesse Watters.

So Paula Roberts does.  It’s the 5 of cups, the image at the beginning of this post. “Uh-oh,” she says.

Watters sort of laughs and asks for her interpretation. Listen to it.

But here’s the thing. Her initial reaction, Uh-oh is absolutely correct. This card is about LOSS. In Power Tarot, my co-author, Phyllis Vega, and I wrote:

“There’s no way around it. This card is about disappointment, regret, and loss. It sometimes refers to an individual who has trouble releasing the past  or has experienced an emotional loss that led to complete absorption in sorrow

“There may be an obsession over past wrongs. The bottom line is that it’s time to pick up the pieces and go forward.”

Sounds like Trump, doesn’t it?





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TMU Time Machine: Alexa Blye: Flying Monkeys

Join Trish and Rob in the Time Machine for their July 2022 conversation with…

Alexa Blye is a California native, a Baby Boomer, and a family therapist living in Southern California with her Goldendoodle Penelope. Growing up, she was influenced by the social unrest and changes of the Sixties and has been a social justice advocate beginning when she was in middle school, then high school and college. Alexa went on to become a family therapist and ten years ago began specializing in working with survivors of narcissistic families – where one member— sometimes a parent, other times a sibling, still other times a spouse, suffers from narcissistic behaviors. The reality-bending gaslighting, manipulations, and isolation leave family members suffering from complex post-traumatic stress – often knowing something isn’t right, but they can’t put their finger on just what it is…after time, some members succumb to chronic self-doubt and must find themselves again. Though semi-retired, with a private practice in Southern California, Alexa continues to commit herself to making a positive difference in people’s lives.

You Tube version:

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Creativity & Precognition


When Rob and I wrote 7 Secrets of Synchronicity in 2010, the 4th secret was called The Creative. The premise is that creativity lies at the heart of creativity. In our book about precognition, Sensing the Future, we have a chapter called Painting the Future, which is about how when artists, writers and other creative types are in their zones, what Stephen King calls “dreaming awake,” they often tune into the future.

Numerous examples exist. One of the best known involves Edgar Allan Poe and his unfinished novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. In the novel, three men and a 16-year-old boy are adrift at sea in a lifeboat after being shipwrecked. The men on this lifeboat are desperate, hungry, on the brink of starvation. They decide to draw lots to determine which of them will be sacrificed to a greater good – killed and eaten so the others can survive. The cabin boy, Richard Parker, picks the short straw and is promptly stabbed and consumed.

In July 25 1884, some 47 years after Poe stopped working on the book, a 17-year-old cabin boy named Richard Parker, was killed and eaten in a similar incident. In real life, Parker was on his first voyage on he high seas. He’d boarded the Mignoette in South Hampton, England, & headed toward Australia. In the South Atlantic, the ship was struck by a hurricane and sank.

The survivors scrambled into a lifeboat with few provisions and 19 days out were in danger of starving to death. They discussed drawing lots to select who would be killed and eaten and settled on Parker who was delirious form drinking seawater. The group survived 35 days on Parker’s carcass. The specifics in this one are stunning.

On August 14, 1992, I mailed off my novel, Storm Surge, to my editor at Hyperion. In those days, yeah, snail mail. The story revolved around a category 5 hurricane – Alphonso – that slams into South Florida and devastates the coast. On the same day I mailed the novel, a tropical waved moved off the coast of Africa and 10 days later, it became the most powerful hurricane on record, at least up to 1992.

By August 24, about the time my editor was reading the novel, that tropical wave became Hurricane Andrew. At one point its winds were estimated to be greater than 200 mph. It slammed into Homestead, Fl as a cat 5 hurricane with a central pressure just below 922 millibars.

The precognition is striking in several ways. In fiction and real life, both hurricanes were the first named storms of the season and began with an A. Both were cat 5 storms with tightly compacted eyes rather than sprawling messes that covered the entire estate. In the novel, the hurricane struck Miami and Miami Beach were obliterated. In actuality, Andrew destroyed Homestead, just south of Miami. The synchronicity really disturbed me so I decided not write about hurricanes again. I did, but that’s another story and another synchronicity.

This evening, I ran across an article in The Guardian about a novel Hothouse Earth
by Bill McGuire, a professor emeritus of geophysical and climate hazards at University College London. The article points out that McGuire believes we have passed the moment of no returnwhen it comes to climate change. “The crucial point, he argues, is that there is now no chance of us avoiding a perilous, all-pervasive climate breakdown. We…can expect a future in which lethal heatwaves and temperatures in excess of 50C (120F) are common in the tropics; where summers at temperate latitudes will invariably be baking hot, and where our oceans are destined to become warm and acidic. A child born in 2020 will face a far more hostile world that its grandparents did,.”

The article disturbed me for many reasons. Even though McGuire is more extreme in his views than his colleagues., he’s clear about his beliefs. “I know a lot of people working in climate science who say one thing in public but a very different thing in private. In confidence, they are all much more scared about the future we face, but they won’t admit that in public. I call this climate appeasement and I believe it only makes things worse. The world needs to know how bad things are going to get before we can hope to start to tackle the crisis.”

So this brings me to White Crows,  a group of people in 2141 who live in a huge dome because the world outside is so toxic. Crows have extraordinary abilities but are outnumbered by Normals, who keep them drugged and enslaved. A group of Crows escape to Tango Key in the 21st century to seize it for themselves. The parallels between their world in the 22nd century bears uncanny parallels to McGuire’s views. It feels like another precognition that came through the writing of fiction.Eerie.


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Hooked on Gray

Look around on your daily journeys and notice the profusion of the color gray. Why so many gray cars now, why so many new houses painted gray, and older houses repainted in the drab color? Why so many gray vinal plank floors and gray walls and even gray refrigerators in new houses?

In The Rainbow Oracle, a book I co-authored with Tony Grosso many years ago, we defined gray as a word that symbolized confusion, disorientation, depression, a lack of understanding. Gray has been cast in such undertones for centuries. In fact, it can be seen in Homer’s The Illiad and the Odessey, believed written in the eighth century B.C., and considered the oldest known example of Western literature. In The Odyssey, Odysseus is searching for a way back home to Ithaca but he is enmeshed in gray-colored confusion as one event after another work against him.

In an article in the Internet Public Library,  the writer notes the gray coloring of The Odyssey and then jumps to the year 2000 superhero movie, Unbreakable, starring Bruce Willis and Samuel Jackson where gray appears in multiple scenes. For example, gray dominates as David, the man who survived a train crash in which everyone else died, walks away from the hospital. He has plenty of reason to feel confused and disoriented as he searches to discover his destiny.

But beyond literature and movies, why are we seeing gray everywhere? Why do gray cars attract attention more than say silver cars? Could it be a sign of the times we are living in? A time in which there is great confusion and divide among people as to the very nature of our reality. How could so many people believe things that don’t make sense to so many other people?

Trish would be happy to tell you which side is right and which is stupid and uninformed but that’s not my point. I’m more interested here in the overview of confusion and disorientation that prevails when we have to watch what we say to both friends and strangers about certain subjects because there’s a chance that they believe the opposite of what you might say.

So we paint our lives in gray, the popular color of the day. But maybe it’s time to rebel against that color scheme and wave a silver banner. Some realtors and designers and others who deal with colored products have recognized that gray is dreary, not exciting, and its predominance in their industries make it feel as if gray is the color of fascism. So maybe it’s time to repaint out lives going forward into 2024, and go against the tide in a year that is likely to herald all that is gray in the political and social worlds.

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Happy New Year!

I sort of dreaded this Mercury retrograde – in two signs, Capricorn and Sadge. But today, Jan 1, Mercury turns direct at 10:08 p.m. ET and 7:08 PT, in Sagittarius.

So: snafus for me during the past 3 weeks? Well, we drove to Ga to spend the holiday with my brother in law and my sister’s large family. Between them, 5 kids with families, partners. The reunion was terrific. It has been more than 6 months since Mary’s sudden passing. There  was only one instance where Mary’s oldest and second sons – Ardon and Avery- felt so deeply emotional they came out onto the porch, where I was tossing a ball to Nigel.

The trigger? Ardon’s wife, Kerri, had several toys made for the kids from a couple of Mary’s articles of clothing. There’s something visceral about this, something that grabs your heart and squeezes until you cry. For me, that moment came when Megan handed me a gift – a painting she had done of Mary and I. Everyone in that room got such a painting, all done from photos Meg had asked for.

Neal took one look at his and headed for the bedroom, where he placed the painting on a dresser where he would see it daily. Mine now hangs on our living room wall, above a painting Megan did of me from a photo when I was, hmm, maybe 20. These paintings were why we ended up taking two cars to Marietta. Meg wanted to finish them before she left, so she arrived in  Marietta around two a.m., about three hours after we did.

There were moments when I felt Mary around. It wasn’t as immediate as this summer, with the hummingbird that flew so close to me I  could see the color of its eyes. But the day before we left, Megan and I drove to Ashton’s tattoo shop in Atlanta  and got our hummingbird tattoos. It’s my first, on my right forearm, and it didn’t hurt!

Megan also gave me a hummingbird feeder and I think I’m going to hang it in the mango tree just outside my office window. I’m told I should get nectar for it.

So I’m going into the new year – 2024!!- with the joy a hummingbird represents and the access it provides to the ones I love, living, dead, in between.

Happy New Year to everyone!


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The Mystical Underground



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