Who Was Baron Trump?


We first published this synchronicity on August 8, 2017. It was weird then, but after all these years of years of trump, the insurrection, the January 6 investigation, and all the subsequent indictments against Trump – 91 to date – it seems particularly strange and precognitive.

This one involves a series of books written by Ingersoll Lockwood in the late 1800s: Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey and once again, this synchro proves the universe actually has a sene of humor!

It’s about a wealthy kid, Baron, who lives in Castle Trump. His adventures start with a man named Don, the “Master of all Masters, who convinces him to travel to Russia, where the discovery of a portal enables him to travel to other lands. Newsweek wrote about the coincidences in the books and noted that with Ingersoll’s final book in the series, The Last President, “the links to Trump are once again abundantly clear. The president’s hometown of New York City is fearing the collapse of the republic in this book, also titled 1900, immediately following the transition of presidential power. Some Americans begin forming a resistance, protesting what was seen as a corrupt and unethical election process.”

What’s especially interesting about this synchro was how it took off among internet conspiracy theorists. They believed the portal to other worlds in the books supported a theory that the Trump family has had access to time travel for many years ― through the president’s uncle, engineer John Trump. Apparently John Trump had access to the papers of Nikola Tesla, who was researching time travel, and this knowledge enabled Trump to win the 2016 presidential election.

Looks liker that portal slammed shut in the 2020 election and I hope it slams shut in 2024, too. Otherwise, we’ll be looking at the death of democracy.



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Trish MacGregor: Star Power For October 2023


Join Trish for the October 2023 astrological forecast!

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Astrology & a Bot


Today, Rob was curious what Chat would say about astrology and we decided to ask about Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in January 2024.

As you’ll see, it ‘s fairly complete.But will it eventually replace astrologers? I doubt it.



Astrologically speaking, the movement of Pluto into Aquarius can have significant implications and influence on various aspects of life. It’s important to note that astrology is a complex field, and the interpretation of planetary movements can vary among astrologers. The following information provides a general overview of some themes associated with Pluto’s transit into Aquarius, based on traditional astrological concepts:

  1. Transformation of societal structures: Pluto represents transformation, power, and intense change. As it moves into Aquarius, which is associated with innovation, technology, and social progress, there may be a focus on transforming societal structures. This could involve advancements in technology, changes in political systems, and shifts in collective consciousness.
  2. Emphasis on community and collaboration: Aquarius is a sign associated with groups, community, and humanitarian ideals. With Pluto in Aquarius, there may be an increased emphasis on collective efforts, collaboration, and the pursuit of common goals. This could manifest as a greater focus on social activism, grassroots movements, and the power of unity.
  3. Technological advancements and scientific breakthroughs: Aquarius is linked to technology and scientific innovation. Pluto’s presence in this sign may coincide with significant advancements in these areas, such as breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, space exploration, or medical discoveries. It could bring about radical changes in how we interact with technology and the way we understand the world.
  4. Unconventional and progressive thinking: Aquarius is known for its unique and progressive perspective. Pluto’s influence can intensify these qualities, encouraging unconventional thinking, challenging established norms, and promoting individuality. This period may foster a spirit of rebellion against outdated systems, leading to reforms and new approaches.
  5. Heightened focus on humanitarian and social justice issues: Aquarius is associated with social justice and humanitarian causes. With Pluto in this sign, there may be an increased awareness and focus on issues such as equality, human rights, and environmental concerns. The collective consciousness may be more attuned to addressing societal imbalances and striving for fairness and equality.

It’s important to remember that astrological influences are just one factor among many that shape our lives. Individual experiences may vary, and the full impact of Pluto’s movement into Aquarius can be better understood by considering the specifics of an individual’s birth chart and the interaction with other astrological factors. Consulting with a professional astrologer can provide a more personalized and detailed analysis of how this transit may affect you specifically.


ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT May 24 Version
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Paradigm Shifts & a Psychic Healer

On Wednesday September 27, from 7-9 pm, psychic healer Ken Lloyd will hold a group healing session on Zoom. It’s $100.

We first heard about him through a friend in Sarasota, when he came to her spiritual center for a talk. She suggested him as a podcast guest and after poking around on his website and watching some videos, we invited him to come on The Mystical Underground.

I asked him if he could heal arthritic ankles and he said yes, so I had 3 sessions with him. After the first 2 sessions, most of the pain in my ankle was gone. In between sessions 2 and 3, I kept an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon I’d been seeing

I hadn’t planned on telling him about having seen a psychic healer. I figured most doctors would explode with laughter. But Dr. Rochman’s nurse came in first and made a note of my diminish pain in my chart notes;. She must have included the psychic bit in my chart because when he came in he said, “I understand you’ve found relief from the pain.”

So I told him. He didn’t explode with laughter. He asked questions about how Ken worked.  We talked about how I didn’t think surgery was necessary now. “Look, Trish, the only thing an ankle fusion does it heal pain. Your ankle still be swollen. Keep seeing this guy. The mind/body connection is powerful and real.”

I don’t know how Ken does what he does. He explains it. The only thing I understand is that Ken and people like him may be ushering in  paradigms shifts. At one point with Dr. Rochman I half-joked, “Hey, he might put you out of business.”

I thought about that later and remember that his reply indicated that was fine with him if patients were healed of pain.

After my 3rd session with Ken, I could walk barefoot, something I haven’t been able to do for months. I can’t walk very far without shoes, but that I can do it at all is a testament to Ken’s ability.Even cortisone shots didn’t do that.

At some point, Rob asked Ken if he could work on his shoulder – injured when he was in college.  So Rob had  several sessions with him. Now, Rob can toss a Frisbee with his right arm, which he hasn’t been able to do in decades.

I think these paradigm shifters exist now in most fields.  Perhaps they help usher us into the era coming up – Pluto in Aquarius, which hasn’t happened in 248 years. It begins Jan 20, 2024 and continues. off and on (with retrogrades) for the next 20 years. Is this the beginning of the Age of Aquarius that The Fifth Dimension sang about in Hair?

When the moon is in the Seventh House And Jupiter aligns with Mars Then peace will guide the planets And love will steer the stars

Thing is, it won’t be the moon or Jupiter. It  will be Pluto, traditionally known as the planet that represents the underworld. But the underworld  isn’t just darkness and death and heartache, it’s also what we don’t see because it isn’t immediately obvious. The paradigm shifts. The What Ifs…

So if you’re interested in joining in, here’s the link where you can sign up.

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Phillip Merry: Synchronicity And The Quantum Mindset

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Philip Merry the author of The 9 Keys of Synchronicity, a book that grew out of his PhD research. Philip is a world leader in the application of the science of synchronicity to teams and leadership.” He is a British native who lives in Singapore. He has led workshops in leadership training for more than four decades and has addressed major world organizations in 61 countries. Philip is the only person with a grounded theory Ph.D. in synchronicity and leadership.

And here’s the You Tube

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Old man and the sea, in a rowboat or skiff paddling and fighting the waves of the ocean.

Precognition – glimpsing the future – has always fascinated me. My favorite movie about precogniiton is Minority Report, where those three  precogs were kept in a pool of water, connected to electronic gizmos that recorded their dreams and visions.

I was thinking about precognition when I recalled a dream I had in 1973. I was in between jobs and living at home with my parents in Boca Raton. In the dream, I was rowing a boat toward the Bahamas because South Florida was underwater. The Atlantic and the Gulf had converged and covered the peninsula. Now why I would be rowing toward the Bahamas – which are as low or lower than Florida in most areas, is a total mystery. BUt that was my dream and this was long before the words “climate change” had entered the popular vernacular. I’ve thought about that dream a lot lately.

It wouldn’t take much to submerge Florida. Right now, Miami Beach floods at high tide. There has  been idle talk about building a seawall along the east coast of the state, but ot much conversation about halting the endless construction that has destroyed natural barriers. All it would take is a powerful Category 5 hurricane.

But what is precognition exactly?

Rather than “seeing” actual future events, people who sense the future may be anticipating events that might unfold. That’s a concept expressed by physicist David Bohm in a conversation with author Michael Talbot.

Bohm was quoted as saying: “When people dream of accidents correctly and do not take the plane or ship, it is not the actual future that they were seeing. It was merely something in the present which is implicate and moving toward making that future. In fact, the future they saw differed from the actual future because they altered it. Therefore I think it’s more plausible to say, if these phenomena exist, there’s an anticipation of the future in the implicate order in the present.” Bohm referred to the implicate or hidden order as nonlocal reality and our everyday world at local reality.

In Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership, Joseph Jaworski describes the impact that a chance meeting with Bohm had on his dream of creating a training program for visionary leadership that focused on serving others. During a four-hour conversation with the physicist, Bohm told him, “You cannot think of existence as local . . . Your self is actually the whole of mankind. That’s the idea of implicate order—that everything is enfolded in everything. The entire past is enfolded in each of us in a very subtle way. If you reach deeply into yourself, you are reaching into the very essence of mankind.”

Think about that for a moment. It means that any time you’re engaged in something that prompts you to look within, to delve into your own psyche, your own consciousness, you’re diving into that primal soup, that collective, where we’re all connected.

We talk a lot about precognition in our book Sensing the Future. I think it’s time for me to revisit it and  update it!

Available on Amazon


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A Jimi Hendrix synchro

About the only time I (Rob) listen to music these days is when I’m in the gym or biking, connecting to Spotify on my phone and earbuds. Often times I listen to mixes that were created by Spotify based on songs I’ve listened to previously.

The other day at the gym a Jimi Hendrix song came up which kind of surprised me because I don’t think I’ve ever played a Hendrix song for many. many years.  I happened to look up and on the gym’s video screen was who else but Jimi Hendrix. He was playing another song, but it was still a curious synchronicity since there was no cause and effect for Hendrix to be simultaneously on my phone and the gym’s video. What made it even more interesting was the name of the song. It was The Wind Cries Mary. Mary is the name of Trish’s sister who died June 6. Shortly after her death I had a dream in which she was talking to me and gave me a message to tell Neal, her bereaved husband.

I told the dream to a couple of family members and they said, “Don’t tell him that.” So I didn’t for awhile, but eventually he found out. The message was: “Neal will be married again in one year.” So three months have passed and he has been in frequent communication with a woman whose husband also died suddenly and unexpectedly.   So we’ll see how that dream works out.

Meanwhile, maybe the music synchro was another nod from Mary by way of the late Jimi Hendrix.

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Rev Sharon-Elizabeth James: New Thought And Spiritualism

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Rev. Sharon-Elizabeth James, who was on the show last year. Rev. Sharon is the director of the Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light in Sarasota, Florida, which she founded eleven years ago. Before that, she underwent four years of intense metaphysical and spiritual training in Theosophy, New Thought, Spiritualism, and Ancient and Contemporary Religious Beliefs at the Spiritual Science Center of New York. She was ordained in June 1989, the same year she made Florida her new home.

And here’s the You Tube :


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The tropical storm….

And he’s off chasing Frisbees!

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A Synchronicity LIfe Hack from Philip Merry


When things go wrong it’s so easy to get upset or get angry or go into victim mode. But when you do that, you block the energy that can support you. I learned from my PhD studies into synchronicity that at our core all of us are vibrating energy, an energy which is linked to the quantum field – a field with which we are entangled at all moments in our lives, and which is a conduit for synchronicity.

The key is that this quantum energy responds to whatever energy we feed it. If we respond with negativity the field will mirror that back to us, and if we respond positively without blaming then that’s what the field will feed back to us.

Let me give you an example. Last week I travelled to Fiji to facilitate a session for the United Nations. It was a 13-hour journey door to door from Singapore to Fiji, and I arrived at my hotel tired and just wanting to sleep. Imagine my consternation when the receptionist said she said that my name was not on the guest list. My initial emotion was anger and to say in an aggressive tone, “How is that possible, I am the facilitator for the retreat, and I know that my name was submitted to you”.

Then I looked at the woman at the desk who was doing her best to find out what went wrong. My anger response changed; I produced a smile and I thanked her for all that she was doing to help me. Despite her best efforts, she could not find my name, but she reassured me that she was doing her best to find me a room. After a few minutes, she came back to me and said “I am so sorry Dr Merry there has clearly been a mistake, but I have found a good room for you”. She had alerted the head of bookings who actually accompanied me to my new room.

But to my amazement it was not a room, they had upgraded me to a two-bedroom villa.

I have always felt that I was a lucky person, but since completing my PhD and synchronicity studies, I know that it is more than luck – it is an energy field. A positive energy field that we can tap into and that has our back.

When things go wrong the question to ask is “What are you feeding the field?” It’s the kind of life-hack to turn what happens to you into the best possible version of events. I am convinced that by staying positive and creating a positive energy field with the receptionist I turned a “no room” situation into a “2-bed villa” situation. See the pics of my villa above.

When things go wrong – what do you feed the field?

Philip will be on our podcast tomorrow to talk about this quantum field and synchronicity!



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