Tag Archives: synchronicity
Defining Synchronicity
Trish and I do a lot of radio show about synchronicity and related subject and often the first question that comes up is: What’s your definition of synchronicity. When I answer that one, I usually I go with Carl Jung’s … Continue reading
Spiritual but not religious
I was wondering the other day whether or not there are any religions that recognize synchronicity. Maybe they all do, but don’t talk about it. I was trying to think of a biblical story that exhibits meaningful coincidences. Maybe it … Continue reading
Coast to Coast!
On Thurday Feb. 7 and into Friday, Feb. 8, we’ll be on Coast to Coast to talk with George Noory about synchronicity and precognition. The time 3-5 am ET, and midnight – 2 am PT. Hope you’ll join us! This … Continue reading
Astrology’s Divination System
Horary astrology is the divination part of the field. It’s the equivalent of asking a question and pulling tarot cards, tossing coins for an I Ching interpretation, reading the patterns of leaves in a teacup. At the moment a … Continue reading
This video shows synchronicity in action! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgMEaXJBvio&feature=youtu.be
Happy Anniversary
Nine years ago today, on February 4, 2009, Rob and I started this blog, synchrosecrets. I’m not sure why we started the blog except that one day in late January 2009, I thought it might be a cool way explore … Continue reading
Synchronicity & the Other Side
Finally available again, with a great cover from David Dodd at Crossroad Press. $3.99 at Amazon You see your grandmother’s favorite bird outside your window not long after her death. You inexplicably feel drawn to vacation at a remote location … Continue reading
Yo Ching
The I Ching has been one of my favorite divination systems for decades. One day in college, I was browsing a bookstore and found the Richard Wilhelm edition of the I Ching, saw that Carl Jung had written the … Continue reading
Rachel Maddow and Synchronicity
This evening, Rob and I were watching the Rachel Maddow Show and this image appeared on the screen and remained there for a while. She was talking about the new twist in the trump admin – that the head of … Continue reading
The Singing Stone
Occasionally, we put up blog posts that have previously appeared. This is one of them, and it was old enough that at first I didn’t remember it. It’s a good one and worth bringing back for an encore. Here it … Continue reading