Tag Archives: Instagram

Another Spirit Contact Story

Instagram sometimes yields some fascinating synchros. This one comes from a man on IG – let’s call him Jim – who has had some powerful spirit contact experiences. This one happened when he was 13. “There was an event that … Continue reading

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Who are you?

  I’ve been using Instagram since early 2017, when an editor told our agent that our “platform” was just mediocre. When I asked what that actually meant, Al said, “Your social media platform.” You know, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the … Continue reading

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The Curious Universe of Instagram

From what I’ve read and learned about Instagram, the protocol seems fairly straight forward. It’s about brands (a word I’ve come to detest), and to further yours, you should strive to get as many followers as possible. Once you’ve got … Continue reading

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Social Media

One day, I posted the cover of Aliens in the Backyard on Instagram. It was next to some photos of Golden Retrievers, covers from other books, an astrological chart of the solar eclipse on August 11. So some guy comments … Continue reading

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The Alternative Universe Called Instagram

I came across this headline one day this summer, about Instgram “star” Jen Selter being removed from an American Airlines flight.  and thought, Huh? What’s an Instagram star? As someone old enough to remember when cell phones didn’t exist, computers … Continue reading

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