Another Spirit Contact Story

23324331 – moment of death

Instagram sometimes yields some fascinating synchros. This one comes from a man on IG – let’s call him Jim – who has had some powerful spirit contact experiences. This one happened when he was 13.

“There was an event that altered the course of my life at the age of 13 (1975, the summer before I started high school). I went on an organized bus trip to the Indiana Dunes and my childhood best friend (lived across the street) died of suffocation by accidentally getting buried in sand from a hole he and another boy were digging.

Incidentally, this led to my first paranormal experience. A few months after the accident at the dunes, I was awakened one morning by someone shaking my shoulder. It was my friend Jim who had died. I had been having difficulty coping and he told me he was just fine, and that I needed to start to move on and live my life again.

“After I got up that morning, I told my mom about what happened and she didn’t judge. I later learned that my mom called Jim’s mom on the phone (they are still friends to this day) and told her of the visitation. After hearing what happened, she told my mom that the night before my experience with Jim, she (knowing I was having a difficult time) prayed to him that he might help me.”

This experience apparently opened Jim to the possibility that what we see and perceive with our five senses is definitely not the full story.


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2 Responses to Another Spirit Contact Story

  1. Gia says:

    A beautiful story!

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