Author Archives: Trish and Rob
The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For July 2023
A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: Star Power For July 2023”: Join Trish for the July 2023 astrological forecast!
Stevie Nicks
Recenltly, our dughter surprised us with a Stevie Nicks concert at Orlando’s Amway stadium. It was supposed to be a surprise and combined present for mother’s day,father’s day, and Rob’s and my respective birthdays. I admittedly got curious … Continue reading
Mark’s Mom & the Shiny Nickel
After my sister’s memorial service on June 15, I was sitting with two of Mary’s closest friends from high school, Tracy and Sue, who flew up from Fort Lauderdale for the service. Neil brought a friend, Mark Brown, over … Continue reading
On June 15, my sister’s beautiful memorial was attended by more than 50 people and was held in the same place in downtown Atlanta where she and Neal celebrated their marriage after the ceremony in 2017. Among the guests were … Continue reading
The Mystical Underground: TMU Time Machine: Preston Dennett: SYMMETRY: A True UFO Adventure
A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “TMU Time Machine: Preston Dennett: SYMMETRY: A True UFO Adventure”: Revisit Trish and Rob’s April 17, 2022 conversation with… Preston Dennett first began investigating UFOs in 1986 after learning that his … Continue reading
Thanks to Jon Posey, our producer and tech magician, our podcast is now on You Tube! Our first episode is with Jude Currivan, cosmologist, author and futurist. We also have a page now in the masthead where we’ll be posting … Continue reading
Ah, That Trickster!
Tricksters come in many guises – think Smeagol from Lord of the Rings. Or Loki, of Norwegian mythology. Or Jim Carey in The Mask. Or coyote in Native American mythology. The Trickster archetype is one of the 7 secrets … Continue reading
A Death
At 12:18 a.m. on June 7, my brother in law Neal called and said, “I can’t believe I’m calling to tell you Mary just died . A cardiac arrest.” The shock of this kind of call is indescribable. It … Continue reading
Jung: the Enigma
I periodically pick up Deirdre Bair’s biography of Jung and page through it, reading a chapter here, more chapters there I’ve never been able to sit down and read it from cover to cover. With the index, it’s … Continue reading