Category Archives: dogs

Animal Companions

Noah at the dog park  Today on Daily Grail, we ran across an interesting link about dogs trained to predict seizures in epileptics. It sounds like the kind of area that British biologist and author Rupert Sheldrake might be researching.Eddie … Continue reading

Posted in dogs, epileptics, power of animals, Sheldrake | 15 Comments

God must be crazy

We were at the dog park when it happened. When you have something in common with people, in this case dogs, strangers are usually quite willing to strike up a conversation. We had walked over to a bench in a … Continue reading

Posted in bible, conservatives, dogs, yoga | 31 Comments

Another 6 Degrees of Separation

For the past few weeks, we’ve been taking Noah, our rambunctious Golden Retriever, to doggie training with a wonderful woman named Madison. The training is conducted at her home, usually with two other goldens. Today, it was just Noah and … Continue reading

Posted in Al Zuckerman, cousins, dogs, writers house | 17 Comments

Charlie’s synchronisitic journey

Here’s an incredible tale of a lost dog and synchronicity. But maybe Charlie was never lost. Maybe he knew what he was doing when he managed to hitch a ride from Taos to New Orleans where he was re-united with … Continue reading

Posted in dogs, pets | 9 Comments

Meet Noah Presley

Names are funny things. They define us. Describe us. Perplex us. And sometimes, a name strikes you as totally right or completely wrong and this applies not only to people, but to our animal companions. Our first golden was named … Continue reading

Posted in dogs, names, pets, retrievers | 11 Comments

Jessie, The Golden

Jessie after Hurricane Wilma, wondering why the mailbox looks so, well, weird. When Megan was in third grade, her class invited parents to a Thanksgiving presentation about gratitude. Each student made something that expressed their gratitude for something in their … Continue reading

Posted in dogs, Jessie, Megan, precognition | 11 Comments

Eyes of a Blue Dog: A Tale of Triple Synchronicity

Yesterday I read my monthly horoscope on Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone and perked up when I read that friends from the past would contact me this month. In fact, just a couple of hours earlier I’d received an e-mail from … Continue reading

Posted in animals, c6, dogs, trickster | 4 Comments


During an elementary school Thanksgiving project,eight-year Megan showed a dog she had made from clay and announced that she was grateful for the golden retriever she was going to get. Her parents (us!) were puzzled about it. We had no … Continue reading

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