
from deviant art

These two synchros come from Carol Bowman, a past-life therapist and author of two books on children’s past lives.  We’ve used several of Carol’s synchronicities before – on the blog and in 7 Secrets. Here and here are two of our favorites.  These synchros are both short and to the point, the kinds that occur in the course of a given day,  as if to let you know you’re in the groove, on the right track at this moment in time. They also illustrate, I think, just how connected we all are to each other.


I finally broke down and bought a Kindle. It arrived in the mail today.  The first download I bought is a book called In the Garden of Beasts, about pre-WWII Germany.  I called my mother right after I finished downloading and told her I got a Kindle.  She said my brother had called a few minutes before and had just downloaded a book about pre-WWII Germany–the same one.  I think we both ordered it within minutes of each other.  My brother and mother are on the same Kindle network. I’m going to network with them after that incident.

Then this evening I was gathering information to send to James Van Praagh’s web administrator for a chat room I’ll be doing through his website next week.  The administrator wanted a photo and some other stuff.  Right after I sent it off, I saw an email had come in from Steve (Carol’s husband).  He forwarded an email from an attorney he works with who said to tell me hat he and his wife (a former client of mine) were at an advanced intuitive training at Omega with…James Van Praagh.  So as I was sending that email off, the attorney was telling Steve to give me that information.  I guess the intuitive training worked!!

I’d call that a good day after all.


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9 Responses to Connections

  1. This post was an interesting little syncro for me. A few minutes before reading this post I posted a book for the Kindle, “World War ll London Blitz Diary” by my grandmother, Ruby Alice Side Thompson (1884-1970) edited by my daughter, cover by me. I wanted to post it for my birthday. I think it is still in review mode but will be there by tomorre am sure – The print version to come.

    Trish – note by 12th I meant the day not the house of birth.

  2. Great stories. We are closer to each other than we sometimes think, some would say we are actually all one.

  3. gypsy says:

    neat stories – love the title of the book – another read i’m thinking – and no doubt our minds are connected – by the net – the web – in many ways – these two stories remind me of the many many times that my kids, for example, have bought the same card for each other or for me for the same event, or have bought the same blouse or book or whatever as gifts or have worn the same thing on the same day – but back to carol – will definitely have to check out her chatroom with james van praagh – hadn’t heard much of him lately – thanks for info!

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