Category Archives: synchronicity
The Supremes Hand us a Dark Trickster
Here’s a dark trickster synchronicity. Today the supreme court basically trashed the idea that no one is above the law and that our independence from kings and queens is over. A president now has total immunity for any … Continue reading
Selina Maitreya: Raise Your Frequency, Transform Your Life
Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Selina Maitreya, an author, lecturer, and spiritual teacher, is the creator of Clarion Call, an online conference for spiritual teachers. She is also a founding member of the Manhattan Holistic Chamber of … Continue reading
Is it just me or is there more spam floating around on the Internet these days? It seems that the bulk of my spam is from cash app, alerting me to some fantastic deposits I’ve received and all I have … Continue reading
Doors Opening
My friend and fellow Gemini Alexis Brooks wears many hats. She’s an award-winning podcaster for Higher Journey s, was a subject matter specialist for the the History channel’s The Proof is Out There, and also does audio books. She recently … Continue reading
Trish MacGregor: Star Power For July 2024
Join Trish for the July 2024 astrological forecast! Here is the written version.
Those Precognitive Synchros
Amazon I’m intrigued by all kinds of synchronicity. But I think my favorites are precognitive synchros. From our newest book Mind-Blowing Synchronicities. The ebook is available now, the print version will be available July 5. Precognitions are tricky. Since many … Continue reading
The Heriz Rug
Author and past life life expert Carol Bowman sent me this story. It illustrates the subtlety of synchronicity, I think, where a present event will parallel or hint at something that surfaces in our lives in the near future. She … Continue reading
Orisis Arnarnia Oflight: Mind, Body, and Soul
Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Orisis Arnarnia Oflight is a healer who works at the root cause of whatever is showing up in people’s lives at the mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual, energetic, and physical levels to bring … Continue reading
Today I received this text message from We are happy to note that your background and resume have been recommended by several online recruiters, so we would like to offer you a part-time job that you can do in … Continue reading
1958 Prediction About Trump
The late actor Lawrence Dobkin plays a con man named Walter Trump, who enters a dusty town in Texas to scare the locals into believing that the world will end in a rain of cosmic fire unless they let him … Continue reading