Category Archives: synchronicity
Casey DeSantis
Recently, Casey DeSantis, Gov Ron’s wife, wore a green dresses straight out of The Handmaid’s Tale. It’s the dress the commander’s wives wear in the story. I mentioned it to Rob and he replied, “That’s a sychronicity.” Meaning, … Continue reading
First, happy birthday to Rob! And lucky Rob! He’s a Taurus with a Taurus rising and today Jupiter enters his sign. This is what that means: Today, at 1:20 PM EDT and 10:20 AM Pacific, Jupiter enters Taurus, where it … Continue reading
Ah, Mercury
Tomorrow, May 14 at 11:17 p.m. Eastern and 8:17 p.m. Pacific, Mercury turns direct in Taurus. I don’t know about you, but this retro has been a monster for me. Snafus in communications, revisions on a novel, missed opportunities. … Continue reading
The Trickster’s Joke on George Santos
Politics often deliver some interesting synchronicities. On May 10, George Santos was indicted on 13 federal counts that included 7 counts of wire fraud, three counts of money laundering, one count of theft of public funds and two counts … Continue reading
Life Imitating Art: a Different Kind of Dark Trickster
Sometimes the dark trickster is so in your face it leaves you nearly breathless. Back in 2013, the news about the death of Paul Walker, 40, was all over Reddit and other sites. Walker starred in the Fast and Furious … Continue reading
The Blue Ridge Synchro
Not long after we had author and UFO researcher Preston Dennett on our podcast, I asked Preston where he’d moved when he’d left L.A. Turns out he’d moved to Blue Ridge, Georgia, where my sister and her husband, Neal, … Continue reading
Rights? Freedoms?
Stating the obvious, our rights and freedoms are being eroded. First, it was the overturn of Roe by the supreme court. This isn’t about protecting the unborn. It never was. After all, once you’re born in this country, you’re … Continue reading
Synchronicity as a Kind of Alchemy
This book by Richard Tarnas remains one of my favorites. Synchronicity is a kind of alchemy that transforms us or a decision we’re making in an essential way. The alchemy occurs because of what the synchronicity says to you, its … Continue reading
Do Dogs Grieve?
On February 12, our dog Nika had to be put down. Initially, I think our Golden Retriever, Nigel, believed she’d gone back to Megan’s like she sometimes did before Covid. When we picked up Megan for our recent trip to … Continue reading