Category Archives: birds as messengers


This one comes from Jim Banholzer, a short, but funny story about a friend’s synchronicity. ***At first, my friend seemed excited by the concept of synchronicity when I mentioned your blog to him, and he told me a story about … Continue reading

Posted in birds as messengers, relationships | 8 Comments

Swallows, Skydiving, and 2s

UPDATE: Megan corrected us. She said there were only 2 tandem jumpers. On August 19, we moved Megan back to college on the other side of Florida. There’s a stretch of highway where there’s nothing but sugar cane fields covering … Continue reading

Posted in 2s, birds, birds as messengers, Megan, Numbers, skydiving, sports | 21 Comments

A Murder of Crows

On August 28 in West Palm Beach, an 18-year-old man awaited the verdict on the crimes with which he was charged – 14 felonies that included burglary, kidnapping, five counts of sexual battery with great force, and the savage act … Continue reading

Posted in birds as messengers, crimes, crows, vultures | 18 Comments