Category Archives: 2s

Clusters of Twos

One of the sites I visit periodically is George Ure’s urban survival blog. His posts are mostly about the economy, but now and then he publishes a letter from a reader or something  else that catches my attention. The other … Continue reading

Posted in 2s, clusters, synchronicity | 16 Comments

Swallows, Skydiving, and 2s

UPDATE: Megan corrected us. She said there were only 2 tandem jumpers. On August 19, we moved Megan back to college on the other side of Florida. There’s a stretch of highway where there’s nothing but sugar cane fields covering … Continue reading

Posted in 2s, birds, birds as messengers, Megan, Numbers, skydiving, sports | 21 Comments

Seeing Double

So we’ve been focusing on numbers lately. Three days ago it was threes (as in deaths), then came 11s, followed by 88. Today we go to twos, specifically twins. And tomorrow we’ll look at four of a kind. This one … Continue reading

Posted in 2s, twins | 14 Comments