Category Archives: sports


We recently wrote about Touch and the repetitions of 318. Gabe, our friend at teapots happen,  noted that 316 played a big role in the Denver Broncos win over the Pittsburgh Steelers Jan. 9 in an NFL playoff game. If … Continue reading

Posted in 316, number clusters, Numbers, sports, synchronicity | 10 Comments

Swallows, Skydiving, and 2s

UPDATE: Megan corrected us. She said there were only 2 tandem jumpers. On August 19, we moved Megan back to college on the other side of Florida. There’s a stretch of highway where there’s nothing but sugar cane fields covering … Continue reading

Posted in 2s, birds, birds as messengers, Megan, Numbers, skydiving, sports | 21 Comments

Rob’s Left Foot

Okay, so this evening Rob decides to go trail biking – the kind of biking where you slam over obstacles like fallen trees. It had rained today, which broke the stifling Florida heat and usually means the trail is well … Continue reading

Posted in accidents, biking, sports | 16 Comments

Yoga synchronicity

Last week, I took two yoga classes from different teachers in different cities. During the Wednesday class, the teacher led the students (or some of us) in an advanced two-posture sequence. The first posture was a variation of the side … Continue reading

Posted in sports, yoga | 1 Comment


On bat night at Yankee Stadium last month, Yankee Brett Gardener swung at a pitch, and his bat slipped from his hands. It flew into the stands, and struck a boy named Jacob Smith. Bat night indeed. Smith is the … Continue reading

Posted in 11, celebrities, keith olbermann, Numbers, sports | 2 Comments

A big league omen?

Synchronicities, if you take them seriously, can hint that we’re on the right path. But they can also serve as a warning sign, and that’s what an omen is. But it’s not a synchronicity until the omen comes to fruition. … Continue reading

Posted in omens, sports | Tagged | 2 Comments