Category Archives: children

Magic Child

from soul cards   This synchro-tale was a comment under our recent post God’s Eye. It comes from Debra Page at mythic musing and refers to her daughter Laryssa, the magical child in the title, who died when she was … Continue reading

Posted in children, laryssa, parents | 12 Comments


Sometimes, synchronicities bring events full circle. Debra Page posted this on her blog and gave us permission to repost it.+++ In 1993, our second daughter, Laryssa, was born with a rare, spontaneous genetic mutation. (The probable cause of her condition … Continue reading

Posted in children, death, illness, numbers dates | 8 Comments

Imaginary Friends?

photo from Any parent with an imaginative child has probably gone through the “imaginary friend” period. This one was actually a comment under one of our posts. It comes from Intuitive Girl. We asked her if we could use … Continue reading

Posted in children, ghosts, imaginary friends | 6 Comments