Imaginary Friends?

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Any parent with an imaginative child has probably gone through the “imaginary friend” period.

This one was actually a comment under one of our posts. It comes from Intuitive Girl. We asked her if we could use it and she said sure.
When I was about five years old, I had what I thought was an imaginary friend, named Bobby. I would stop and wait for Bobby, hold conversations with Bobby. I outgrew this behavior and several years later, a woman came by the house and told my mother that she and her husband were the house’s first owners. She asked if she could come in and my mom said yes. She told my mom that she and her husband had moved after their five-year-old son, Bobby, had drowned in the bathtub. I don’t remember the Bobby encounters now, but this story is at least a synchronicity, maybe more.
Our daughter had an imaginary friend named Darla.
Now we wonder!

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6 Responses to Imaginary Friends?

  1. Celeste Maia says:

    This story makes me also wonder about so many other "coincidences". It raised the hair on my neck.

  2. Intuitive Girl says:

    Thanks for posting my story!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great story, Sansego! & terrific synchronicities.

  4. Sansego says:

    I had an imaginary friend up until the second grade, when my grandmother got tired of hearing it so she threw it in a lake and said that it drowned. When I shared this story at my grandmother's funeral in 2005, it got a laugh. The week after her funeral, I happened to be watching "Desperate Housewives" and in one scene, a boy's imaginary friend got run over by a car. Also that week, I heard on the radio someone talking about an imaginary friend, as well as on the Charlie Rose Show. Three incidents in one week, when I rarely hear talk about it before or since. I took it as a sign that my grandmother "thanked me" from heaven for speaking at her funeral (I was the only one of her descendants to do so).

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Darla sort of disappeared when Megan was about three. But Megan still remembers her!

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    very neat bobby story which i remember from your comments!!! isn't it wonderful when there is physical association made with our spirit friends? oh, and i wouldn't really wonder about darla…. 🙂

    great post, still again!

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