Gypsy’s Road Trip Synchros

                                           Painting by Paul Klee

Travel synchronicities are always intriguing and can involve virtually any sort of meaningful coincidence. For Gypsy, whose synchros we’ve posted before, a recent trip east was jammed with synchronicities. She was kind enough to write up this one, which has the trickster’s fingerprints on it. The story also addresses the law of attraction – and manifestation, but with word plays!

Since Gypsy led me to Paul Klee, I decided to use one of his paintings to illustrate this synchro.
On my first morning of the trip east as I travel through the Virginia mountains,  the day has been OK but there are the beginnings of overcast skies and then clouds. I’m really hoping  it doesn’t rain as I love seeing all the spring glory in the mountains. But the skies darken.  I’m in the right lane going up the mountain and thinking the clouds are  really are looking ominous, like the tornadic clouds I used to see in northern Little Rock years ago.

So as I’m watching the clouds swirl and hoping they don’t swirl downward, I see a large white bus about to pass me in the middle of this.I’m thinking how stupid – pouring rain, uphill, winds blowing, passing in outside lane. And there, as the draws alongside me, I see two words written in huge black letters  on the side of the bus:  “TORNADO TOURS.”

So I’m going on down the mountain and the winds have started to lighten a bit and the rain is no longer pouring and I’m thinking  it’s getting better.. So I decide to listen to some music to lighten my clinched-fist-on-the-steering-wheel mood. Before I’d left home, my daughter had played a couple of her own CDs and had taken a couple of mine out to do hers so I  had no clue as to what CD was in which  order or even if she’d replaced the ones she’d emoved. In any event, I hit the “on” button and there was Van the Man (Morrison) singing these exact words:   “then the rain let up and the sun came up and we were gettin’ dry…”

As if that isn’t enough, after another hour or so I realize how hungry I am. I haven’t eaten at all. But I’m still in the mountains in between little villages and towns, wondering which exits would have “real” food like fresh fruit. I’m debating with myself about where to turn off. I’m starving, can’t wait too much longer for a bite of something. I look down the road and see a large sign: Hungry Mother State Park. 

On the last leg of my trip down the mountain, I hit the little two-lane highway  that is a straight shot to Shrevesport, my destination. It isn’t a route I like.There are no towers at all in the area, so cell reception is impossible. The road is in bad shape, it’s dark, you get the picture. Despite my trepidation, I decide  to just buckle up and keep moving as it’s the shortest route. Now, about this time I’m having a mental dialogue with myself about the highway and I remember this is the same highway where the crash scene in the movie Premonition was filmed. I get this cold, clammy feeling and grip the steering wheel more tightly.

Just as I’m thinking how much I don’t like this, a star streaks across the highway right in front of me. What a sign. I immediately relax, knowing that all is well.

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10 Responses to Gypsy’s Road Trip Synchros

  1. Natalie says:

    Beautiful. 🙂

  2. terripatrick says:

    Great story!

    This reminds me how when I'm in heavy traffic there is always a pocket of space around me, like none of the cars want to get too close even though everywhere in front of and behind me is bumper-to-bumper. I have always driven ordinary late model vehicles so it's not like they are afraid I'll break down. 🙂

    It's a nice feeling and others notice how it happens when I'm in the car with them too. Traffic just sort of moves away from me so I feel space.

    The plus side is, I was able to be relaxed when teaching all four of my girls how to drive.

    WV: haperig (happy rig? LOL!)

  3. d page says:

    I love how open Gypsy is to the flow of life!

  4. Nancy says:

    She is certainly in tune with the universe. I liked the one that helped with the fear of the highway. It's always nice to know one is not alone when feeling exactly that way.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – for some reason, I'd forgotten to link to your blog, Fixed it. Sorry about that!

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    Delete Comment From: SYNCHRONICITY

    Blogger GYPSYWOMAN said…

    uh, neat post, macgregors! 😉

    but you know, when i'm driving – doesn't have to be cross-country, just driving – i have a sense of – of i'm not sure what, exactly, but the word that comes to mind is "freedom/open-ness" that is way more prevalent then than any other time – it's been like that since childhood – this separate freedom FEELING thing –

    anyway, thanks for the post – and for all the comments – and butternut and trish, especially love the way you put it –

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The painting is called The Red Balloon, Aleksandar. Would love to hear about the traveling angel!

    Butternut – that's exact how I think of her thoughts!

    Mike – all is well!

  8. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    It's just great when these sort of things happen while travelling. All's well with the world.

  9. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    I guess it's similar to "riding the synchronicity highway" (John Constantine in Hellblazer – I've never read it, so I can only guess). I experience traveling synchronicities now and then. If there is a message behind them, they point to something that still hasn't happened to me.

    Is that a balloon on the painting (I remember a quote from Hesse's Traveling to East: "The Sun is blue, Paul is Klee.")? One of my traveling synchros (I've almost described it after that text about a traveling angel) a few years ago was with a balloon. The message was literal, but about something that still doesn't exist in my life.

  10. Butternut Squash says:

    I love how Gypsy's thoughts bloom materially.

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