Category Archives: animals as oracles

Paranormal house flies?

For the last several days, our house was inundated by flies – common houseflies. They were clustered on the windows, dozens deep. They zipped around the kitchen with utter impunity, landed here, there, everywhere. Since we’ve had the air conditioning … Continue reading

Posted in animals as messengers, animals as oracles, synchronicity | 15 Comments

Swan & Raven

Here’s a story from Jane Clifford of Wales about the quest for a feather and the synchronistic influence of her power animals.*** My power animals are Swan feminine  side,  (clairvoyance, beauty & grace) and Raven, masculine side  (magic). Two weeks … Continue reading

Posted in animals as oracles, ravens, swans | 11 Comments

Oscar the Cat

 AP Photo   We’ve posted several synchronicities that involve animals as oracles. But this next story is unique. It was written up in the New England Journal of Medicine and in a recently released book, Making Rounds with Oscar: the … Continue reading

Posted in animals as oracles, death | 15 Comments

Wily Coyote

Jim Banzholder brought this story to our attention. It’s about a coyote that survived impossible odds. And since animals as oracles fall under the definition of synchronicity, we’re including it here. One of the esoteric meanings about coyote is that … Continue reading

Posted in animals as oracles, coyote | 18 Comments

The Grizzly

We’ve posted several synchronicities involving animals as oracles. This one, from Sue Thurman, a writer from Arizona, involves a grizzly bear, in a dream.+++ There often appears to be a deeper meaning to some of my experiences, but many are … Continue reading

Posted in animals as oracles, bears | 9 Comments