Wily Coyote

Jim Banzholder brought this story to our attention. It’s about a coyote that survived impossible odds. And since animals as oracles fall under the definition of synchronicity, we’re including it here.

One of the esoteric meanings about coyote is that he represents the trickster. So it’s definitely synchronistic that Jim’s email arrived just as we were rewriting our chapter on the trickster.
On October 12, Daniel and Tevyn East were driving at night along Interstate 80 near the Nevada-Utah border when they noticed a pack of coyotes near the roadside. They were moving at about 75 miles an hour when  one of the animals ran in front of the car. The impact sounded fatal so the siblings thought there no point in stopping. 

“Right off the bat, we knew it was bad,” Daniel explained. ‘We thought the story was over.” After the incident around 1am, they continued their 600 mile drive to North San Juan – even stopping for fuel at least twice. But it was only when they finally reached their destination at 9am did they take time to examine what damage they may have sustained. 

Eight hours, two fuel stops, and 600 miles later they found the wild animal embedded in their front fender – and very much alive.

“At first it looked as though it was going to be quite gruesome. “Daniel saw fur and the body inside the grill,” Tevyn East said. “I was trying to keep some distance. Our assumption was it was part of the coyote – it didn’t register it was the whole animal.”

Daniel East got a broom to try and pry the remains out of the bumper and got the shock of his life. “It flinched,” Tevyn said. ‘It was a huge surprise – he got a little freaked out.” 

 Rescuers took apart the front fender to save the coyote. 

And the top picture is of the coyote after his rescue.

The trickster wins again!

The deeper message for the brother and sister  – and for us, since we share the planet with these creatures – may be that our answers lie in our spiritual beliefs and practices. 


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18 Responses to Wily Coyote

  1. Shadow says:

    that guy's got the will to live. what a story…

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Maybe that's it! The rough times are over.

  3. whipwarrior says:

    Gosh, I hope not. This year has been rocky enough for me. I'm just biding my time, reading and writing, and looking forward to what next year will bring.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hmm. Something else then!?

  5. whipwarrior says:

    Nope. All of my relationships, both personal and professional, have been great for me. I wouldn't change a thing.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's one possible message, at any rate.
    Whip – I wonder if the dead coyote you saw pertains to the end of relationship that hasn't been particularly good for you. Any kind of relationship, not just romantic.

  7. Nancy says:

    This is an unbelievable story. Thanks for deciphering the message. And we surely know there was one. Wow.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Maybe Jim knows. I hope it was treated and re-homed.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i was wondering to where coyote was released, too –

  10. Star says:

    I hope they took it back to the place where it belonged? I think it deserved to be re-homed, don't you?
    Blessings, Star

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Whip – wow. A dead trickster?

  12. whipwarrior says:

    Okay, this is just unreal. I read this post just before I left for work this morning. I drove a mile down the road and turned onto highway 41, drove another quarter of a mile, and there, in the middle of the road, lay a huge dead coyote. It wasn't there last night when I came home from work, and in fact, it was lying on its side as if asleep, like it had recently been hit. Creepy.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great link & story, Vanessa, thanks!

  14. Vanessa says:

    What a story, and that first photo above has to be the cutest I've even seen a coyote look.

    This reminds me of another story about a dog named Buddy who ran away from home, got injured, and checked himself into the ER. No one knows how he knew to go to the ER, but he walked in, sat down, and waited. An ER worker shooed him out, but he came back in and sat down. They finally looked at him and realized he was injured, so they called in some animal docs to treat him. You can see his photo here: https://dogsinthenews.com/stories/061010a.php

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    forgot to add – you're so right about the deeper message for us all!!! beautiful!

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    fantastic story! bless his [or her] little coyote heart! talk about "hanging on" – we have red fox here – and because there is a very large wooded area with a small stream that backs the property, they are abundant and it's nothing to see them wandering around the back yard –

    but of course, my favorite oracle stories are my own, with the deer – incredible experiences that will never leave me – every once in a while i browse over to my online photos and look at the shot of the deer i found to accompany my post – i could look into her eyes forever – it's as if i "need" to – they are looking straight into me – i know you know what i mean!

    fantastic post! love the images!!!

  17. Jeff says:

    Wow…that's a really awesome story!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Looks like they were driving a Honda, but it should've been a Plymouth Road Runner. Be-beep!!!…………..Be-Beep!!!……….

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