Category Archives: dad

Twin Suns

In the late 1980s, before Megan was born, my parents, Rob and I went over to my sister’s place for dinner. The house actually belonged to her husband – now ex-hubby – and during dinner, we talked about past-life hypnotic … Continue reading

Posted in betelgeuse, dad, twin suns | 24 Comments

Dad Speaks

Mike Perry posted this story  on his synchronicity blog and kindly allowed us to repost it. It’s another instance of  how our emotions and synchronicities are intimately connected.  His blog features terrific stories and  theories about synchronicity.+++ This is about … Continue reading

Posted in dad, emotions | 10 Comments

I’ll Wait for You

 Dali – Ascent into the Sky Synchronicities often occur during major transitions in our lives and one of those transitions is the ultimate journey we all take – death. You’ve heard the stories – clocks stop at the moment a … Continue reading

Posted in dad, death | 13 Comments