Twin Suns

In the late 1980s, before Megan was born, my parents, Rob and I went over to my sister’s place for dinner. The house actually belonged to her husband – now ex-hubby – and during dinner, we talked about past-life hypnotic regression. My sister’s husband  thought it was all pretty silly, but my dad was intrigued and wanted to try it. I think my mother went along with it because of my dad. So after dinner, Rob, my parents, and I went into another room.
My parents and I stretched out on the rug and, with Rob as our hypnotist, went through a deep relaxation. Rob’s voice is pitch perfect for this, quiet yet firm, and he led us through ever deeper levels of relaxation. At some point – I’m not sure when – my mother left, but my dad and I didn’t move.
Rob took us up to a door  we were supposed to walk through, into a past life that held relevance to this life. I don’t recall walking through the door, but suddenly found myself  on a dusty road, walking alongside  wagons with heavy wooden wheels, beneath the glare of twin suns. I remember how the brilliant light practically washed out my shadow on the ground. I remember how dry the air smelled. I remembered thinking, OK, this is weird, where am I? And then I came out of it.
My dad was slowly sitting up. I looked at Rob. “How long?”
“Maybe thirty minutes,” he said.
“I saw myself walking along a road with wooden wagons,” my dad suddenly said. “And there were twin suns in the sky.”
I nearly swallowed my tongue. “I saw twin suns too!”
And just then, someone entered the room and we were interrupted and then joined the others. That scenario has always haunted me. How could my dad and I see the same images? And where was this place with the twin suns? I figured it was some other civilization in a parallel universe or on another planet and that maybe I had lived there.
I also thought it would make an interesting premise for a novel.  And that’s why I’m skeptical about images like this. It might be my muse, working overtime.
But this evening, I was writing a section in the sequel to Esperanza about twin suns. I took a break and clicked on huffington post  and saw an article entitled Two Suns? The photo you see when you click the link is exactly what I saw the night of the hypnosis. Even their positions in the sky are identical to what I saw.  Synchro, right? But then it gets stranger.
Those twins suns depicted in the article are how our sky would look to us if Betelgeuse, which is losing mass, went super-nova. This is when a star, you know, collapses. According to Dr. Brad Carter, Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of Southern Queensland, the sky would look like this for several weeks. And during this time, there might not be any darkness. No night-time. 
“The Star Wars-esque scenario could happen by 2012,” Carter says. Or maybe a lot farther out in time than that. As the article points out, this explosion could cause a neutron star, which is what’s created when the core of a massive star is compressed during a supernova,  or “could also result in the formation of a black hole 1300 light years from Earth.”
So now I can’t help but wonder if this is the scenario my dad and I saw – not a past life, but a future event. But where in the future?
Carter says that if Betelgeuse went nova, earth would be deluged with particles that hold all but one percent of the nova’s released energy. These particles would pass through the earth and our bodies without any harm whatsoever. Here’s the original article.
Other than the synchronicity, which holds meaning for me, I’m not sure what to make of this. But this is the first time in the 20 plus years since that regression that I’ve seen an image that’s identical to what I remember. The fact that I find the article within minutes of working on a scene in which twin suns are mentioned, suggests there’s something to it. And clusters of 2s may be important. It’ll be interesting to see where this one leads or whether a synchro has simply come full circle.
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24 Responses to Twin Suns

  1. Brizdaz says:

    You're right Trish.I just skimmed the first half of the post about your father's dream and then remembered "Red Pill Junkie" writing about this on his post.

    …and went over to get the link to the story on his site…and then forgot to read the rest of your post.
    I'm not a good multi-tasker ,especially when I'm tied (12pm here)…sorry.

    It's funny that in your post you mention the University of Southern Queensland.One of their campuses is in the town of Toowoomba,which is the town that had the flash flooding go through it,washing away all those cars you probably might have seen on the news.Which is also the campus Dr. Brad Carter is based.

    So,it's a little ironic that he predicts a supernova happening in another part of the galaxy,but doesn't see the flood coming in his own backyard.-)

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Daz – that very article is cited at the end of the post. Who knows if it actually will happen? it sure would be weird!

  3. Brizdaz says:

    Talking about Beetlejuice,I was alerted to this article by a friend in Mexico,who posts under the name "Red Pill Junkie"

    Earth 'to get second sun' as supernova turns night into day

    Read more:

    I don't know how true it is,but who knows?

  4. Sansego says:

    On Coast to Coast AM this past week, they had mentioned that when Spielberg had a special White House screening for his film "E.T.", Reagan had supposedly leaned over to Spielberg and told him that he had no idea how true his movie really is and that only five people knew about it. The host of Coast to Coast couldn't get a confirmation on the rumour, but it was supposedly told by someone who was in the room with Spielberg. Spielberg refuses to talk about it.

    wv: skarrem (scare 'em?)

  5. Natalie says:

    Yes, I am sure of it. While reading an afterlife book …George Ritchie I think, he said that there are specialist groups whose job it is to inspire us down here.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego – I'd totally forgotten about that! Cj definitely tuned into something. I've often wondered if Hollywood is inhabited mostly by clairvoyants who tap into something through their creativity.

  7. 3322mathaddict says:

    Sansego, I'll have to see if I can find a copy of that Star Wars film! I never saw it, oddly enough. When I think about that regression, sometimes it disturbs me because of the reptilian ETs. But, I wasn't reptilian. I was insectile, and apparently quite intelligent. But I looked like a very tall, thin, red-colored wasp, sort of, and I had a couple of antennae on my head and round bulging eyes. My face was insectoid, and I had four appendages that appeared to be some sort of arms and legs. I was standing upright, and the landscape was extremely clear as well: just rolling hills and plains of dry reddish soil, nothing else. Doc had hypnotically programmed the group to remember everything that we experienced, and I've always remembered it in vivid detail.) I truly am convinced that at least Spielberg and Lucas are definitely clairvoyant and that their works are inspired. I'm sure there are others; possibly Ron Howard. I think some of Stephen King's excellent material such as The Green Mile is also inspired. (I recently finished reading a King novel that is 1,072 pages in length and it was amazing. The title is UNDER THE DOME.) Both of our author-hosts on this blog are without a doubt clairvoyant and inspired. Thank goodness for all these folks who bring us the results of their inspiration!

  8. Sansego says:

    CJ's description of insectlike beings on a reddish planet brought to mind the film "Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones." The villains were insectlike beings that lived on a reddish planet. Weird.

    Does anyone else think the word "Betelgeuse" is interesting? That's the name of the character in the 1988 film "Beetlejuice." And the two suns image is most memorable in the original "Star Wars" film. Maybe Hollywood has a bunch of clairvoyents and they create these movies to prep us for potential future outcomes.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    nat, Vicki, barbara – maybe this twin sun is an emerging archetype?

    Hope you feel better, Vicki, and everyone else with planetary symptoms!

  10. Barbara Martin says:

    An extremely interesing post considering that in late October of last year I saw "twin suns" almost every day for a week in the morning complete with a reddish sunrise. And for several weeks later saw the sun at a different location than it usually is during the morning, afternoon or evening. Perhaps our future is coming faster than we think.

    As an aside, we have incarnations in what we would term the future.

  11. Vicki D. says:

    Years ago as I was driving I had a vision.
    I was looking out over a landscape of red sandy earth and above the horizon were two suns. It was so beautiful.
    I pulled my car off to the side of the road hoping to hold onto the vision.
    Another car honked and ended the vision. I've never forgotten it, and saw it so clearly.

    This past Tuesday my vertigo and nausea really kicked in, I ignored it partly because I have issues but also because Im being checked out for Cushings Disease and Hypothyroidism and you can have that with those, BUT I remember thinking "whoa what's going on?"

    This winter has been tough for me. This morning I didn't want to get out of bed and my tinnitus has been terrible!

  12. Natalie says:

    Wonderful post, Trish. I think it even more special because it was your Dad.

    I saw the same vision as someone during a Reiki attunement. Does that count?

    check out the wv =tunsess


  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    For those of you interested in real-life time travel stories, listen to Whitley Streiber's Dreamland radio show tomorrow (Sat.). Bruce Gernon, my co-author of THE FOG, was interviewed by Whitley and Starfire Tor. Bruce's experience flying in the Bermuda Triangle are at the heart of the book and featured on the radio show.
    – Rob

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok, i'm going with cole: HOW COOL!!! incredible story, trish – super incredible and beautiful – and you know how much i LOVE the sun[s] part! one of my favorite type days are those when the moon is visible at the same time as the sun – but, gee, two suns, incredible!!! very neat stories all the way around from everyone – now off to TWO SUNS – thanks for link –

    oh, and i left a couple of comments at your previous post –

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the links, Mike. I always have trouble interpreting nostradamus, but the reference to double suns is astonishing.

    Rosaria – you had a twin sun synchro!

    nancy – i like the multiverse idea!

  16. rosaria says:

    I woke up this morning with twin suns; yes!
    My bedroom window looks out on the ocean where crab boats work all night at this time of the year. So, two crab boats, quite close, projected enough light to wake me, and still sleepy, I thought I saw two suns there.

    Now, I come here and this is the TOPIC!

  17. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    I came across this:

    (Nostradamus) C2, Q41
    The great star will burn for seven days,
    The cloud will make the sun appear double:
    The large mastiff will howl all night
    When the great pontiff changes his abode

    Not sure how this interprets though.

    I also came across the website Two Suns. Seems the guy has been collecting dreams and info about Two Suns.

    Loved the story of you and your dad, so magical. What a lovely experience to share,

  18. 3322mathaddict says:

    We have to chuckle, Nancy! Sometimes I wonder if any of us have a clue what's really going on!
    Regarding the supernova, my understanding is that when a far distant one occurs, it takes scadoodles of light years for earth to realize that it has happened. The closer stars and planets, not so long, of course. We view them with the satellites and telescopes. But the idea of two suns is fascinating, Trish. I would speculate that there are worlds (stars, planets, whatever) in the multiverse, as well as other dimensions, that do have two suns, or more than two suns, just as some planets have more than one moon. Again, if my understanding approaches comprehension, perhaps, as Nancy surmised and as many surmise, everything is parallel because Time as we recognize it does not exist. Convoluted universe(s). And entangled.

  19. Nancy says:

    This is fascinating. Some things that I've been reading lately go into time and how Einstein viewed time as something that stretches and bows – maybe this was something that has to do with a time (wooden wheels) in the muliuniverse. Maybe we are living everything at once, and you and your Dad connected in another dimension. Or maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about! LOL

    wv – pradt – prattle?

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Cole – what a great story about your second sun sighting! And yes, everything in Esperanza is made up!

    Cj – now THAT is one weird regression. Interesting, too, that a stranger saw the same thing.

  21. 3322mathaddict says:

    This comment is going to sound far-fetched, but I'll share it nonetheless. It's relative to the portion of your post where you and your Dad experienced the same scene during your regression. It happened many years ago, during my first past-life regression which was facilitated by a close friend who holds a doctorate in clincal hypnosis, and it was a group regression. About fifty folks involved. I'm somnambulistic: sink profoundly into trance. I saw myself, and it was definitely me, as some sort of insectile body, reddish, looked similar to a wasp, with a tall, segmented body, and was intelligent. The terrain I was in was also red and very dry, with hills and valleys, no green, no growing things. Just red-brown soil. While there, Doc gave us the suggestion to "take a very deep breath". When I did that, I came crashing out of trance, as did another person in the group. I had no lungs! The other person had had EXACTLY the same experience I'd had, looked the same as I had, in the same terrain as I'd been. Was this just some kind of telepathic sharing between us, or was she and I back in some other place we'd both been, on a different planet or in a different dimension? Was it past or future? I have no idea, nor did she. But it was quite an experience, and I've always wondered about where it was, when it was, and the appearance of my physical form, and the fact that a perfect stranger had exactly the same experience simultaneously with me. Check out this WV: "doodes" dudes??

  22. Deep Thinker says:

    Wow. Interesting. 🙂

  23. Cole says:

    Excuse my typos, I haven't had my morning coffee yet. Have a great day.

  24. Cole says:

    Ok not the most intelligent response to this, but "HOW COOL!" I have a strange feeling this one might just happen relatively soon, for us to all see. I once was going through a difficult time and had asked for a bit of a sign to reassure me that things would turn out ok, I was driving at the time. As I drove around the bend of a road I saw the sun so brightly and being winter it made everything sparkle so beautifully. But suddenly I saw something to the right of the sun, which looked like another sun, it was bright and not entirely round either, but its rays were streaked out in all two directions up and across. I know it wasn't another sun, but it made me really look, more like stare for several minutes and at the stop light I rolled down my window and took a picture of it with my cell phone. I showed everyone but know one knows what it was that I saw. Some type of reflection, to which I say off of what?

    Now I wonder if it was what they call a sundog, but I am not sure. Either way there is a love for the sun and the idea of two seems so otherworldly fantastical. (I took the sighting of whatever as a positive answer to my question.)

    I would hold on to that memory too, especially since your father saw it as well, it must be significant.

    Sidenote: Picked up Esperanza 2 days ago, finally! I usually don't read scary books, because, well, I get scared. LOL. But I am enjoying it very much, I have a real visual story going on in my mind from your descriptions. Every time I get spooked I just tell myself, Trish made this up and I am fine. LOL

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