Category Archives: chile

Reindeer Woman

This story comes from d page, whose synchronicities we have posted several times before. Her blog,  Mythic Musings, is richly textured with detail and the psychic experiences she writes about always have deep, mythic levels to them. This story, which … Continue reading

Posted in catastrophes, chile, collective unconscious, d page, deer, dreams, planetary empaths, sumatra | 15 Comments

The Caleuche and Tales of Sorcery, Part 3

 Here’s the last segment of our ghost ship tale. Remember that islanders believe the crew members are brujos, or sorcerers, capable of coming ashore and abducting villagers. They also make pacts with islanders, usually involving a payment of gold. We’ll … Continue reading

Posted in brujos, caleuche, chile, myths, travel | 10 Comments

The Caleuche, Part 2

 Homes on stilts – known as palofitos On March 3, we posted Part 1 of the Caleuche story – the ghost ship that allegedly sails the waters around Chiloe, an island off the coast of Chile.  So let’s pick up … Continue reading

Posted in caleuche, chile, ghost ships, travel | 14 Comments

The Caleuche: The Ghost Ship of Chiloe

 It was a synchronicity that led us to the island of Chiloe, Chile, and the legend of ghost ship Caleuche. We first heard about the ghost ship on a flight from Miami to Santiago, in July 1983. We were on … Continue reading

Posted in chile, ghost ships, travel | 14 Comments

The 8.8 Quake in Chile

This morning, in the window of a ‘super moon,’ an 8.8 earthquake hit Chile. That magnitude is nearly 1,000 times more powerful than the earthquake in Haiti last month. This quake triggered tsunami warnings that threaten a quarter of the … Continue reading

Posted in chile, earthquake, tsunami | 5 Comments