The 8.8 Quake in Chile

This morning, in the window of a ‘super moon,’ an 8.8 earthquake hit Chile. That magnitude is nearly 1,000 times more powerful than the earthquake in Haiti last month. This quake triggered tsunami warnings that threaten a quarter of the globe. The first wave in Hawaii is expected at 11:05 Hawaii time. Follow live here. This link also has live twitter updates.

(A super moon is a full moon that exerts more intense than usual tidal pulls on the Earth.)

For tsunami updates for other areas: here. 

More excellent links for information.

In early January, we posted an update on the mysterious disappearance of the sea lions from Pier 39 in San Francisco. Some of the sea lions reportedly were spotted in the sea lion caves in Oregon.  Did animals in the affected areas in Chile know beforehand?

The following comment appeared early this morning on the sea lion post mentioned above. Apparently, the sea lions recently abandoned the sea lion caves in Oregon.

“Apparently there are some signs that the sea lions may be returning to Pier 39 in San Francisco. Also, the thousands of sea lion guests crowding Sea Lion Caves in Oregon have suddenly left. (The thinking was that part of that gathering was from San Francisco.)

More info on the sea lions appears here.

Gypsy also reported a dream recently that might’ve been a forewarning of events today. More on that later.

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5 Responses to The 8.8 Quake in Chile

  1. Vanessa says:

    I wonder if the killing at SeaWorld had anything to do with the Super Moon and/or the pre-shocks of the quake, as in, maybe the whale was agitated?

    Also, is our world falling apart or what? With the recession, the quakes, and Snowmageddon being "upgraded" to Snowpocalypse, I'm almost afraid to watch the news.

    word verif.: palyst (apocalypse?)

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    a day of turmoil for so many in so many different places – great informative post today – i'd not heard anything about the sea lions – extraordinary! – can't wait to read more about them! – and about the super moon – i did notice the moon about 3am here [eastern time] and it was beautiful – just peering out between clouds and a huge halo round it –

  3. Toumai says:

    It's horrible for the people who live under that kind of fear.

    I must say though, I was expecting it. Given the stats of the last decade, we can expect over the course of the year, an average of 2-3 major earthquakes a MONTH!! I was hoping that we had peaked in the cycle… but its not looking very good.

    Here is where we need to concentrate our energies. For the past 10 years I've heard the warning bells ring. For the past 10 years I've considered what needs to be done because I can't stand the thought of knowing what's coming around the corner and not doing anything about it.

    We need to be proactive. My ideas have been scoffed and ridiculed, but I am quite sure that I've gotten it straight– the
    new home construction that I propose (it is simple and rough), but it WILL PROVIDE THE HELP WE NEED!!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    She sent me the dream on Feb 2. I've got to go through gmail to find it!

  5. Nancy says:

    All I can say is wow. Thanks for the sites – I'm tuning in now. As for Gypsy, I can't wait to hear the details.

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